Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Psalms 121:1 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 121:1 / KJV
1. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Psalms 121:1 / ASV
1. A Song of Ascents. I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come?
Psalms 121:1 / BasicEnglish
1. <A Song of the going up.> My eyes are lifted up to the hills: O where will my help come from?
Psalms 121:1 / Darby
1. {A Song of degrees.} I lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: whence shall my help come?
Psalms 121:1 / Webster
1. A Song of degrees. I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Psalms 121:1 / Young
1. A Song of the Ascents. I lift up mine eyes unto the hills, Whence doth my help come?

German Bible Translations

Psalm 121:1 / Luther
1. Ein Lied im höhern Chor. Ich hebe meine Augen auf zu den Bergen von welchen mir Hilfe kommt.
Psalm 121:1 / Schlachter
1. Ein Wallfahrtslied. Ich hebe meine Augen auf zu den Bergen: Woher kommt mir Hilfe?

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 121:1 / Segond21
1. Chant des montées. Je lève mes yeux vers les montagnes: d'où me viendra le secours?
Psaumes 121:1 / NEG1979
1. Cantique des degrés.Je lève mes yeux vers les montagnes…D’où me viendra le secours?
Psaumes 121:1 / Segond
1. Cantique des degrés. Je lève mes yeux vers les montagnes... D'où me viendra le secours?
Psaumes 121:1 / Darby_Fr
1. J'élève mes yeux vers les montagnes d'où me vient mon secours;
Psaumes 121:1 / Martin
1. Cantique de Mahaloth. J'élève mes yeux vers les montagnes, d'où me viendra le secours.
Psaumes 121:1 / Ostervald
1. Cantique de Maaloth. J'élève mes yeux vers les montagnes d'où me viendra le secours.

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 121 / KJV_Strong
1. A Song[H7892] of degrees.[H4609] I will lift up[H5375] mine eyes[H5869] unto[H413] the hills,[H2022] from whence[H4480] [H370] cometh[H935] my help.[H5828]

Strong Code definitions

H7892 shiyr sheer or feminine shiyrah {shee-raw'}; from H7891; a song; abstractly, singing:--musical(-ick), X sing(-er, -ing), song. see H7891

H4609 ma`alah mah-al-aw' feminine of H4608; elevation, i.e. the act (literally, a journey to a higher place, figuratively, a thought arising), or (concretely) the condition (literally, a step orgrade-mark, figuratively, a superiority of station); specifically a climactic progression (in certainPsalms):--things that come up, (high) degree, deal, go up, stair, step, story. see H4608

H5375 nasa' naw-saw' or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 (7)) {naw-saw'}; a primitive root; to lift, in a great variety of applications, literal and figurative, absol. and rel. (as follows):--accept, advance, arise, (able to, (armor), suffer to) bear(-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, contain, desire, ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give, go on, help, high, hold up, honorable (+ man), lade, lay, lift (self) up, lofty, marry, magnify, X needs, obtain, pardon, raise (up), receive, regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, + swear, take (away, up), X utterly, wear, yield. see H4see H6 see H7

H5869 `ayin ah'-yin probably a primitive word; an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye of the landscape):--affliction, outward appearance, + before, + think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye((-brow), (-d), -sight), face, + favour, fountain, furrow (from the margin), X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H2022 har har a shortened form of H2042; a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used figuratively):--hill (country), mount(-ain), X promotion.see H2042

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H370 'aiyn ah-yin' probably identical with 369 in the sense of query (compare 336); --where? (only in connection with prepositional prefix, whence):--whence, where.see H369 see H336

H935 bow' bo a primitive root; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications):--abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), befallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed, (in-)vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken (in age), X surely, take (in), way.

H5828 `ezer ay'-zer from H5826; aid:--help. see H5826

Prédications où le verset / chapitre de la Bible sont analysés

Le Psaume des Voyageurs – Psaume 121

Related Sermons discussing this verse or the Bible chapter Psalms 121

see also: Bible Key Verses