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Psalms 119:128 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 119:128 / KJV
128. Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.
Psalms 119:128 / ASV
128. Therefore I esteem all [thy] precepts concerning all [things] to be right; [And] I hate every false way. PE.
Psalms 119:128 / BasicEnglish
128. Because of it I keep straight in all things by your orders; and I am a hater of every false way.
Psalms 119:128 / Darby
128. Therefore I regard all [thy] precepts concerning all things to be right: I hate every false path.
Psalms 119:128 / Webster
128. Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.
Psalms 119:128 / Young
128. Therefore all my appointments I have declared wholly right, Every path of falsehood I have hated!

German Bible Translations

Psalm 119:128 / Luther
128. Darum halte ich stracks alle deine Befehle; ich hasse allen falschen Weg.
Psalm 119:128 / Schlachter
128. darum lobe ich mir alle deine Gebote und hasse jeden trügerischen Pfad.

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 119:128 / Segond21
128. voilà pourquoi je trouve justes tous tes décrets et je déteste toute voie de mensonge.
Psaumes 119:128 / NEG1979
128. C’est pourquoi je trouve justes toutes tes ordonnances,Je hais toute voie de mensonge.
Psaumes 119:128 / Segond
128. C'est pourquoi je trouve justes toutes tes ordonnances, Je hais toute voie de mensonge.
Psaumes 119:128 / Darby_Fr
128. C'est pourquoi j'estime droits tous tes préceptes, à l'égard de toutes choses; je hais toute voie de mensonge.
Psaumes 119:128 / Martin
128. C'est pourquoi j'ai estimé droits tous les commandements que tu donnes de toutes choses, [et] j'ai eu en haine toute voie de mensonge.
Psaumes 119:128 / Ostervald
128. C'est pourquoi j'estime droits tous tes commandements, et je hais toute voie de mensonge.

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 119 / KJV_Strong
128. Therefore[H5921] [H3651] I esteem all[H3605] thy precepts[H6490] concerning all[H3605] things to be right;[H3474] and I hate[H8130] every[H3605] false[H8267] way.[H734]

Strong Code definitions

H5921 `al al properly, the same as H5920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow):--above, accordingto(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, X with.see H5920

H3651 ken kane from H3559; properly, set upright; hence (figuratively as adjective) just; but usually (as adverb or conjunction) rightly or so (in various applications to manner, time and relation; often with other particles):--+ after that(this, -ward, -wards), as ... as, + (for-)asmuch as yet, + be (for which) cause, + following, howbeit, in (the) like (manner, -wise), X the more, right, (even) so, state, straightway, such (thing), surely, + there (where)-fore, this, thus, true, well, X you.see H3559

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H6490 piqquwd pik-kood' or piqqud {pik-kood'}; from H6485; properly, appointed, i.e. a mandate (of God; plural only, collectively, for theLaw):--commandment, precept, statute. see H6485

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H3474 yashar yaw-shar' a primitive root; to be straight or even; figuratively, to be (causatively, to make) right, pleasant, prosperous:--direct, fit, seem good (meet), + please (will), be (esteem, go) right (on), bring (look, make, take the) straight (way), be upright(-ly).

H8130 sane' saw-nay' a primitive root; to hate (personally):--enemy, foe, (be) hate(-ful, -r), odious, X utterly.

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H8267 sheqer sheh'-ker adverbial):--without a cause, deceit(-ful),false(-hood, -ly), feignedly, liar, + lie, lying, vain (thing), wrongfully.see H8266

H734 'orach o'-rakh from H732; a well-trodden road (literally or figuratively); also a caravan:--manner, path, race, rank, traveller, troop, (by-, high-)way.see H732

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