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Psalms 32:5 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 32:5 / KJV
5. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.
Psalms 32:5 / ASV
5. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, And mine iniquity did I not hide: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto Jehovah; And thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah
Psalms 32:5 / BasicEnglish
5. I made my wrongdoing clear to you, and did not keep back my sin. I said, I will put it all before the Lord; and you took away my wrongdoing and my sin. (Selah.)
Psalms 32:5 / Darby
5. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity I covered not; I said, I will confess my transgressions unto Jehovah, and *thou* forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.
Psalms 32:5 / Webster
5. I acknowledged my sin to thee, and my iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.
Psalms 32:5 / Young
5. My sin I cause Thee to know, And mine iniquity I have not covered. I have said, `I confess concerning My transgressions to Jehovah,' And Thou -- Thou hast taken away, The iniquity of my sin. Selah.

German Bible Translations

Psalm 32:5 / Luther
5. Darum bekannte ich dir meine Sünde und verhehlte meine Missetat nicht. Ich sprach: Ich will dem HERRN meine Übertretungen bekennen. Da vergabst du mir die Missetat meiner Sünde. (Sela.)
Psalm 32:5 / Schlachter
5. Da bekannte ich dir meine Sünde und verhehlte meine Missetat nicht; ich sprach: «Ich will dem HERRN meine Übertretung bekennen!» Da vergabst du mir meine Sündenschuld! (Pause.)

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 32:5 / Segond21
5. Je t'ai fait connaître mon péché, je n'ai pas caché ma faute. J'ai dit: «J'avouerai mes transgressions à l'Eternel», et tu as pardonné mon péché.            – Pause.
Psaumes 32:5 / NEG1979
5. Je t’ai fait connaître mon péché, je n’ai pas caché mon iniquité;J’ai dit: J’avouerai mes transgressions à l’Eternel!Et tu as effacé la peine de mon péché. – Pause.
Psaumes 32:5 / Segond
5. Je t'ai fait connaître mon péché, je n'ai pas caché mon iniquité; J'ai dit: J'avouerai mes transgressions à l'Eternel! Et tu as effacé la peine de mon péché. -Pause.
Psaumes 32:5 / Darby_Fr
5. Je t'ai fait connaître mon péché, et je n'ai pas couvert mon iniquité; j'ai dit: Je confesserai mes transgressions à l'Éternel; et toi, tu as pardonné l'iniquité de mon péché. Sélah.
Psaumes 32:5 / Martin
5. Je t'ai fait connaître mon péché, et je n'ai point caché mon iniquité. J'ai dit : Je ferai confession de mes transgressions à l'Eternel; et tu as ôté la peine de mon péché. Sélah.
Psaumes 32:5 / Ostervald
5. Je t'ai fait connaître mon péché, et je ne t'ai point caché mon iniquité. J'ai dit: Je confesserai mes transgressions à l'Éternel; et tu as ôté la peine de mon péché. (Sélah.)

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 32 / KJV_Strong
5. I acknowledged[H3045] my sin[H2403] unto thee, and mine iniquity[H5771] have I not[H3808] hid.[H3680] I said,[H559] I will confess[H3034] my transgressions[H5921] [H6588] unto the LORD;[H3068] and thou[H859] forgavest[H5375] the iniquity[H5771] of my sin.[H2403] Selah.[H5542]

Strong Code definitions

H3045 yada` yaw-dah' a primitive root; to know (properly, to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically and inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and causatively, instruction, designation,punishment, etc.) (as follow):--acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with), advise, answer, appoint, assuredly, be aware,(un-)awares, can(-not), certainly, comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning, declare, be diligent, (can, cause to) discern, discover, endued with, familiar friend, famous, feel, can have, be (ig-)norant, instruct, kinsfolk, kinsman, (causeto let, make) know, (come to give, have, take) knowledge, have (knowledge), (be, make, make to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive, privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect, skilful, shew, can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell,understand, have (understanding), X will be, wist, wit, wot.

H2403 chatta'ah khat-taw-aw' or chattacth {khat-tawth'}; from H2398; an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness), and its penalty, occasion, sacrifice, or expiation; also (concretely) an offender:--punishment (of sin), purifying(-fication for sin), sin(-ner, offering).see H2398

H5771 `avon aw-vone' or oavown (2 Kings 7:9; Psalm 51:5 (7)) {aw-vone'}; from H5753; perversity, i.e. (moral) evil:--fault, iniquity, mischeif, punishment (of iniquity), sin.see H7 see H5753

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H3680 kacah kaw-saw' a primitive root; properly, to plump, i.e. fill up hollows; by implication, to cover (for clothing or secrecy):--clad self, close, clothe, conceal, cover (self), (flee to) hide, overwhelm. Compare 3780.see H3780

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H3034 yadah yaw-daw' a primitive root; used only as denominative from H3027; literally, to use (i.e. hold out) the hand; physically, tothrow (a stone, an arrow) at or away; especially to revere or worship (with extended hands); intensively, to bemoan (by wringing the hands):--cast (out), (make) confess(-ion), praise, shoot, (give) thank(-ful, -s, -sgiving).see H3027

H5921 `al al properly, the same as H5920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow):--above, accordingto(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, X with.see H5920

H6588 pesha` peh'-shah from H6586; a revolt (national, moral or religious):--rebellion, sin, transgression, trespass. see H6586

H3068 Yhovah yeh-ho-vaw' from H1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:--Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069. see H3050 see H3069

H859 'attah at-taw' or (shortened); aatta {at-taw'}; or wath {ath}; feminine (irregular) sometimes nattiy {at-tee'}; plural masculine attem{at- tem'}; feminine atten {at-ten'}; or oattenah{at-tay'naw}; or fattennah {at-tane'-naw}; a primitive pronoun of the second person; thou and thee, or (plural) ye andyou:--thee, thou, ye, you.

H5375 nasa' naw-saw' or nacah (Psalm 4 : 6 (7)) {naw-saw'}; a primitive root; to lift, in a great variety of applications, literal and figurative, absol. and rel. (as follows):--accept, advance, arise, (able to, (armor), suffer to) bear(-er, up), bring (forth), burn, carry (away), cast, contain, desire, ease, exact, exalt (self), extol, fetch, forgive, furnish, further, give, go on, help, high, hold up, honorable (+ man), lade, lay, lift (self) up, lofty, marry, magnify, X needs, obtain, pardon, raise (up), receive, regard, respect, set (up), spare, stir up, + swear, take (away, up), X utterly, wear, yield. see H4see H6 see H7

H5771 `avon aw-vone' or oavown (2 Kings 7:9; Psalm 51:5 (7)) {aw-vone'}; from H5753; perversity, i.e. (moral) evil:--fault, iniquity, mischeif, punishment (of iniquity), sin.see H7 see H5753

H2403 chatta'ah khat-taw-aw' or chattacth {khat-tawth'}; from H2398; an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness), and its penalty, occasion, sacrifice, or expiation; also (concretely) an offender:--punishment (of sin), purifying(-fication for sin), sin(-ner, offering).see H2398

H5542 celah seh'-law from H5541; suspension (of music), i.e. pause:--Selah. see H5541

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