Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H4672 : matsa' maw-tsaw'


H4672 matsa' maw-tsaw' a primitive root; properly, to come forth to, i.e. appear or exist; transitively, to attain, i.e. find or acquire; figuratively, to occur, meet or be present:--+ be able, befall, being, catch, X certainly, (cause to) come (on, to, to hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing, occasion, out), get (hold upon), X have (here), be here, hit, be left, light (up-)on, meet (with), X occasion serve, (be) present, ready, speed, suffice, take hold on.

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H4672

M / Genesis 2.20 : And the man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the heavens, and to every beast of the field; but for man there was not found[H4672] a help meet for him.
M / Genesis 4.15 : And Jehovah said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And Jehovah appointed a sign for Cain, lest any finding[H4672] him should smite him.
M / Genesis 6.8 : But Noah found[H4672] favor in the eyes of Jehovah.
M / Genesis 8.9 : but the dove found[H4672] no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him to the ark; for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: and he put forth his hand, and took her, and brought her in unto him into the ark.
M / Genesis 11.2 : And it came to pass, as they journeyed east, that they found[H4672] a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.
M / Genesis 16.7 : And the angel of Jehovah found her[H4672] by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.
M / Genesis 18.3 : and said, My lord, if now I have found[H4672] favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:
M / Genesis 18.26 : And Jehovah said, If I find[H4672] in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sake.
M / Genesis 18.28 : peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, I will not destroy it[H4672], if I find there forty and five.
M / Genesis 18.29 : And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found[H4672] there. And he said, I will not do it for the forty's sake.
M / Genesis 18.30 : And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: peradventure there shall thirty be found[H4672] there. And he said, I will not do it[H4672], if I find thirty there.
M / Genesis 18.31 : And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: peradventure there shall be twenty found[H4672] there. And he said, I will not destroy it for the twenty's sake.
M / Genesis 18.32 : And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: peradventure ten shall be found[H4672] there. And he said, I will not destroy it for the ten's sake.
M / Genesis 19.11 : And they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they wearied themselves to find[H4672] the door.
M / Genesis 19.15 : And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters that are here[H4672], lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.
M / Genesis 19.19 : behold now, thy servant hath found[H4672] favor in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy lovingkindness, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life; and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest evil overtake me, and I die:
M / Genesis 26.12 : And Isaac sowed in that land, and found[H4672] in the same year a hundredfold: and Jehovah blessed him.
M / Genesis 26.19 : And Isaac's servants digged in the valley, and found[H4672] there a well of springing water.
M / Genesis 26.32 : And it came to pass the same day, that Isaac's servants came, and told him concerning the well which they had digged, and said unto him[H4672], We have found water.
M / Genesis 27.20 : And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found[H4672] it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because Jehovah thy God sent me good speed.
M / Genesis 30.14 : And Reuben went in the days of wheat harvest, and found[H4672] mandrakes in the field, and brought them unto his mother Leah. Then Rachel said to Leah, Give me, I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes.
M / Genesis 30.27 : And Laban said unto him[H4672], If now I have found favor in thine eyes, tarry: for I have divined that Jehovah hath blessed me for thy sake.
M / Genesis 31.32 : With whomsoever thou findest[H4672] thy gods, he shall not live: before our brethren discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee. For Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them.
M / Genesis 31.33 : And Laban went into Jacob's tent, and into Leah's tent, and into the tent of the two maid-servants; but he found[H4672] them not. And he went out of Leah's tent, and entered into Rachel's tent.
M / Genesis 31.34 : Now Rachel had taken the teraphim, and put them in the camel's saddle, and sat upon them. And Laban felt about all the tent, but found them not[H4672].
M / Genesis 31.35 : And she said to her father, Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise up before thee; for the manner of women is upon me. And he searched, but found[H4672] not the teraphim.
M / Genesis 31.37 : Whereas thou hast felt about all my stuff, what hast thou found[H4672] of all thy household stuff? Set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us two.
M / Genesis 32.5 : and I have oxen, and asses, and flocks, and men-servants, and maid-servants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find[H4672] favor in thy sight.
M / Genesis 32.19 : And he commanded also the second, and the third, and all that followed the droves, saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau, when ye find him[H4672];
M / Genesis 33.8 : And he said, What meanest thou by all this company which I met? And he said, To find[H4672] favor in the sight of my lord.
M / Genesis 33.10 : And Jacob said, Nay[H4672], I pray thee, if now I have found favor in thy sight, then receive my present at my hand; forasmuch as I have seen thy face, as one seeth the face of God, and thou wast pleased with me.
M / Genesis 33.15 : And Esau said, Let me now leave with thee some of the folk that are with me. And he said, What needeth it[H4672]? let me find favor in the sight of my lord.
M / Genesis 34.11 : And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find[H4672] favor in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give.
M / Genesis 36.24 : And these are the children of Zibeon: Aiah and Anah; this is Anah who found[H4672] the hot springs in the wilderness, as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father.
M / Genesis 37.15 : And a certain man found him[H4672], and, behold, he was wandering in the field: and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou?
M / Genesis 37.17 : And the man said, They are departed hence; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dothan. And Joseph went after his brethren, and found[H4672] them in Dothan.
M / Genesis 37.32 : and they sent the coat of many colors, and they brought it to their father, and said, This have we found[H4672]: know now whether it is thy son's coat or not.
M / Genesis 38.20 : And Judah sent the kid of the goats by the hand of his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman's hand: but he found her not[H4672].
M / Genesis 38.22 : And he returned to Judah, and said, I have not found[H4672] her; and also the men of the place said, There hath been no prostitute here.
M / Genesis 38.23 : And Judah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be put to shame: behold, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her[H4672].
M / Genesis 39.4 : And Joseph found[H4672] favor in his sight, and he ministered unto him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.
M / Genesis 41.38 : And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find[H4672] such a one as this, a man in whom the spirit of God is?
M / Genesis 44.8 : Behold, the money, which we found[H4672] in our sacks' mouths, we brought again unto thee out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steal out of thy lord's house silver or gold?
M / Genesis 44.9 : With whomsoever of thy servants it be found[H4672], let him die, and we also will be my lord's bondmen.
M / Genesis 44.10 : And he said, Now also let it be according unto your words: he with whom it is found[H4672] shall be my bondman; and ye shall be blameless.
M / Genesis 44.12 : And he searched, and began at the eldest, and left off at the youngest: and the cup was found[H4672] in Benjamin's sack.
M / Genesis 44.16 : And Judah said, What shall we say unto my lord? what shall we speak? or how shall we clear ourselves? God hath found out[H4672] the iniquity of thy servants: behold, we are my lord's bondmen, both we, and he also in whose hand the cup is found[H4672].
M / Genesis 44.17 : And he said, Far be it from me that I should do so: the man in whose hand the cup is found[H4672], he shall be my bondman; but as for you, get you up in peace unto your father.
M / Genesis 44.34 : For how shall I go up to my father, if the lad be not with me? lest I see the evil that shall come on[H4672] my father.
M / Genesis 47.14 : And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found[H4672] in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the grain which they bought: and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house.
M / Genesis 47.25 : And they said, Thou hast saved our lives: let us find[H4672] favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants.
M / Genesis 47.29 : And the time drew near that Israel must die: and he called his son Joseph, and said unto him[H4672], If now I have found favor in thy sight, put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh, and deal kindly and truly with me: bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt;
M / Genesis 50.4 : And when the days of weeping for him were past, Joseph spake unto the house of Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found[H4672] favor in your eyes, speak, I pray you, in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,
M / Exodus 5.11 : Go yourselves, get you straw where ye can find[H4672] it; for nought of your work shall be diminished.
M / Exodus 9.19 : Now therefore send, hasten in thy cattle and all that thou hast in the field; for every man and beast that shall be found[H4672] in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die.
M / Exodus 12.19 : Seven days shall there be no leaven found[H4672] in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or one that is born in the land.
M / Exodus 15.22 : And Moses led Israel onward from the Red Sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found[H4672] no water.
M / Exodus 16.25 : And Moses said, Eat that to-day; for to-day is a sabbath unto Jehovah: to-day ye shall not find[H4672] it in the field.
