Job 5:16 plusieurs versions / traductions
English Bible Translations
German Bible Translations
French Bible Translations
16. Ainsi, il y a de l'espérance pour le faible, tandis que l'injustice doit fermer la bouche.
16. Ainsi il arrive au pauvre ce qu'il a espéré, mais l'iniquité a la bouche fermée.
16. Et il y a une espérance pour les malheureux, et la méchanceté a la bouche fermée.
Versions with Strong Codes
Job 5 / KJV_Strong16.
Strong Code definitions
H1800 dal dal from H1809; properly, dangling, i.e. (by implication) weak or thin:--lean, needy, poor (man), weaker.see H1809
H1961 hayah haw-yaw a primitive root (compare 1933); to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):--beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit(one-)self, require, X use. see H1933
H8615 tiqvah tik-vaw' from H6960; literally, a cord (as an attachment (compare 6961)); figuratively, expectancy:--expectation ((-ted)), hope, live, thing that I long for.see H6960 see H6961
H5766 `evel eh'-vel or lavel {aw'-vel}; and (feminine) lavlah {av-law'}; or owlah{o-law'}; or .olah {o-law'}; from H5765; (moral) evil:--iniquity, perverseness, unjust(-ly), unrighteousness(-ly); wicked(-ness).see H5765
H7092 qaphats kaw-fats' a primitive root; to draw together, i.e. close; by implication, to leap (by contracting the limbs); specifically, to die (from gathering up the feet):--shut (up), skip, stop, take out of the way.
H6310 peh peh from H6284; the mouth (as the means of blowing), whether literal or figurative (particularly speech); specifically edge, portion or side; adverbially (with preposition) according to:--accord(-ing as, -ing to), after, appointment, assent, collar, command(-ment), X eat, edge, end, entry, + file, hole, X in, mind, mouth, part, portion, X (should) say(-ing), sentence, skirt, sound, speech, X spoken, talk, tenor, X to, + two-edged, wish, word.see H6284
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