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Proverbs 11:12 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Proverbs 11:12 / KJV
12. He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.
Proverbs 11:12 / ASV
12. He that despiseth his neighbor is void of wisdom; But a man of understanding holdeth his peace.
Proverbs 11:12 / BasicEnglish
12. He who has a poor opinion of his neighbour has no sense, but a wise man keeps quiet.
Proverbs 11:12 / Darby
12. He that despiseth his neighbour is void of heart; but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.
Proverbs 11:12 / Webster
12. He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.
Proverbs 11:12 / Young
12. Whoso is despising his neighbour lacketh heart, And a man of understanding keepeth silence.

German Bible Translations

Sprüche 11:12 / Luther
12. Wer seinen Nächsten schändet, ist ein Narr; aber ein verständiger Mann schweigt still.
Sprüche 11:12 / Schlachter
12. Wer seinen Nächsten verächtlich behandelt, ist ein herzloser Mensch; aber ein verständiger Mann nimmt es schweigend an.

French Bible Translations

Proverbes 11:12 / Segond21
12. Celui qui méprise son prochain manque de bon sens, mais l'homme qui a de l'intelligence se tait.
Proverbes 11:12 / NEG1979
12. Celui qui méprise son prochain est dépourvu de sens,Mais l’homme qui a de l’intelligence se tait.
Proverbes 11:12 / Segond
12. Celui qui méprise son prochain est dépourvu de sens, Mais l'homme qui a de l'intelligence se tait.
Proverbes 11:12 / Darby_Fr
12. Qui méprise son prochain est dépourvu de sens, mais l'homme intelligent se tait.
Proverbes 11:12 / Martin
12. Celui qui méprise son prochain, est dépourvu de sens; mais l'homme prudent se tait.
Proverbes 11:12 / Ostervald
12. Celui qui méprise son prochain, est dépourvu de sens; mais l'homme prudent se tait.

Versions with Strong Codes

Proverbs 11 / KJV_Strong
12. He that is void[H2638] of wisdom[H3820] despiseth[H936] his neighbor:[H7453] but a man[H376] of understanding[H8394] holdeth his peace.[H2790]

Strong Code definitions

H2638 chacer khaw-sare' from H2637; lacking; hence, without:--destitute, fail, lack, have need, void, want.see H2637

H3820 leb labe a form of H3824; the heart; also used (figuratively) very widely for the feelings, the will and even the intellect; likewise for the centre of anything:--+ care for, comfortably, consent, X considered, courag(-eous), friend(-ly), ((broken-), (hard-), (merry-), (stiff-), (stout-), double) heart((-ed)), X heed, X I, kindly, midst, mind(-ed), X regard((-ed)), X themselves, X unawares, understanding, X well, willingly, wisdom.see H3824

H936 buwz booz a primitive root; to disrespect:--contemn, despise, X utterly.

H7453 rea` ray'-ah or reya2 {ray'-ah}; from H7462; an associate (more or less close):--brother, companion, fellow, friend, husband, lover, neighbour, X (an-)other.see Hreya2 see H7462

H376 'iysh eesh contracted for H582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant); a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed intranslation):--also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-,husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.see H582 see H802

H8394 tabuwn taw-boon' and (feminine) tbuwnah {teb-oo-naw'}; or towbunah{to-boo-naw'}; from H995; intelligence; by implication, an argument; by extension, caprice:--discretion, reason, skilfulness, understanding, wisdom.see H995

H2790 charash khaw-rash' a primitive root; to scratch, i.e. (by implication) to engrave, plough; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material); figuratively, to devise (in a bad sense); hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent, to let alone; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness):--X altogether, cease, conceal, be deaf, devise, ear, graven, imagine, leave off speaking, hold peace, plow(-er, man), be quiet, rest, practise secretly, keep silence, be silent, speak not a word, be still, hold tongue, worker.

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