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Psalms 45:13 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 45:13 / KJV
13. The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
Psalms 45:13 / ASV
13. The king's daughter within [the palace] is all glorious: Her clothing is inwrought with gold.
Psalms 45:13 / BasicEnglish
13. In the great house the king's daughter is all shining: her clothing is worked with gold.
Psalms 45:13 / Darby
13. All glorious is the king's daughter within; her clothing is of wrought gold:
Psalms 45:13 / Webster
13. The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.
Psalms 45:13 / Young
13. All glory [is] the daughter of the king within, Of gold-embroidered work [is] her clothing.

German Bible Translations

Psalm 45:13 / Luther
13. Des Königs Tochter drinnen ist ganz herrlich; sie ist mit goldenen Gewändern gekleidet.
Psalm 45:13 / Schlachter
13. (H45-14) Ganz herrlich ist die Königstochter drinnen, von gewirktem Gold ist ihr Gewand.

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 45:13 / Segond21
13. Avec des offrandes, les habitants de Tyr et les plus riches du peuple rechercheront ta faveur.
Psaumes 45:13 / NEG1979
13. Et, avec des présents, la fille de Tyr,Les plus riches du peuple rechercheront ta faveur.
Psaumes 45:13 / Segond
13. Toute resplendissante est la fille du roi dans l'intérieur du palais; Elle porte un vêtement tissu d'or.
Psaumes 45:13 / Darby_Fr
13. La fille du roi est tout gloire, dans l'intérieur du palais; son vêtement est de broderies d'or.
Psaumes 45:13 / Martin
13. La fille du Roi est intérieurement toute pleine de gloire; son vêtement est semé d'enchâssures d'or.
Psaumes 45:13 / Ostervald
13. La fille de Tyr avec des présents et les plus riches du peuple viendront te rendre hommage.

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 45 / KJV_Strong
13. The king's[H4428] daughter[H1323] is all[H3605] glorious[H3520] within:[H6441] her clothing[H3830] is of wrought[H4480] [H4865] gold.[H2091]

Strong Code definitions

H4428 melek meh'-lek from H4427; a king:--king, royal. see H4427

H1323 bath bath from H1129 (as feminine of H1121); a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of relationship, literally and figuratively):--apple (of the eye), branch, company, daughter, X first, X old, + owl, town, village.see H1129 see H1121

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H3520 kbuwddah keb-ood-daw' irreg. feminine passive participle of H3513; weightiness, i.e. magnificence, wealth:--carriage, all glorious, stately.see H3513

H6441 pniymah pen-ee'-maw from H6440 with directive enclitic; faceward, i.e. indoors:--(with-)in(-ner part, -ward).see H6440

H3830 lbuwsh leb-oosh' or lbush {leb-oosh'}; from H3847; a garment (literally or figuratively); by implication (euphem.) a wife:--apparel, clothed with, clothing, garment, raiment, vestment, vesture. see H3847

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H4865 mishbtsah mish-bets-aw' from H7660; a brocade; by analogy, a (reticulated) setting of a gem:--ouch, wrought.see H7660

H2091 zahab zaw-hawb' from an unused root meaning to shimmer; gold, figuratively, something gold-colored (i.e. yellow), as oil, a clear sky:-- gold(-en), fair weather.

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