M / Exodus 16.27 : And it came to pass on the seventh day, that there went out some of the people to gather, and they found none[H4672].
M / Exodus 18.8 : And Moses told his father-in-law all that Jehovah had done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, all the travail that had come[H4672] upon them by the way, and how Jehovah delivered them.
M / Exodus 21.16 : And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him[H4672], or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
M / Exodus 22.2 : If the thief be found[H4672] breaking in, and be smitten so that he dieth, there shall be no bloodguiltiness for him.
M / Exodus 22.4 : If the theft be[H4672] found[H4672] in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep; he shall pay double.
M / Exodus 22.6 : If fire break out, and catch[H4672] in thorns, so that the shocks of grain, or the standing grain, or the field are consumed; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution.
M / Exodus 22.7 : If a man shall deliver unto his neighbor money or stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of the man's house; if the thief be found[H4672], he shall pay double.
M / Exodus 22.8 : If the thief be not found[H4672], then the master of the house shall come near unto God, to see whether he have not put his hand unto his neighbor's goods.
M / Exodus 33.12 : And Moses said unto Jehovah, See, thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou wilt send with me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found[H4672] favor in my sight.
M / Exodus 33.13 : Now therefore[H4672], I pray thee, if I have found favor in thy sight, show me now thy ways, that I may know thee[H4672], to the end that I may find favor in thy sight: and consider that this nation is thy people.
M / Exodus 33.16 : For wherein now shall it be known that I have found[H4672] favor in thy sight, I and thy people? is it not in that thou goest with us, so that we are separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth?
M / Exodus 33.17 : And Jehovah said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken; for thou hast found[H4672] favor in my sight, and I know thee by name.
M / Exodus 34.9 : And he said, If now I have found[H4672] favor in thy sight, O Lord, let the Lord, I pray thee, go in the midst of us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance.
M / Exodus 35.23 : And every man, with whom was found[H4672] blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats' hair, and rams' skins dyed red, and sealskins, brought them.
M / Exodus 35.24 : Every one that did offer an offering of silver and brass brought Jehovah's offering; and every man[H4672], with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service, brought it.
M / Leviticus 6.3 : or have found[H4672] that which was lost, and deal falsely therein, and swear to a lie; in any of all these things that a man doeth, sinning therein;
M / Leviticus 6.4 : then it shall be, if he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took by robbery, or the thing which he hath gotten by oppression, or the deposit which was committed to him, or the lost thing which he found[H4672],
M / Leviticus 9.12 : And he slew the burnt-offering; and Aaron's sons delivered[H4672] unto him the blood, and he sprinkled it upon the altar round about.
M / Leviticus 9.13 : And they delivered[H4672] the burnt-offering unto him, piece by piece, and the head: and he burnt them upon the altar.
M / Leviticus 9.18 : He slew also the ox and the ram, the sacrifice of peace-offerings, which was for the people: and Aaron's sons delivered[H4672] unto him the blood, which he sprinkled upon the altar round about,
M / Leviticus 25.26 : And if a man have no one to redeem it, and he be waxed rich and find sufficient to redeem it[H4672];
M / Leviticus 25.28 : But if he be not able to get[H4672] it back for himself, then that which he hath sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubilee: and in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return unto his possession.
M / Numbers 11.11 : And Moses said unto Jehovah, Wherefore hast thou dealt ill with thy servant? and wherefore have I not found[H4672] favor in thy sight, that thou layest the burden of all this people upon me?
M / Numbers 11.15 : And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found[H4672] favor in thy sight; and let me not see my wretchedness.
M / Numbers 11.22 : Shall flocks and herds be slain for them[H4672], to suffice them? or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them[H4672], to suffice them?
M / Numbers 15.32 : And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found[H4672] a man gathering sticks upon the sabbath day.
M / Numbers 15.33 : And they that found[H4672] him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation.
M / Numbers 20.14 : And Moses sent messengers from Kadesh unto the king of Edom, Thus saith thy brother Israel, Thou knowest all the travail that hath befallen us[H4672]:
M / Numbers 31.50 : And we have brought Jehovah's oblation, what every man hath gotten[H4672], of jewels of gold, ankle-chains, and bracelets, signet-rings, ear-rings, and armlets, to make atonement for our souls before Jehovah.
M / Numbers 32.5 : And they said, If we have found[H4672] favor in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession; bring us not over the Jordan.
M / Numbers 32.23 : But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against Jehovah; and be sure your sin will find you out[H4672].
M / Numbers 35.27 : and the avenger of blood find[H4672] him without the border of his city of refuge, and the avenger of blood slay the manslayer; he shall not be guilty of blood,
M / Deuteronomy 4.29 : But from thence ye shall seek Jehovah thy God, and thou shalt find[H4672] him, when thou searchest after him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.
M / Deuteronomy 4.30 : When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come[H4672] upon thee, in the latter days thou shalt return to Jehovah thy God, and hearken unto his voice:
M / Deuteronomy 17.2 : If there be found[H4672] in the midst of thee, within any of thy gates which Jehovah thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that doeth that which is evil in the sight of Jehovah thy God, in transgressing his covenant,
M / Deuteronomy 18.10 : There shall not be found[H4672] with thee any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, one that useth divination, one that practiseth augury, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer,
M / Deuteronomy 19.5 : as when a man goeth into the forest with his neighbor to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the head slippeth from the helve, and lighteth[H4672] upon his neighbor, so that he dieth; he shall flee unto one of these cities and live:
M / Deuteronomy 20.11 : And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that are found[H4672] therein shall become tributary unto thee, and shall serve thee.
M / Deuteronomy 21.1 : If one be found[H4672] slain in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee to possess it, lying in the field, and it be not known who hath smitten him;
M / Deuteronomy 21.17 : but he shall acknowledge the first-born, the son of the hated, by giving him a double portion of all that he hath[H4672]; for he is the beginning of his strength; the right of the first-born is his.
M / Deuteronomy 22.3 : And so shalt thou do with his ass; and so shalt thou do with his garment; and so shalt thou do with every lost thing of thy brother's, which he hath lost, and thou hast found[H4672]: thou mayest not hide thyself.
M / Deuteronomy 22.14 : and lay shameful things to her charge, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came nigh to her[H4672], I found not in her the tokens of virginity;
M / Deuteronomy 22.17 : and, lo, he hath laid shameful things to her charge, saying, I found[H4672] not in thy daughter the tokens of virginity; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity. And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city.
M / Deuteronomy 22.20 : But if this thing be true, that the tokens of virginity were not found[H4672] in the damsel;
M / Deuteronomy 22.22 : If a man be found[H4672] lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away the evil from Israel.
M / Deuteronomy 22.23 : If there be a damsel that is a virgin betrothed unto a husband, and a man find[H4672] her in the city, and lie with her;
M / Deuteronomy 22.25 : But if the man find[H4672] the damsel that is betrothed in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her; then the man only that lay with her shall die:
M / Deuteronomy 22.27 : for he found[H4672] her in the field, the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her.
M / Deuteronomy 22.28 : If a man find[H4672] a damsel that is a virgin, that is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her[H4672], and they be found;
M / Deuteronomy 24.1 : When a man taketh a wife, and marrieth her[H4672], then it shall be, if she find no favor in his eyes, because he hath found[H4672] some unseemly thing in her, that he shall write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.
M / Deuteronomy 24.7 : If a man be found[H4672] stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel, and he deal with him as a slave, or sell him; then that thief shall die: so shalt thou put away the evil from the midst of thee.
M / Deuteronomy 31.17 : Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall come upon[H4672] them; so that they will say in that day, Are not these evils come[H4672] upon us because our God is not among us?
M / Deuteronomy 31.21 : And it shall come to pass, when many evils and troubles are come upon[H4672] them, that this song shall testify before them as a witness; for it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed: for I know their imagination which they frame this day, before I have brought them into the land which I sware.
M / Deuteronomy 32.10 : He found[H4672] him in a desert land, And in the waste howling wilderness; He compassed him about, he cared for him, He kept him as the apple of his eye.
M / Joshua 2.22 : And they went, and came unto the mountain, and abode there three days, until the pursuers were returned: and the pursuers sought them throughout all the way, but found them not[H4672].
