Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

1 Samuel 20:21 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

1 Samuel (1 Kings) 20:21 / KJV
21. And, behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find out the arrows. If I expressly say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee, take them; then come thou: for there is peace to thee, and no hurt; as the LORD liveth.
1 Samuel (1 Kings) 20:21 / ASV
21. And, behold, I will send the lad, [saying], Go, find the arrows. If I say unto the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee; take them, and come; for there is peace to thee and no hurt, as Jehovah liveth.
1 Samuel (1 Kings) 20:21 / BasicEnglish
21. And I will send my boy to have a look for the arrow. And if I say to him, See, the arrow is on this side of you; take it up! then you may come; for there is peace for you and no evil, by the living Lord.
1 Samuel (1 Kings) 20:21 / Darby
21. And behold, I will send the lad, [saying,] Go, find the arrows. If I expressly say to the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee, take them; then come, for there is peace for thee, and it is nothing; [as] Jehovah liveth.
1 Samuel (1 Kings) 20:21 / Webster
21. And behold, I will send a lad, saying, Go, find the arrows. If I expressly say to the lad, Behold, the arrows are on this side of thee, take them; then come thou: for there is peace to thee, and no hurt; as the LORD liveth.
1 Samuel (1 Kings) 20:21 / Young
21. and lo, I send the youth: Go, find the arrows. If I at all say to the youth, Lo, the arrows [are] on this side of thee -- take them, -- then come thou, for peace [is] for thee, and there is nothing; Jehovah liveth.

German Bible Translations

1. Samuel 20:21 / Luther
21. Und siehe, ich will den Knaben senden: Gehe hin, suche die Pfeile! Werde ich zu dem Knaben sagen: Siehe, die Pfeile liegen hierwärts hinter dir, hole sie! so komm, denn es ist Friede und hat keine Gefahr, so wahr der HERR lebt.
1. Samuel 20:21 / Schlachter
21. Und siehe, dann werde ich den Knappen schicken und zu ihm sagen: «Geh, suche die Pfeile!» Rufe ich dann dem Knappen zu: «Siehe, die Pfeile liegen diesseits von dir, hole sie!» so komm; denn das bedeutet Frieden für dich und keine Gefahr, so wahr der HERR lebt.

French Bible Translations

1 Samuel 20:21 / Segond21
21. J'enverrai un jeune serviteur en lui disant: 'Va retrouver les flèches.' Si je lui dis: 'Les flèches sont moins loin que toi, prends-les', alors viens, car il y a paix pour toi et tu n'as rien à craindre, l'Eternel est vivant!
1 Samuel 20:21 / NEG1979
21. Et voici, j’enverrai un jeune homme, et je lui dirai: Va, trouve les flèches. Si je lui dis: Voici, les flèches sont en deçà de toi, prends-les! alors viens, car il y a paix pour toi, et tu n’as rien à craindre, l’Eternel est vivant!
1 Samuel 20:21 / Segond
21. Et voici, j'enverrai un jeune homme, et je lui dirai: Va, trouve les flèches. Si je lui dis: Voici, les flèches sont en deçà de toi, prends-les! alors viens, car il y a paix pour toi, et tu n'as rien à craindre, l'Eternel est vivant!
1 Samuel 20:21 / Darby_Fr
21. et voici, j'enverrai le jeune garçon en disant: Va, trouve les flèches. Si je dis expressément au jeune garçon: Voici, les flèches sont en deçà de toi, prends-les; alors viens, car il y a paix pour toi, et il n'y a rien, l'Éternel est vivant!
1 Samuel 20:21 / Martin
21. Et voici, j'enverrai un garçon, [et je lui dirai] : Va, trouve les flèches. Et si je dis au garçon en termes exprès : Voilà, les flèches sont au deçà de toi, prends-les, et t'en viens; alors il va bien pour toi; et il n'y aura rien; l'Eternel est vivant.
1 Samuel 20:21 / Ostervald
21. Et voici, j'enverrai un jeune homme, en lui disant: Va, trouve les flèches. Si je dis à ce garçon: Voici, les flèches sont de ce côté-ci de toi, prends-les; alors viens, tout va bien pour toi, et il n'y a rien à craindre: l'Éternel est vivant

Versions with Strong Codes

1 Samuel 20 / KJV_Strong
21. And, behold,[H2009] I will send[H7971] [H853] a lad,[H5288] saying, Go,[H1980] find out[H4672] [H853] the arrows.[H2671] If[H518] I expressly say[H559] [H559] unto the lad,[H5288] Behold,[H2009] the arrows[H2671] are on this side[H4480] [H2008] of thee, take[H3947] them; then come[H935] thou: for[H3588] there is peace[H7965] to thee, and no[H369] hurt;[H1697] as the LORD[H3068] liveth.[H2416]

Strong Code definitions

H2009 hinneh hin-nay' prolongation for H2005; lo!:--behold, lo, see. see H2005

H7971 shalach shaw-lakh' a primitive root; to send away, for, or out (in a greatvariety of applications):--X any wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, X earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart (down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow, spread, stretch forth (out).

