Genesis 49:11 plusieurs versions / traductions
English Bible Translations
11. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:
11. Binding his foal unto the vine, And his ass's colt unto the choice vine; He hath washed his garments in wine, And his vesture in the blood of grapes:
11. Knotting his ass's cord to the vine, and his young ass to the best vine; washing his robe in wine, and his clothing in the blood of grapes:
11. He bindeth his foal to the vine, And his ass's colt to the choice vine; He washeth his dress in wine, And his garment in the blood of grapes.
11. Binding his foal to the vine, and his ass's colt to the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes:
11. Binding to the vine his ass, And to the choice vine the colt of his ass, He hath washed in wine his clothing, And in the blood of grapes his covering;
German Bible Translations
11. Er wird sein Füllen an den Weinstock binden und seiner Eselin Sohn an die edle Rebe. Er wird sein Kleid in Wein waschen und seinen Mantel im Weinbeerblut.
11. Er wird sein Füllen an den Weinstock binden; und der Eselin Junges an die Edelrebe; er wird sein Kleid im Weine waschen und seinen Mantel in Traubenblut;
French Bible Translations
11. Il attache son âne à la vigne et le petit de son ânesse au meilleur cep. Il lave son vêtement dans le vin et son manteau dans le sang des raisins.
11. Il attache à la vigne son âne,Et au meilleur cep le petit de son ânesse;Il lave dans le vin son vêtement,Et dans le sang des raisins son manteau.
11. Il attache à la vigne son âne, Et au meilleur cep le petit de son ânesse; Il lave dans le vin son vêtement, Et dans le sang des raisins son manteau.
11. Il attache à la vigne son ânon, et au cep excellent le petit de son ânesse; il lave dans le vin son vêtement, et dans le sang des raisins son manteau.
11. Il attache à la vigne son ânon, et au cep excellent le petit de son ânesse; il lavera son vêtement dans le vin, et son manteau dans le sang des grappes.
11. Il attache à la vigne son ânon, et au cep choisi le petit de son ânesse; il lavera son vêtement dans le vin, et son manteau dans le sang des raisins.
Versions with Strong Codes
Genesis 49 / KJV_Strong11.
Strong Code definitions
H631 'acar aw-sar' a primitive root; to yoke or hitch; by analogy, to fasten in any sense, to join battle:--bind, fast, gird, harness, hold, keep, make ready, order, prepare, prison(-er), put in bonds, set in array, tie.
H5895 `ayir ah'-yeer from H5782 in the sense of raising (i.e. bearing a burden); properly, a young ass (as just broken to a load); hence an ass-colt:--(ass) colt, foal, young ass.see H5782
H1612 gephen gheh'-fen from an unused root meaning to bend; a vine (as twining), especially the grape:--vine, tree.
H860 'athown aw-thone' probably from the same as H386 (in the sense of patience); a female donkey (from its docility):--(she) ass.see H386
H1121 ben bane from H1129; a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like 1, 251, etc.)):--+ afflicted, age, (Ahoh-)(Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-)ite, (anoint-)ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-)ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young) calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + robber, X servant born, X soldier, son, +spark, + steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, + valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth.see H1129&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H1129 see H1 see H251
H8321 soreq so-rake' or sowreq {so-rake'}; and (feminine) soreqah {so- ray-kaw'}; from H8319 in the sense of redness (compare 8320); a vine stock (properly, one yielding purple grapes, the richestvariety):--choice(-st, noble) wine. Compare 8291. see H8319see H8320 see H8291
H3526 kabac kaw-bas' a primitive root; to trample; hence, to wash (properly, by stamping with the feet), whether literal (including the fulling process) or figurative:--fuller, wash(-ing).
H3830 lbuwsh leb-oosh' or lbush {leb-oosh'}; from H3847; a garment (literally or figuratively); by implication (euphem.) a wife:--apparel, clothed with, clothing, garment, raiment, vestment, vesture. see H3847
H3196 yayin yah'-yin from an unused root meaning to effervesce; wine (as fermented); by implication, intoxication:--banqueting, wine, wine(-bibber).
H5497 cuwth sooth probably from the same root as H4533; covering, i.e. clothing:--clothes.see H4533
H1818 dam dawm causes death) of man or an animal; by analogy, the juice of the grape; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (i.e. drops of blood):--blood(-y, -guiltiness, (-thirsty), + innocent.see H1826 see H119
H6025 `enab ay-nawb' from an unused root probably meaning to bear fruit; a grape:--(ripe) grape, wine.
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