M / Joshua 2.23 : Then the two men returned, and descended from the mountain, and passed over, and came to Joshua the son of Nun; and they told him all that had befallen them[H4672].
M / Joshua 10.17 : And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings are found[H4672], hidden in the cave at Makkedah.
M / Joshua 17.16 : And the children of Joseph said, The hill-country is not enough[H4672] for us: and all the Canaanites that dwell in the land of the valley have chariots of iron, both they who are in Beth-shean and its towns, and they who are in the valley of Jezreel.
M / Judges 1.5 : And they found[H4672] Adoni-bezek in Bezek; and they fought against him, and they smote the Canaanites and the Perizzites.
M / Judges 5.30 : Have they not found[H4672], have they not divided the spoil? A damsel, two damsels to every man; To Sisera a spoil of dyed garments, A spoil of dyed garments embroidered, Of dyed garments embroidered on both sides, on the necks of the spoil?
M / Judges 6.13 : And Gideon said unto him, Oh, my lord, if Jehovah is with us[H4672], why then is all this befallen us? and where are all his wondrous works which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not Jehovah bring us up from Egypt? but now Jehovah hath cast us off, and delivered us into the hand of Midian.
M / Judges 6.17 : And he said unto him[H4672], If now I have found favor in thy sight, then show me a sign that it is thou that talkest with me.
M / Judges 9.33 : and it shall be, that in the morning, as soon as the sun is up, thou shalt rise early, and rush upon the city; and, behold, when he and the people that are with him come out against thee, then mayest thou do to them as thou shalt find occasion[H4672].
M / Judges 14.12 : And Samson said unto them, Let me now put forth a riddle unto you: if ye can declare it unto me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out[H4672], then I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty changes of raiment;
M / Judges 14.18 : And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion? And he said unto them, If ye had not plowed with my heifer, Ye had not found out[H4672] my riddle.
M / Judges 15.15 : And he found[H4672] a fresh jawbone of an ass, and put forth his hand, and took it, and smote a thousand men therewith.
M / Judges 17.8 : And the man departed out of the city, out of Beth-lehem-judah, to sojourn where he could find[H4672] a place, and he came to the hill-country of Ephraim to the house of Micah, as he journeyed.
M / Judges 17.9 : And Micah said unto him, Whence comest thou? And he said unto him, I am a Levite of Beth-lehem-judah, and I go to sojourn where I may find a place[H4672].
M / Judges 20.48 : And the men of Israel turned again upon the children of Benjamin, and smote them with the edge of the sword, both the entire city, and the cattle, and all that they found[H4672]: moreover all the cities which they found[H4672] they set on fire.
M / Judges 21.12 : And they found[H4672] among the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead four hundred young virgins, that had not known man by lying with him; and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.
M / Judges 21.14 : And Benjamin returned at that time; and they gave them the women whom they had saved alive of the women of Jabesh-gilead: and yet so they sufficed them not[H4672].
M / Ruth 1.9 : Jehovah grant you that ye may find[H4672] rest, each of you in the house of her husband. Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voice, and wept.
M / Ruth 2.2 : And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, Let me now go to the field, and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find[H4672] favor. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter.
M / Ruth 2.10 : Then she fell on her face, and bowed herself to the ground, and said unto him[H4672], Why have I found favor in thy sight, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a foreigner?
M / Ruth 2.13 : Then she said, Let me find[H4672] favor in thy sight, my lord, for that thou hast comforted me, and for that thou hast spoken kindly unto thy handmaid, though I be not as one of thy handmaidens.
M / 1 Samuel 1.18 : And she said, Let thy handmaid find[H4672] favor in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat; and her countenance was no more sad.
M / 1 Samuel 9.4 : And he passed through the hill-country of Ephraim, and passed through the land of Shalishah, but they found[H4672] them not: then they passed through the land of Shaalim, and there they were not: and he passed through the land of the Benjamites, but they found them not[H4672].
M / 1 Samuel 9.8 : And the servant answered Saul again, and said, Behold[H4672], I have in my hand the fourth part of a shekel of silver: that will I give to the man of God, to tell us our way.
M / 1 Samuel 9.11 : As they went up the ascent to the city, they found[H4672] young maidens going out to draw water, and said unto them, Is the seer here?
M / 1 Samuel 9.13 : as soon as ye are come into the city, ye shall straightway find[H4672] him, before he goeth up to the high place to eat; for the people will not eat until he come, because he doth bless the sacrifice; and afterwards they eat that are bidden. Now therefore get you up; for at this time ye shall find him[H4672].
M / 1 Samuel 9.20 : And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not they mind on them[H4672]; for they are found. And for whom is all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for thee, and for all thy father's house?
M / 1 Samuel 10.2 : When thou art departed from me to-day, then thou shalt find[H4672] two men by Rachel's sepulchre, in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek are found[H4672]; and, lo, thy father hath left off caring for the asses, and is anxious for you, saying, What shall I do for my son?
M / 1 Samuel 10.3 : Then shalt thou go on forward from thence, and thou shalt come to the oak of Tabor; and there shall meet[H4672] thee there three men going up to God to Beth-el, one carrying three kids, and another carrying three loaves of bread, and another carrying a bottle of wine:
M / 1 Samuel 10.7 : And let it be, when these signs are come unto thee, that thou do as occasion[H4672] shall serve thee; for God is with thee.
M / 1 Samuel 10.16 : And Saul said unto his uncle, He told us plainly that the asses were found[H4672]. But concerning the matter of the kingdom, whereof Samuel spake, he told him not.
M / 1 Samuel 10.21 : And he brought the tribe of Benjamin near by their families; and the family of the Matrites was taken; and Saul the son of Kish was taken: but when they sought him[H4672], he could not be found.
M / 1 Samuel 12.5 : And he said unto them, Jehovah is witness against you, and his anointed is witness this day, that ye have not found[H4672] aught in my hand. And they said, He is witness.
M / 1 Samuel 13.15 : And Samuel arose, and gat him up from Gilgal unto Gibeah of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people that were present[H4672] with him, about six hundred men.
M / 1 Samuel 13.16 : And Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the people that were present[H4672] with them, abode in Geba of Benjamin: but the Philistines encamped in Michmash.
M / 1 Samuel 13.19 : Now there was no smith found[H4672] throughout all the land of Israel; for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears:
M / 1 Samuel 13.22 : So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found[H4672] in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found[H4672].
M / 1 Samuel 14.30 : How much more, if haply the people had eaten freely to-day of the spoil of their enemies which they found[H4672]? for now hath there been no great slaughter among the Philistines.
M / 1 Samuel 16.22 : And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me[H4672]; for he hath found favor in my sight.
M / 1 Samuel 20.3 : And David sware moreover, and said, Thy father knoweth well that I have found[H4672] favor in thine eyes; and he saith, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly as Jehovah liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is but a step between me and death.
M / 1 Samuel 20.21 : And, behold, I will send the lad, saying, Go, find[H4672] the arrows. If I say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee; take them, and come; for there is peace to thee and no hurt, as Jehovah liveth.
M / 1 Samuel 20.29 : and he said, Let me go, I pray thee; for our family hath a sacrifice in the city; and my brother, he hath commanded me to be there[H4672]: and now, if I have found favor in thine eyes, let me get away, I pray thee, and see my brethren. Therefore he is not come unto the king's table.
M / 1 Samuel 20.36 : And he said unto his lad, Run, find[H4672] now the arrows which I shoot. And as the lad ran, he shot an arrow beyond him.
M / 1 Samuel 21.3 : Now therefore what is under thy hand? give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or whatsoever there is present[H4672].
M / 1 Samuel 23.17 : And he said unto him, Fear not; for the hand of Saul my father shall not find[H4672] thee; and thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee; and that also Saul my father knoweth.
M / 1 Samuel 24.19 : For if a man find[H4672] his enemy, will he let him go well away? wherefore Jehovah reward thee good for that which thou hast done unto me this day.
M / 1 Samuel 25.8 : Ask thy young men, and they will tell thee: wherefore let the young men find[H4672] favor in thine eyes; for we come in a good day: give, I pray thee[H4672], whatsoever cometh to thy hand, unto thy servants, and to thy son David.
