Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Psalms 112:5 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Psalms 112:5 / KJV
5. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.
Psalms 112:5 / ASV
5. Well is it with the man that dealeth graciously and lendeth; He shall maintain his cause in judgment.
Psalms 112:5 / BasicEnglish
5. All is well for the man who is kind and gives freely to others; he will make good his cause when he is judged.
Psalms 112:5 / Darby
5. It is well with the man that is gracious and lendeth; he will sustain his cause in judgment.
Psalms 112:5 / Webster
5. A good man showeth favor, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion.
Psalms 112:5 / Young
5. Good [is] the man -- gracious and lending, He sustaineth his matters in judgment.

German Bible Translations

Psalm 112:5 / Luther
5. Wohl dem, der barmherzig ist und gerne leidet und richtet seine Sachen aus, daß er niemand Unrecht tue!
Psalm 112:5 / Schlachter
5. Wohl dem Manne, der barmherzig ist und leiht; er wird sein Recht behaupten im Gericht;

French Bible Translations

Psaumes 112:5 / Segond21
5. Il est bon que l'homme fasse grâce et qu'il prête, qu'il règle ses affaires conformément au droit,
Psaumes 112:5 / NEG1979
5. Heureux l’homme qui exerce la miséricorde et qui prête.Qui règle ses actions d’après la justice!
Psaumes 112:5 / Segond
5. Heureux l'homme qui exerce la miséricorde et qui prête. Qui règle ses actions d'après la justice.
Psaumes 112:5 / Darby_Fr
5. Heureux l'homme qui use de grâce, et qui prête! Il maintiendra sa cause dans le jugement;
Psaumes 112:5 / Martin
5. [Teth.] L'homme de bien fait des aumônes, et prête; [Jod.] Il dispense ses affaires avec droiture.
Psaumes 112:5 / Ostervald
5. Heureux l'homme qui est compatissant et qui prête; qui règle ses actions selon la justice!

Versions with Strong Codes

Psalms 112 / KJV_Strong
5. A good[H2896] man[H376] showeth favor,[H2603] and lendeth:[H3867] he will guide[H3557] his affairs[H1697] with discretion.[H4941]

Strong Code definitions

H2896 towb tobe from H2895; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense; used likewise as a noun, both in the masculine and the feminine, the singular and the plural (good, a good or good thing, agood man or woman; the good, goods or good things, good men or women), also as an adverb (well):--beautiful, best, better, bountiful, cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour,fine, glad, good (deed, -lier, -liest, -ly, -ness, -s), graciously, joyful, kindly, kindness, liketh (best), loving, merry, X most, pleasant, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious, prosperity, ready, sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well((-favoured)). see H2895

H376 'iysh eesh contracted for H582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant); a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed intranslation):--also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-,husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.see H582 see H802

H2603 chanan khaw-nan' a primitive root (compare 2583); properly, to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; to favor, bestow; causatively to implore (i.e. move to favor by petition):--beseech, X fair, (be, find, shew) favour(-able), be (deal, give, grant (gracious(-ly), intreat, (be) merciful, have (shew) mercy (on, upon), have pity upon, pray, make supplication, X very.see H2583

H3867 lavah law-vaw' a primitive root; properly, to twine, i.e. (by implication)to unite, to remain; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (caus.) to lend:--abide with, borrow(-er), cleave, join (self), lend(-er).

H3557 kuwl kool a primitive root; properly, to keep in; hence, to measure; figuratively, to maintain (in various senses):--(be able to, can) abide, bear, comprehend, contain, feed, forbearing, guide, hold(-ing in), nourish(-er), be present, make provision, receive, sustain, provide sustenance (victuals).

H1697 dabar daw-baw' from H1696; a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause:--act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern(-ing), + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, +eloquent, errand, (evil favoured-)ness, + glory, + harm, hurt,+ iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, (no) thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some (uncleanness),somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what(-soever), + wherewith, which, word, work.see H1696

H4941 mishpat mish-pawt' from H8199; properly, a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially, especially a sentence or formal decree (human or (participant's) divine law, individual or collective), including the act, the place, the suit, thecrime, and the penalty; abstractly, justice, including a participant's right or privilege (statutory or customary), or even a style:--+ adversary, ceremony, charge, X crime, custom, desert, determination, discretion, disposing, due, fashion, form, to be judged, judgment, just(-ice, -ly), (manner of) law(-ful), manner, measure, (due) order, ordinance, right, sentence, usest, X worthy, + wrong.see H8199

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