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Psalms 84:7 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 84:7 / KJV
7. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.
Psalms 84:7 / ASV
7. They go from strength to strength; Every one of them appeareth before God in Zion.
Psalms 84:7 / BasicEnglish
7. They go from strength to strength; every one of them comes before God in Zion.
Psalms 84:7 / Darby
7. They go from strength to strength: [each one] will appear before God in Zion.
Psalms 84:7 / Webster
7. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.
Psalms 84:7 / Young
7. They go from strength unto strength, He appeareth unto God in Zion.

German Bible Translations

Psalm 84:7 / Luther
7. Sie erhalten einen Sieg nach dem andern, daß man sehen muß, der rechte Gott sei zu Zion.
Psalm 84:7 / Schlachter
7. (H84-8) Sie schreiten von Kraft zu Kraft, erscheinen vor Gott in Zion.

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 84:7 / Segond21
7. Lorsqu'ils traversent la vallée des pleurs, ils la transforment en un lieu plein de sources, et la pluie la couvre aussi de bénédictions.
Psaumes 84:7 / NEG1979
7. Lorsqu’ils traversent la vallée de Baca,Ils la transforment en un lieu plein de sources,Et la pluie la couvre aussi de bénédictions.
Psaumes 84:7 / Segond
7. Leur force augmente pendant la marche, Et ils se présentent devant Dieu à Sion.
Psaumes 84:7 / Darby_Fr
7. Ils marchent de force en force, ils paraissent devant Dieu en Sion.
Psaumes 84:7 / Martin
7. Ils marchent avec force pour se présenter devant Dieu en Sion.
Psaumes 84:7 / Ostervald
7. Passant par la vallée de Baca (Larmes), ils en font une source vive; et la pluie d'automne la couvre de biens.

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 84 / KJV_Strong
7. They go[H1980] from strength[H4480] [H2428] to[H413] strength,[H2428] every one of them in Zion[H6726] appeareth[H7200] before[H413] God.[H430]

Strong Code definitions

H1980 halak haw-lak' akin to H3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):--(all) along,apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad,on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, X be weak, whirl.see H3212

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H2428 chayil khah'-yil from H2342; probably a force, whether of men, means or other resources; an army, wealth, virtue, valor, strength:--able, activity, (+) army, band of men (soldiers), company, (great) forces, goods, host, might, power, riches, strength, strong, substance, train, (+)valiant(-ly), valour, virtuous(-ly), war, worthy(-ily).

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H2428 chayil khah'-yil from H2342; probably a force, whether of men, means or other resources; an army, wealth, virtue, valor, strength:--able, activity, (+) army, band of men (soldiers), company, (great) forces, goods, host, might, power, riches, strength, strong, substance, train, (+)valiant(-ly), valour, virtuous(-ly), war, worthy(-ily).

H6726 Tsiyown tsee-yone' the same (regularly) as H6725; Tsijon (as a permanent capital), a mountain of Jerusalem:--Zion.see H6725

H7200 ra'ah raw-aw' a primitive root; to see, literally or figuratively (in numerous applications, direct and implied, transitive, intransitive and causative):--advise self, appear, approve, behold, X certainly, consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, X indeed, X joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one upon another, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive, present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another), shew (self), X sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X think, view, visions.

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H430 'elohiym el-o-heem' plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:--angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.see H433

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