M / 1 Samuel 25.28 : Forgive, I pray thee, the trespass of thy handmaid: for Jehovah will certainly make my lord a sure house, because my lord fighteth the battles of Jehovah; and evil shall not be found[H4672] in thee all thy days.
M / 1 Samuel 27.5 : And David said unto Achish, If now I have found[H4672] favor in thine eyes, let them give me a place in one of the cities in the country, that I may dwell there: for why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee?
M / 1 Samuel 29.3 : Then said the princes of the Philistines, What do these Hebrews here? And Achish said unto the princes of the Philistines, Is not this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, who hath been with me these days, or rather these years, and I have found[H4672] no fault in him since he fell away unto me unto this day?
M / 1 Samuel 29.6 : Then Achish called David, and said unto him, As Jehovah liveth, thou hast been upright, and thy going out and thy coming in with me in the host is good in my sight; for I have not found[H4672] evil in thee since the day of thy coming unto me unto this day: nevertheless the lords favor thee not.
M / 1 Samuel 29.8 : And David said unto Achish, But what have I done? and what hast thou found[H4672] in thy servant so long as I have been before thee unto this day, that I may not go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king?
M / 1 Samuel 30.11 : And they found[H4672] an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to David, and gave him bread, and he did eat; and they gave him water to drink.
M / 1 Samuel 31.3 : And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers overtook[H4672] him; and he was greatly distressed by reason of the archers.
M / 1 Samuel 31.8 : And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found[H4672] Saul and his three sons fallen in mount Gilboa.
M / 2 Samuel 3.8 : Then was Abner very wroth for the words of Ish-bosheth, and said, Am I a dog's head that belongeth to Judah? This day do I show kindness unto the house of Saul thy father, to his brethren, and to his friends, and have not delivered[H4672] thee into the hand of David; and yet thou chargest me this day with a fault concerning this woman.
M / 2 Samuel 7.27 : For thou, O Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel, hast revealed to thy servant, saying, I will build thee a house: therefore hath thy servant found[H4672] in his heart to pray this prayer unto thee.
M / 2 Samuel 14.22 : And Joab fell to the ground on his face, and did obeisance, and blessed the king: and Joab said, To-day thy servant knoweth that I have found[H4672] favor in thy sight, my lord, O king, in that the king hath performed the request of his servant.
M / 2 Samuel 15.25 : And the king said unto Zadok, Carry back the ark of God into the city: if I shall find[H4672] favor in the eyes of Jehovah, he will bring me again, and show me both it, and his habitation:
M / 2 Samuel 16.4 : Then said the king to Ziba, Behold, thine is all that pertaineth unto Mephibosheth. And Ziba said, I do obeisance; let me find[H4672] favor in thy sight, my lord, O king.
M / 2 Samuel 17.12 : So shall we come upon him in some place where he shall be found[H4672], and we will light upon him as the dew falleth on the ground; and of him and of all the men that are with him we will not leave so much as one.
M / 2 Samuel 17.13 : Moreover, if he be gotten into a city, then shall all Israel bring ropes to that city, and we will draw it into the river, until there be not one small stone found there[H4672].
M / 2 Samuel 17.20 : And Absalom's servants came to the woman to the house; and they said, Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan? And the woman said unto them, They are gone over the brook of water. And when they had sought and could not find[H4672] them, they returned to Jerusalem.
M / 2 Samuel 18.22 : Then said Ahimaaz the son of Zadok yet again to Joab, But come what may, let me, I pray thee, also run after the Cushite. And Joab said, Wherefore wilt thou run, my son, seeing that thou wilt have no reward[H4672] for the tidings?
M / 2 Samuel 20.6 : And David said to Abishai, Now will Sheba the son of Bichri do us more harm than did Absalom: take thou thy lord's servants, and pursue after him[H4672], lest he get him fortified cities, and escape out of our sight.
M / 1 Kings 1.52 : And Solomon said, If he shall show himself a worthy man, there shall not a hair of him fall to the earth; but if wickedness be found[H4672] in him, he shall die.
M / 1 Kings 1.3 : So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the borders of Israel, and found[H4672] Abishag the Shunammite, and brought her to the king.
M / 1 Kings 11.19 : And Hadad found[H4672] great favor in the sight of Pharaoh, so that he gave him to wife the sister of his own wife, the sister of Tahpenes the queen.
M / 1 Kings 11.29 : And it came to pass at that time, when Jeroboam went out of Jerusalem, that the prophet Ahijah the Shilonite found[H4672] him in the way; now Ahijah had clad himself with a new garment; and they two were alone in the field.
M / 1 Kings 13.14 : And he went after the man of God, and found[H4672] him sitting under an oak; and he said unto him, Art thou the man of God that camest from Judah? And he said, I am.
M / 1 Kings 13.24 : And when he was gone, a lion met[H4672] him by the way, and slew him: and his body was cast in the way, and the ass stood by it; the lion also stood by the body.
M / 1 Kings 13.28 : And he went and found[H4672] his body cast in the way, and the ass and the lion standing by the body: the lion had not eaten the body, nor torn the ass.
M / 1 Kings 14.13 : And all Israel shall mourn for him, and bury him; for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave, because in him there is found[H4672] some good thing toward Jehovah, the God of Israel, in the house of Jeroboam.
M / 1 Kings 18.5 : And Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go through the land, unto all the fountains of water, and unto all the brooks: peradventure we may find[H4672] grass and save the horses and mules alive, that we lose not all the beasts.
M / 1 Kings 18.10 : As Jehovah thy God liveth, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee: and when they said, He is not here, he took an oath of the kingdom and nation, that they found thee not[H4672].
M / 1 Kings 18.12 : And it will come to pass, as soon as I am gone from thee, that the Spirit of Jehovah will carry thee whither I know not; and so when I come and tell Ahab, and he cannot find[H4672] thee, he will slay me: but I thy servant fear Jehovah from my youth.
M / 1 Kings 19.19 : So he departed thence[H4672], and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing, with twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth: and Elijah passed over unto him, and cast his mantle upon him.
M / 1 Kings 20.36 : Then said he unto him, Because thou hast not obeyed the voice of Jehovah, behold, as soon as thou art departed from me, a lion shall slay thee. And as soon as he was departed from him, a lion found[H4672] him, and slew him.
M / 1 Kings 20.37 : Then he found[H4672] another man, and said, Smite me, I pray thee. And the man smote him, smiting and wounding him.
M / 1 Kings 21.20 : And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found[H4672] me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found[H4672] thee, because thou hast sold thyself to do that which is evil in the sight of Jehovah.
M / 2 Kings 2.17 : And when they urged him till he was ashamed, he said, Send. They sent therefore fifty men; and they sought three days, but found him not[H4672].
M / 2 Kings 4.29 : Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go thy way: if thou meet[H4672] any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child.
M / 2 Kings 4.39 : And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found[H4672] a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage; for they knew them not.
M / 2 Kings 7.9 : Then they said one to another, We do not well; this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace: if we tarry till the morning light, punishment will overtake[H4672] us[H4672]; now therefore come, let us go and tell the king's household.
M / 2 Kings 9.21 : And Joram said, Make ready. And they made ready his chariot. And Joram king of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah went out, each in his chariot, and they went out to meet Jehu, and found[H4672] him in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite.
M / 2 Kings 9.35 : And they went to bury her[H4672]; but they found no more of her than the skull, and the feet, and the palms of her hands.
M / 2 Kings 10.13 : Jehu met[H4672] with the brethren of Ahaziah king of Judah, and said, Who are ye? And they answered, We are the brethren of Ahaziah: and we go down to salute the children of the king and the children of the queen.
M / 2 Kings 10.15 : And when he was departed thence[H4672], he lighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him; and he saluted him, and said to him, Is thy heart right, as my heart is with thy heart? And Jehonadab answered, It is. If it be, give me thy hand. And he gave him his hand; and he took him up to him into the chariot.
M / 2 Kings 12.5 : let the priests take it to them, every man from his acquaintance; and they shall repair the breaches of the house, wheresoever any breach shall be found[H4672].
M / 2 Kings 12.10 : And it was so, when they saw that there was much money in the chest, that the king's scribe and the high priest came up, and they put up in bags and counted the money that was found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah.