H853 'eth ayth apparent contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly, self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely):--(as such unrepresented in English). see H226

H5288 na`ar nah'-ar from H5287; (concretely) a boy (as active), from the age of infancy to adolescence; by implication, a servant; also (by interch. of sex), a girl (of similar latitude in age):--babe, boy, child, damsel (from the margin), lad, servant, young (man).see H5287

H1980 halak haw-lak' akin to H3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):--(all) along,apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad,on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, X be weak, whirl.see H3212

H4672 matsa' maw-tsaw' a primitive root; properly, to come forth to, i.e. appear or exist; transitively, to attain, i.e. find or acquire; figuratively, to occur, meet or be present:--+ be able, befall, being, catch, X certainly, (cause to) come (on, to, to hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing, occasion, out), get (hold upon), X have (here), be here, hit, be left, light (up-)on, meet (with), X occasion serve, (be) present, ready, speed, suffice, take hold on.

H853 'eth ayth apparent contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly, self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely):--(as such unrepresented in English). see H226

H2671 chets khayts from H2686; properly, a piercer, i.e. an arrow; byimplication, a wound; figuratively, (of God) thunder-bolt; (by interchange for H6086) the shaft of a spear:--+ archer, arrow, dart, shaft, staff, wound.see H2686 see H6086

H518 'im eem a primitive particle; used very widely as demonstrative, lo!; interrog., whether?; or conditional, if, although; also Oh that!, when; hence, as a negative, not:--(and, can-, doubtless, if, that) (not), + but, either, + except, +more(-over if, than), neither, nevertheless, nor, oh that, or,+ save (only, -ing), seeing, since, sith, + surely (no more, none, not), though, + of a truth, + unless, + verily, when, whereas, whether, while, + yet.

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H5288 na`ar nah'-ar from H5287; (concretely) a boy (as active), from the age of infancy to adolescence; by implication, a servant; also (by interch. of sex), a girl (of similar latitude in age):--babe, boy, child, damsel (from the margin), lad, servant, young (man).see H5287

H2009 hinneh hin-nay' prolongation for H2005; lo!:--behold, lo, see. see H2005

H2671 chets khayts from H2686; properly, a piercer, i.e. an arrow; byimplication, a wound; figuratively, (of God) thunder-bolt; (by interchange for H6086) the shaft of a spear:--+ archer, arrow, dart, shaft, staff, wound.see H2686 see H6086

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H2008 hennah hane'-naw from H2004; hither or thither (but used both of place and time):--here, hither(-to), now, on this (that) side, + since, this (that) way, thitherward, + thus far, to...fro, + yet. see H2004

H3947 laqach law-kakh' a primitive root; to take (in the widest variety of applications):--accept, bring, buy, carry away, drawn, fetch, get, infold, X many, mingle, place, receive(-ing), reserve, seize, send for, take (away, -ing, up), use, win.

H935 bow' bo a primitive root; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications):--abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), befallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed, (in-)vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken (in age), X surely, take (in), way.

H3588 kiy kee a primitive particle (the full form of the prepositional prefix) indicating causal relations of all kinds, antecedentor consequent; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjunction or adverb (as below); often largely modified by other particles annexed:--and, + (forasmuch, inasmuch, where-)as, assured(-ly), + but, certainly, doubtless, + else, even, + except, for, how, (because, in, so, than) that, + nevertheless, now, rightly, seeing, since, surely, then, therefore, + (al- )though, + till, truly, + until, when,whether, while, whom, yea, yet.

H7965 shalowm shaw-lome' or shalom {shaw-lome'}; from H7999; safe, i.e. (figuratively) well, happy, friendly; also (abstractly) welfare, i.e. health, prosperity, peace:--X do, familiar, X fare, favour, + friend, X great, (good) health, (X perfect, such as be at)peace(-able, -ably), prosper(-ity, -ous), rest, safe(-ty), salute, welfare, (X all is, be) well, X wholly.see H7999

H369 'ayin ah'-yin as if from a primitive root meaning to be nothing or not exist; a non-entity; generally used as a negative particle:--else, except, fail, (father-)less, be gone,in(-curable), neither, never, no (where), none, nor, (any, thing), not, nothing, to nought, past, un(-searchable), well-nigh, without. Compare 370.see H370

H1697 dabar daw-baw' from H1696; a word; by implication, a matter (as spoken of) or thing; adverbially, a cause:--act, advice, affair, answer, X any such (thing), because of, book, business, care, case, cause, certain rate, + chronicles, commandment, X commune(-ication), + concern(-ing), + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree, deed, X disease, due, duty, effect, +eloquent, errand, (evil favoured-)ness, + glory, + harm, hurt,+ iniquity, + judgment, language, + lying, manner, matter, message, (no) thing, oracle, X ought, X parts, + pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision, purpose, question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast) said, sake, saying, sentence, + sign, + so, some (uncleanness),somewhat to say, + song, speech, X spoken, talk, task, + that, X there done, thing (concerning), thought, + thus, tidings, what(-soever), + wherewith, which, word, work.see H1696

H3068 Yhovah yeh-ho-vaw' from H1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:--Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069. see H3050 see H3069

H2416 chay khah'-ee from H2421; alive; hence, raw (flesh); fresh (plant, water, year), strong; also (as noun, especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing), whether literally or figuratively:--+ age, alive, appetite, (wild)beast, company, congregation, life(-time), live(-ly), living (creature, thing), maintenance, + merry, multitude, + (be) old, quick, raw, running, springing, troop.see H2421

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