Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Psalms 103:5 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 103:5 / KJV
5. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Psalms 103:5 / ASV
5. Who satisfieth thy desire with good things, [So that] thy youth is renewed like the eagle.
Psalms 103:5 / BasicEnglish
5. He makes your mouth full of good things, so that your strength is made new again like the eagle's.
Psalms 103:5 / Darby
5. Who satisfieth thine old age with good [things]; thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Psalms 103:5 / Webster
5. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Psalms 103:5 / Young
5. Who is satisfying with good thy desire, Renew itself as an eagle doth thy youth.

German Bible Translations

Psalm 103:5 / Luther
5. der deinen Mund fröhlich macht, und du wieder jung wirst wie ein Adler.
Psalm 103:5 / Schlachter
5. der dein Alter mit Gutem sättigt, daß du wieder jung wirst wie ein Adler.

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 103:5 / Segond21
5. C'est lui qui rassasie de biens ta vieillesse, qui te fait rajeunir comme l'aigle.
Psaumes 103:5 / NEG1979
5. C’est lui qui rassasie de biens ta vieillesse,Qui te fait rajeunir comme l’aigle.
Psaumes 103:5 / Segond
5. C'est lui qui rassasie de biens ta vieillesse, Qui te fait rajeunir comme l'aigle.
Psaumes 103:5 / Darby_Fr
5. Qui rassasie de biens ta vieillesse; ta jeunesse se renouvelle comme celle le l'aigle.
Psaumes 103:5 / Martin
5. Qui rassasie ta bouche de biens; ta jeunesse est renouvelée comme celle de l'aigle.
Psaumes 103:5 / Ostervald
5. Qui rassasie ta bouche de biens, tellement que ta jeunesse est renouvelée comme celle de l'aigle.

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 103 / KJV_Strong
5. Who satisfieth[H7646] thy mouth[H5716] with good[H2896] things; so that thy youth[H5271] is renewed[H2318] like the eagle's.[H5404]

Strong Code definitions

H7646 saba` saw-bah' or sabeay {saw-bay'-ah}; a primitive root; to sate, i.e. fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively):--have enough, fill (full, self, with), be (to the) full (of), have plentyof, be satiate, satisfy (with), suffice, be weary of.

H5716 `adiy ad-ee' from H5710 in the sense of trappings; finery; generally an outfit; specifically, a headstall:--X excellent, mouth, ornament.see H5710

H2896 towb tobe from H2895; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense; used likewise as a noun, both in the masculine and the feminine, the singular and the plural (good, a good or good thing, agood man or woman; the good, goods or good things, good men or women), also as an adverb (well):--beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour,fine, glad, good (deed, -lier, -liest, -ly, -ness, -s), graciously, joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best), loving, merry, X most, pleasant, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious, prosperity, ready, sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well((-favoured)). see H2895

H5271 na`uwr naw-oor' or naur {naw-oor'}; and (feminine) nturah {neh- oo-raw'}; properly, passive participle from H5288 as denominative; (only in plural collectively or emphatic form) youth, the state (juvenility) or the persons (young people):--childhood,youth.see H5288

H2318 chadash khaw-dash' a primitive root; to be new; causatively, to rebuild:--renew, repair.

H5404 nesher neh'-sher from an unused root meaning to lacerate; the eagle (or other large bird of prey):--eagle.

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