M / 2 Kings 12.18 : And Jehoash king of Judah took all the hallowed things that Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah, his fathers, kings of Judah, had dedicated, and his own hallowed things, and all the gold that was found[H4672] in the treasures of the house of Jehovah, and of the king's house, and sent it to Hazael king of Syria: and he went away from Jerusalem.
M / 2 Kings 14.14 : And he took all the gold and silver, and all the vessels that were found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah, and in the treasures of the king's house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.
M / 2 Kings 16.8 : And Ahaz took the silver and gold that was found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah, and in the treasures of the king's house, and sent it for a present to the king of Assyria.
M / 2 Kings 17.4 : And the king of Assyria found[H4672] conspiracy in Hoshea; for he had sent messengers to So king of Egypt, and offered no tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year: therefore the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in prison.
M / 2 Kings 18.15 : And Hezekiah gave him all the silver that was found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah, and in the treasures of the king's house.
M / 2 Kings 19.4 : It may be Jehovah thy God will hear all the words of Rabshakeh, whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to defy the living God, and will rebuke the words which Jehovah thy God hath heard: wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left[H4672].
M / 2 Kings 19.8 : So Rabshakeh returned, and found[H4672] the king of Assyria warring against Libnah; for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish.
M / 2 Kings 20.13 : And Hezekiah hearkened unto them, and showed them all the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious oil, and the house of his armor, and all that was found[H4672] in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not.
M / 2 Kings 22.8 : And Hilkiah the high priest said unto Shaphan the scribe, I have found[H4672] the book of the law in the house of Jehovah. And Hilkiah delivered the book to Shaphan, and he read it.
M / 2 Kings 22.9 : And Shaphan the scribe came to the king, and brought the king word again, and said, Thy servants have emptied out the money that was found[H4672] in the house, and have delivered it into the hand of the workmen that have the oversight of the house of Jehovah.
M / 2 Kings 22.13 : Go ye, inquire of Jehovah for me, and for the people, and for all Judah, concerning the words of this book that is found[H4672]; for great is the wrath of Jehovah that is kindled against us, because our fathers have not hearkened unto the words of this book, to do according unto all that which is written concerning us.
M / 2 Kings 23.2 : And the king went up to the house of Jehovah, and all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, and the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, both small and great: and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant which was found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah.
M / 2 Kings 23.24 : Moreover them that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, and the teraphim, and the idols, and all the abominations that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, did Josiah put away, that he might confirm the words of the law which were written in the book that Hilkiah the priest found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah.
M / 2 Kings 25.19 : and out of the city he took an officer that was set over the men of war; and five men of them that saw the king's face, who were found[H4672] in the city; and the scribe, the captain of the host, who mustered the people of the land; and threescore men of the people of the land, that were found[H4672] in the city.
M / 1 Chronicles 4.40 : And they found[H4672] fat pasture and good, and the land was wide, and quiet, and peaceable; for they that dwelt there aforetime were of Ham.
M / 1 Chronicles 4.41 : And these written by name came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and smote their tents, and the Meunim that were found[H4672] there, and destroyed them utterly unto this day, and dwelt in their stead; because there was pasture there for their flocks.
M / 1 Chronicles 10.3 : And the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers overtook[H4672] him; and he was distressed by reason of the archers.
M / 1 Chronicles 10.8 : And it came to pass on the morrow, when the Philistines came to strip the slain, that they found[H4672] Saul and his sons fallen in mount Gilboa.
M / 1 Chronicles 17.25 : For thou, O my God, hast revealed to thy servant that thou wilt build him a house: therefore hath thy servant found[H4672] in his heart to pray before thee.
M / 1 Chronicles 20.2 : And David took the crown of their king from off his head, and found[H4672] it to weigh a talent of gold, and there were precious stones in it; and it was set upon David's head: and he brought forth the spoil of the city, exceeding much.
M / 1 Chronicles 24.4 : And there were more chief men found[H4672] of the sons of Eleazar than of the sons of Ithamar; and thus were they divided: of the sons of Eleazar there were sixteen, heads of fathers' houses; and of the sons of Ithamar, according to their fathers' houses, eight.
M / 1 Chronicles 26.31 : Of the Hebronites was Jerijah the chief, even of the Hebronites, according to their generations by fathers' houses. In the fortieth year of the reign of David they were sought for[H4672], and there were found among them mighty men of valor at Jazer of Gilead.
M / 1 Chronicles 28.9 : And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind; for Jehovah searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him[H4672], he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever.
M / 1 Chronicles 29.8 : And they with whom precious stones were found[H4672] gave them to the treasure of the house of Jehovah, under the hand of Jehiel the Gershonite.
M / 1 Chronicles 29.17 : I know also, my God, that thou triest the heart, and hast pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things: and now have I seen with joy thy people, that are present[H4672] here, offer willingly unto thee.
M / 2 Chronicles 2.17 : And Solomon numbered all the sojourners that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering wherewith David his father had numbered them[H4672]; and they were found a hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred.
M / 2 Chronicles 5.11 : And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, (for all the priests that were present[H4672] had sanctified themselves, and did not keep their courses;
M / 2 Chronicles 15.2 : and he went out to meet Asa, and said unto him, Hear ye me, Asa, and all Judah and Benjamin: Jehovah is with you, while ye are with him; and if ye seek him[H4672], he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.
M / 2 Chronicles 15.4 : But when in their distress they turned unto Jehovah, the God of Israel, and sought him[H4672], he was found of them.
M / 2 Chronicles 15.15 : And all Judah rejoiced at the oath; for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire; and he was found[H4672] of them: and Jehovah gave them rest round about.
M / 2 Chronicles 19.3 : Nevertheless there are good things found[H4672] in thee, in that thou hast put away the Asheroth out of the land, and hast set thy heart to seek God.
M / 2 Chronicles 20.16 : To-morrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the ascent of Ziz; and ye shall find[H4672] them at the end of the valley, before the wilderness of Jeruel.
M / 2 Chronicles 20.25 : And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take the spoil of them[H4672], they found among them in abundance both riches and dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in taking the spoil, it was so much.
M / 2 Chronicles 21.17 : and they came up against Judah, and brake into it, and carried away all the substance that was found[H4672] in the king's house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz, the youngest of his sons.
M / 2 Chronicles 22.8 : And it came to pass, when Jehu was executing judgment upon the house of Ahab, that he found[H4672] the princes of Judah, and the sons of the brethren of Ahaziah, ministering to Ahaziah, and slew them.
M / 2 Chronicles 25.5 : Moreover Amaziah gathered Judah together, and ordered them according to their fathers' houses, under captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, even all Judah and Benjamin: and he numbered them from twenty years old and upward, and found[H4672] them three hundred thousand chosen men, able to go forth to war, that could handle spear and shield.
M / 2 Chronicles 25.24 : And he took all the gold and silver, and all the vessels that were found[H4672] in the house of God with Obed-edom, and the treasures of the king's house, the hostages also, and returned to Samaria.
M / 2 Chronicles 29.16 : And the priests went in unto the inner part of the house of Jehovah, to cleanse it, and brought out all the uncleanness that they found[H4672] in the temple of Jehovah into the court of the house of Jehovah. And the Levites took it, to carry it out abroad to the brook Kidron.
M / 2 Chronicles 29.29 : And when they had made an end of offering, the king and all that were present[H4672] with him bowed themselves and worshipped.
M / 2 Chronicles 30.21 : And the children of Israel that were present[H4672] at Jerusalem kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with great gladness; and the Levites and the priests praised Jehovah day by day, singing with loud instruments unto Jehovah.
M / 2 Chronicles 31.1 : Now when all this was finished, all Israel that were present[H4672] went out to the cities of Judah, and brake in pieces the pillars, and hewed down the Asherim, and brake down the high places and the altars out of all Judah and Benjamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, until they had destroyed them all. Then all the children of Israel returned, every man to his possession, into their own cities.
M / 2 Chronicles 32.4 : So there was gathered much people together, and they stopped all the fountains, and the brook that flowed through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find[H4672] much water?
M / 2 Chronicles 34.14 : And when they brought out the money that was brought into the house of Jehovah, Hilkiah the priest found[H4672] the book of the law of Jehovah given by Moses.
M / 2 Chronicles 34.15 : And Hilkiah answered and said to Shaphan the scribe, I have found[H4672] the book of the law in the house of Jehovah. And Hilkiah delivered the book to Shaphan.
M / 2 Chronicles 34.17 : And they have emptied out the money that was found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah, and have delivered it into the hand of the overseers, and into the hand of the workmen.
M / 2 Chronicles 34.21 : Go ye, inquire of Jehovah for me, and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found[H4672]; for great is the wrath of Jehovah that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the word of Jehovah, to do according unto all that is written in this book.
M / 2 Chronicles 34.30 : And the king went up to the house of Jehovah, and all the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the priests, and the Levites, and all the people, both great and small: and he read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found[H4672] in the house of Jehovah.
M / 2 Chronicles 34.32 : And he caused all that were found[H4672] in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it. And the inhabitants of Jerusalem did according to the covenant of God, the God of their fathers.
M / 2 Chronicles 34.33 : And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were found[H4672] in Israel to serve, even to serve Jehovah their God. All his days they departed not from following Jehovah, the God of their fathers.
M / 2 Chronicles 35.7 : And Josiah gave to the children of the people, of the flock, lambs and kids, all of them for the passover-offerings, unto all that were present[H4672], to the number of thirty thousand, and three thousand bullocks: these were of the king's substance.
M / 2 Chronicles 35.17 : And the children of Israel that were present[H4672] kept the passover at that time, and the feast of unleavened bread seven days.
M / 2 Chronicles 35.18 : And there was no passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet; neither did any of the kings of Israel keep such a passover as Josiah kept, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel that were present[H4672], and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
M / 2 Chronicles 36.8 : Now the rest of the acts of Jehoiakim, and his abominations which he did, and that which was found[H4672] in him, behold, they are written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah: and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.
M / Ezra 2.62 : These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found[H4672]: therefore were they deemed polluted and put from the priesthood.
M / Ezra 8.15 : And I gathered them together to the river that runneth to Ahava; and there we encamped three days: and I viewed the people, and the priests, and found[H4672] there none of the sons of Levi.
M / Ezra 8.25 : and weighed unto them the silver, and the gold, and the vessels, even the offering for the house of our God, which the king, and his counsellors, and his princes, and all Israel there present[H4672], had offered:
M / Ezra 10.18 : And among the sons of the priests there were found[H4672] that had married foreign women: namely, of the sons of Jeshua, the son of Jozadak, and his brethren, Maaseiah, and Eliezer, and Jarib, and Gedaliah.
M / Nehemiah 5.8 : And I said unto them, We after our ability have redeemed our brethren the Jews, that were sold unto the nations; and would ye even sell your brethren, and should they be sold unto us? Then held they their peace, and found[H4672] never a word.
M / Nehemiah 7.5 : And my God put into my heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers, and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found[H4672] the book of the genealogy of them that came up at the first, and I found[H4672] written therein:
M / Nehemiah 7.64 : These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found[H4672]: therefore were they deemed polluted and put from the priesthood.
M / Nehemiah 8.14 : And they found[H4672] written in the law, how that Jehovah had commanded by Moses, that the children of Israel should dwell in booths in the feast of the seventh month;
M / Nehemiah 9.8 : and foundest[H4672] his heart faithful before thee, and madest a covenant with him to give the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Jebusite, and the Girgashite, to give it unto his seed, and hast performed thy words; for thou art righteous.
M / Nehemiah 9.32 : Now therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God, who keepest covenant and lovingkindness, let not all the travail seem little before thee[H4672], that hath come upon us, on our kings, on our princes, and on our priests, and on our prophets, and on our fathers, and on all thy people, since the time of the kings of Assyria unto this day.
M / Nehemiah 13.1 : On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people; and therein was found[H4672] written, that an Ammonite and a Moabite should not enter into the assembly of God for ever,
M / Esther 1.5 : And when these days were fulfilled, the king made a feast unto all the people that were present[H4672] in Shushan the palace, both great and small, seven days, in the court of the garden of the king's palace.
M / Esther 2.23 : And when inquisition was made of the matter, and it was found to be so[H4672], they were both hanged on a tree: and it was written in the book of the chronicles before the king.
M / Esther 4.16 : Go, gather together all the Jews that are present[H4672] in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast in like manner; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.
M / Esther 5.8 : if I have found[H4672] favor in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my petition, and to perform my request, let the king and Haman come to the banquet that I shall prepare for them, and I will do to-morrow as the king hath said.
M / Esther 6.2 : And it was found[H4672] written, that Mordecai had told of Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king's chamberlains, of those that kept the threshold, who had sought to lay hands on the king Ahasuerus.
M / Esther 7.3 : Then Esther the queen answered and said, If I have found[H4672] favor in thy sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be given me at my petition, and my people at my request:
M / Esther 8.5 : And she said, If it please the king, and if I have found[H4672] favor in his sight, and the thing seem right before the king, and I be pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, which he wrote to destroy the Jews that are in all the king's provinces:
M / Esther 8.6 : for how can I endure to see the evil that shall come[H4672] unto my people? or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?
M / Job 3.22 : Who rejoice exceedingly, And are glad, when they can find[H4672] the grave?
M / Job 11.7 : Canst thou by searching find out[H4672] God? Canst thou find[H4672] out the Almighty unto perfection?
M / Job 17.10 : But as for you all, come on now again[H4672]; And I shall not find a wise man among you.
M / Job 19.28 : If ye say, How we will persecute him! And that the root of the matter is found in me[H4672];
M / Job 20.8 : He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found[H4672]: Yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night.
M / Job 23.3 : Oh that I knew where I might find[H4672] him! That I might come even to his seat!
M / Job 28.12 : But where shall wisdom be found[H4672]? And where is the place of understanding?
M / Job 28.13 : Man knoweth not the price thereof[H4672]; Neither is it found in the land of the living.
M / Job 31.25 : If I have rejoiced because my wealth was great, And because my hand had gotten[H4672] much;
M / Job 31.29 : If I have rejoiced at the destruction of him that hated me, Or lifted up myself when evil found him[H4672];
M / Job 32.3 : Also against his three friends was his wrath kindled, because they had found[H4672] no answer, and yet had condemned Job.
M / Job 32.13 : Beware lest ye say, We have found[H4672] wisdom; God may vanquish him, not man:
M / Job 33.10 : Behold[H4672], he findeth occasions against me, He counteth me for his enemy:
M / Job 33.24 : Then God is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found[H4672] a ransom.
M / Job 34.11 : For the work of a man will he render unto him, And cause every man to find[H4672] according to his ways.
M / Job 37.13 : Whether it be for correction, or for his land, Or for lovingkindness, that he cause it to come[H4672].
M / Job 37.23 : Touching the Almighty, we cannot find him out[H4672]: He is excellent in power; And in justice and plenteous righteousness he will not afflict.
M / Job 42.15 : And in all the land were no women found[H4672] so fair as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.
M / Psalms 10.15 : Break thou the arm of the wicked; And as for the evil man, seek out his wickedness till thou find[H4672] none.
M / Psalms 17.3 : Thou hast proved my heart; Thou hast visited me in the night; Thou hast tried me[H4672], and findest nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress.
M / Psalms 21.8 : Thy hand will find out[H4672] all thine enemies; Thy right hand will find out[H4672] those that hate thee.
M / Psalms 32.6 : For this let every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found[H4672]: Surely when the great waters overflow they shall not reach unto him.
M / Psalms 36.2 : For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, That his iniquity will not be found[H4672] out and be hated.
M / Psalms 37.36 : But one passed by, and, lo, he was not: Yea, I sought him[H4672], but he could not be found.
M / Psalms 46.1 : For the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah; set to Alamoth. A Song. God is our refuge and strength, A very present[H4672] help in trouble.
M / Psalms 69.20 : Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: And I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; And for comforters, but I found none[H4672].
M / Psalms 76.5 : The stouthearted are made a spoil, They have slept their sleep; And none of the men of might have found[H4672] their hands.
M / Psalms 84.3 : Yea, the sparrow hath found[H4672] her a house, And the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, Even thine altars, O Jehovah of hosts, My King, and my God.
M / Psalms 89.20 : I have found[H4672] David my servant; With my holy oil have I anointed him:
M / Psalms 107.4 : They wandered in the wilderness in a desert way; They found[H4672] no city of habitation.
M / Psalms 116.3 : The cords of death compassed me, And the pains of Sheol gat hold[H4672] upon me[H4672]: I found trouble and sorrow.
M / Psalms 119.143 : Trouble and anguish have taken hold[H4672] on me; Yet thy commandments are my delight.
M / Psalms 119.162 : I rejoice at thy word, As one that findeth[H4672] great spoil.
M / Psalms 132.5 : Until I find out[H4672] a place for Jehovah, A tabernacle for the Mighty One of Jacob.
M / Psalms 132.6 : Lo, we heard of it in Ephrathah: We found[H4672] it in the field of the wood.
M / Proverbs 1.13 : We shall find[H4672] all precious substance; We shall fill our houses with spoil;
M / Proverbs 1.28 : Then will they call upon me, but I will not answer; They will seek me diligently, but they shall not find me[H4672]:
M / Proverbs 2.5 : Then shalt thou understand the fear of Jehovah, And find[H4672] the knowledge of God.
M / Proverbs 3.4 : So shalt thou find[H4672] favor and good understanding In the sight of God and man.
M / Proverbs 3.13 : Happy is the man that findeth[H4672] wisdom, And the man that getteth understanding.
M / Proverbs 4.22 : For they are life unto those that find[H4672] them, And health to all their flesh.
M / Proverbs 6.31 : But if he be found[H4672], he shall restore sevenfold; He shall give all the substance of his house.
M / Proverbs 6.33 : Wounds and dishonor shall he get[H4672]; And his reproach shall not be wiped away.
M / Proverbs 7.15 : Therefore came I forth to meet thee, Diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee[H4672].
M / Proverbs 8.9 : They are all plain to him that understandeth, And right to them that find[H4672] knowledge.
M / Proverbs 8.12 : I wisdom have made prudence my dwelling, And find out[H4672] knowledge and discretion.
M / Proverbs 8.17 : I love them that love me; And those that seek me diligently shall find me[H4672].
M / Proverbs 8.35 : For whoso findeth[H4672] me findeth[H4672] life, And shall obtain favor of Jehovah.
M / Proverbs 10.13 : In the lips of him that hath discernment wisdom is found[H4672]; But a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
M / Proverbs 16.20 : He that giveth heed unto the word shall find[H4672] good; And whoso trusteth in Jehovah, happy is he.
M / Proverbs 16.31 : The hoary head is a crown of glory; It shall be found[H4672] in the way of righteousness.
M / Proverbs 17.20 : He that hath a wayward heart findeth[H4672] no good; And he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.
M / Proverbs 18.22 : Whoso findeth[H4672] a wife findeth[H4672] a good thing, And obtaineth favor of Jehovah.
M / Proverbs 19.8 : He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: He that keepeth understanding shall find[H4672] good.
M / Proverbs 20.6 : Most men will proclaim every one his own kindness; But a faithful man who can find[H4672]?
M / Proverbs 21.21 : He that followeth after righteousness and kindness Findeth[H4672] life, righteousness, and honor.
M / Proverbs 24.14 : So shalt thou know wisdom to be unto thy soul; If thou hast found[H4672] it, then shall there be a reward, And thy hope shall not be cut off.
M / Proverbs 25.16 : Hast thou found[H4672] honey? eat so much as is sufficient for thee, Lest thou be filled therewith, and vomit it.
M / Proverbs 28.23 : He that rebuketh a man shall afterward find[H4672] more favor Than he that flattereth with the tongue.
M / Proverbs 31.10 : A worthy woman who can find[H4672]? For her price is far above rubies.
M / Ecclesiastes 3.11 : He hath made everything beautiful in its time: also he hath set eternity in their heart, yet so that man cannot find out[H4672] the work that God hath done from the beginning even to the end.
M / Ecclesiastes 7.14 : In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; yea, God hath made the one side by side with the other, to the end that man should not find[H4672] out anything that shall be after him.
M / Ecclesiastes 7.24 : That which is, is far off and exceeding deep; who can find it out[H4672]?
M / Ecclesiastes 7.26 : And I find[H4672] more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, and whose hands are bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
M / Ecclesiastes 7.27 : Behold, this have I found[H4672], saith the Preacher, laying one thing to another, to find out[H4672] the account;
M / Ecclesiastes 7.28 : which my soul still seeketh, but I have not found[H4672]: one man among a thousand have I found[H4672]; but a woman among all those have I not found[H4672].
M / Ecclesiastes 7.29 : Behold, this only have I found[H4672]: that God made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.
M / Ecclesiastes 8.17 : then I beheld all the work of God, that man cannot find out[H4672] the work that is done under the sun: because however much a man labor to seek it out, yet he shall not find[H4672] it; yea moreover, though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it[H4672].
M / Ecclesiastes 9.10 : Whatsoever thy hand findeth[H4672] to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol, whither thou goest.
M / Ecclesiastes 9.15 : Now there was found[H4672] in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.
M / Ecclesiastes 11.1 : Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find[H4672] it after many days.
M / Ecclesiastes 12.10 : The Preacher sought to find out[H4672] acceptable words, and that which was written uprightly, even words of truth.
M / Song of Solomon 3.1 : By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him[H4672], but I found him not.
M / Song of Solomon 3.2 : I said, I will rise now, and go about the city; In the streets and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him[H4672], but I found him not.
M / Song of Solomon 3.3 : The watchmen that go about the city found[H4672] me; To whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?
M / Song of Solomon 3.4 : It was but a little that I passed from them[H4672], When I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, Until I had brought him into my mother's house, And into the chamber of her that conceived me.
M / Song of Solomon 5.6 : I opened to my beloved; But my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone. My soul had failed me when he spake: I sought him[H4672], but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer.
M / Song of Solomon 5.7 : The watchmen that go about the city found[H4672] me, They smote me, they wounded me; The keepers of the walls took away my mantle from me.
M / Song of Solomon 5.8 : I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, If ye find[H4672] my beloved, That ye tell him, that I am sick from love.
M / Song of Solomon 8.1 : Oh that thou wert as my brother, That sucked the breasts of my mother! When I should find[H4672] thee without, I would kiss thee; Yea, and none would despise me.
M / Song of Solomon 8.10 : I am a wall, and my breasts like the towers thereof Then was I in his eyes as one that found[H4672] peace.
M / Isaiah 10.10 : As my hand hath found[H4672] the kingdoms of the idols, whose graven images did excel them of Jerusalem and of Samaria;
M / Isaiah 10.14 : and my hand hath found[H4672] as a nest the riches of the peoples; and as one gathereth eggs that are forsaken, have I gathered all the earth: and there was none that moved the wing, or that opened the mouth, or chirped.
M / Isaiah 13.15 : Every one that is found[H4672] shall be thrust through; and every one that is taken shall fall by the sword.
M / Isaiah 22.3 : All thy rulers fled away together, they were bound by the archers; all that were found[H4672] of thee were bound together; they fled afar off.
M / Isaiah 30.14 : And he shall break it as a potter's vessel is broken, breaking it in pieces without sparing; so that there shall not be found[H4672] among the pieces thereof a sherd wherewith to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.
M / Isaiah 34.14 : And the wild beasts of the desert shall meet with the wolves, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; yea, the night-monster shall settle there[H4672], and shall find her a place of rest.
M / Isaiah 35.9 : No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast go up thereon[H4672]; they shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there:
M / Isaiah 37.4 : It may be Jehovah thy God will hear the words of Rabshakeh, whom the king of Assyria his master hath sent to defy the living God, and will rebuke the words which Jehovah thy God hath heard: wherefore lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left[H4672].
M / Isaiah 37.8 : So Rabshakeh returned, and found[H4672] the king of Assyria warring against Libnah; for he had heard that he was departed from Lachish.
M / Isaiah 39.2 : And Hezekiah was glad of them, and showed them the house of his precious things, the silver, and the gold, and the spices, and the precious oil, and all the house of his armor, and all that was found[H4672] in his treasures: there was nothing in his house, nor in all his dominion, that Hezekiah showed them not.
M / Isaiah 41.12 : Thou shalt seek them[H4672], and shalt not find them, even them that contend with thee: they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of nought.
M / Isaiah 51.3 : For Jehovah hath comforted Zion; he hath comforted all her waste places, and hath made her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of Jehovah; joy and gladness shall be found[H4672] therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.
M / Isaiah 55.6 : Seek ye Jehovah while he may be found[H4672]; call ye upon him while he is near:
M / Isaiah 57.10 : Thou wast wearied with the length of thy way; yet saidst thou not, It is in vain: thou didst find[H4672] a quickening of thy strength; therefore thou wast not faint.
M / Isaiah 58.3 : Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find[H4672] your own pleasure, and exact all your labors.
M / Isaiah 58.13 : If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, and the holy of Jehovah honorable; and shalt honor it, not doing thine own ways, nor finding[H4672] thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:
M / Isaiah 65.1 : I am inquired of by them that asked not for me[H4672]; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name.
M / Isaiah 65.8 : Thus saith Jehovah, As the new wine is found[H4672] in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not, for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants' sake, that I may not destroy them all.
M / Jeremiah 2.5 : thus saith Jehovah, What unrighteousness have your fathers found[H4672] in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vain?
M / Jeremiah 2.24 : a wild ass used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind in her desire; in her occasion who can turn her away? all they that seek her will not weary themselves; in her month they shall find her[H4672].
M / Jeremiah 2.26 : As the thief is ashamed when he is found[H4672], so is the house of Israel ashamed; they, their kings, their princes, and their priests, and their prophets;
M / Jeremiah 2.34 : Also in thy skirts is found[H4672] the blood of the souls of the innocent poor: thou didst not find[H4672] them breaking in; but it is because of all these things.
M / Jeremiah 5.1 : Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof[H4672], if ye can find a man, if there be any that doeth justly, that seeketh truth; and I will pardon her.
M / Jeremiah 5.26 : For among my people are found[H4672] wicked men: they watch, as fowlers lie in wait; they set a trap, they catch men.
M / Jeremiah 6.16 : Thus saith Jehovah, Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way; and walk therein[H4672], and ye shall find rest for your souls: but they said, We will not walk therein.
M / Jeremiah 10.18 : For thus saith Jehovah, Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this time, and will distress them[H4672], that they may feel it.
M / Jeremiah 11.9 : And Jehovah said unto me, A conspiracy is found[H4672] among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
M / Jeremiah 14.3 : And their nobles send their little ones to the waters: they come to the cisterns, and find[H4672] no water; they return with their vessels empty; they are put to shame and confounded, and cover their heads.
M / Jeremiah 15.16 : Thy words were found[H4672], and I did eat them; and thy words were unto me a joy and the rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by thy name, O Jehovah, God of hosts.
M / Jeremiah 23.11 : for both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found[H4672] their wickedness, saith Jehovah.
M / Jeremiah 29.13 : And ye shall seek me[H4672], and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
M / Jeremiah 29.14 : And I will be found[H4672] of you, saith Jehovah, and I will turn again your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith Jehovah; and I will bring you again unto the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.
M / Jeremiah 31.2 : Thus saith Jehovah, The people that were left of the sword found[H4672] favor in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.
M / Jeremiah 41.3 : Ishmael also slew all the Jews that were with him, to wit, with Gedaliah, at Mizpah, and the Chaldeans that were found[H4672] there, the men of war.
M / Jeremiah 41.8 : But ten men were found[H4672] among them that said unto Ishmael, Slay us not; for we have stores hidden in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he forbare, and slew them not among their brethren.
M / Jeremiah 41.12 : then they took all the men, and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and found[H4672] him by the great waters that are in Gibeon.
M / Jeremiah 45.3 : Thou didst say, Woe is me now! for Jehovah hath added sorrow to my pain; I am weary with my groaning, and I find[H4672] no rest.
M / Jeremiah 48.27 : For was not Israel a derision unto thee[H4672]? was he found among thieves? for as often as thou speakest of him, thou waggest the head.
M / Jeremiah 50.7 : All that found[H4672] them have devoured them; and their adversaries said, We are not guilty, because they have sinned against Jehovah, the habitation of righteousness, even Jehovah, the hope of their fathers.
M / Jeremiah 50.20 : In those days, and in that time, saith Jehovah, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found[H4672]: for I will pardon them whom I leave as a remnant.
M / Jeremiah 50.24 : I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found[H4672], and also caught, because thou hast striven against Jehovah.
M / Jeremiah 52.25 : and out of the city he took an officer that was set over the men of war; and seven men of them that saw the king's face, that were found[H4672] in the city; and the scribe of the captain of the host, who mustered the people of the land; and threescore men of the people of the land, that were found[H4672] in the midst of the city.
M / Lamentations 1.3 : Judah is gone into captivity because of affliction, and because of great servitude; She dwelleth among the nations, she findeth[H4672] no rest: All her persecutors overtook her within the straits.
M / Lamentations 1.6 : And from the daughter of Zion all her majesty is departed: Her princes are become like harts that find[H4672] no pasture, And they are gone without strength before the pursuer.
M / Lamentations 2.9 : Her gates are sunk into the ground; he hath destroyed and broken her bars: Her king and her princes are among the nations where the law is not; Yea, her prophets find[H4672] no vision from Jehovah.
M / Lamentations 2.16 : All thine enemies have opened their mouth wide against thee; They hiss and gnash the teeth; they say, We have swallowed her up; Certainly this is the day that we looked for; we have found[H4672], we have seen it.
M / Ezekiel 3.1 : And he said unto me, Son of man, eat that which thou findest[H4672]; eat this roll, and go, speak unto the house of Israel.
M / Ezekiel 22.30 : And I sought for a man among them, that should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it[H4672]; but I found none.
M / Ezekiel 26.21 : I will make thee a terror, and thou shalt no more have any being; though thou be sought for, yet shalt thou never be found[H4672] again, saith the Lord Jehovah.
M / Ezekiel 28.15 : You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you[H4672].
M / Daniel 1.19 : And the king communed with them[H4672]; and among them all was found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stood they before the king.
M / Daniel 1.20 : And in every matter of wisdom and understanding, concerning which the king inquired of them[H4672], he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters that were in all his realm.
M / Daniel 11.19 : Then he shall turn his face toward the fortresses of his own land; but he shall stumble and fall, and shall not be found[H4672].
M / Daniel 12.1 : And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found[H4672] written in the book.
M / Hosea 2.6 : Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her[H4672], that she shall not find her paths.
M / Hosea 2.7 : And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek them[H4672], but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.
M / Hosea 5.6 : They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to seek Jehovah; but they shall not find[H4672] him: he hath withdrawn himself from them.
M / Hosea 9.10 : I found[H4672] Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw your fathers as the first-ripe in the fig-tree at its first season: but they came to Baal-peor, and consecrated themselves unto the shameful thing, and became abominable like that which they loved.
M / Hosea 12.4 : yea, he had power over the angel, and prevailed; he wept, and made supplication unto him[H4672]: he found him at Beth-el, and there he spake with us,
M / Hosea 12.8 : And Ephraim said, Surely I am become rich, I have found me[H4672] wealth: in all my labors they shall find[H4672] in me no iniquity that were sin.
M / Hosea 14.8 : Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have answered, and will regard him: I am like a green fir-tree; from me is thy fruit found[H4672].
M / Amos 8.12 : And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of Jehovah, and shall not find it[H4672].
M / Jonah 1.3 : But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of Jehovah; and he went down to Joppa, and found[H4672] a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of Jehovah.
M / Micah 1.13 : Bind the chariot to the swift steed, O inhabitant of Lachish: she was the beginning of sin to the daughter of Zion; for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee[H4672].
M / Zephaniah 3.13 : The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found[H4672] in their mouth; for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
M / Zechariah 10.10 : I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and place shall not be found for them[H4672].
M / Zechariah 11.6 : For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith Jehovah; but[H4672], lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbor's hand, and into the hand of his king; and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them.
M / Malachi 2.6 : The law of truth was in his mouth, and unrighteousness was not found[H4672] in his lips: he walked with me in peace and uprightness, and turned many away from iniquity.

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