Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Job 16:2 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Job 16:2 / KJV
2. I have heard many such things: miserable comforters are ye all.
Job 16:2 / ASV
2. I have heard many such things: Miserable comforters are ye all.
Job 16:2 / BasicEnglish
2. Such things have frequently come to my ears: you are comforters who only give trouble.
Job 16:2 / Darby
2. I have heard many such things: grievous comforters are ye all.
Job 16:2 / Webster
2. I have heard many such things: miserable comforters are ye all.
Job 16:2 / Young
2. I have heard many such things, Miserable comforters [are] ye all.

German Bible Translations

Hiob 16:2 / Luther
2. Ich habe solches oft gehört. Ihr seid allzumal leidige Tröster!
Hiob 16:2 / Schlachter
2. Dergleichen habe ich oft gehört; ihr seid allzumal leidige Tröster.

French Bible Translations

Job 16:2 / Segond21
2. «J'ai entendu beaucoup de propos semblables. Vous êtes tous des consolateurs pénibles.
Job 16:2 / NEG1979
2. J’ai souvent entendu pareilles choses; Vous êtes tous des consolateurs fâcheux.
Job 16:2 / Segond
2. J'ai souvent entendu pareilles choses; Vous êtes tous des consolateurs fâcheux.
Job 16:2 / Darby_Fr
2. J'ai entendu bien des choses comme celles-là; vous êtes tous des consolateurs fâcheux.
Job 16:2 / Martin
2. J'ai souvent entendu de pareils discours; vous [êtes] tous des consolateurs fâcheux.
Job 16:2 / Ostervald
2. J'ai souvent entendu de pareils discours; vous êtes tous des consolateurs fâcheux.

Versions with Strong Codes

Job 16 / KJV_Strong
2. I have heard[H8085] many[H7227] such things:[H428] miserable[H5999] comforters[H5162] are ye all.[H3605]

Strong Code definitions

H8085 shama` shaw-mah' a primitive root; to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention, obedience, etc.; causatively, to tell, etc.):--X attentively, call (gather) together, X carefully, X certainly, consent, consider, be content, declare, X diligently, discern, give ear, (cause to, let, make to) hear(-ken, tell), X indeed, listen, make (a) noise, (be)obedient, obey, perceive, (make a) proclaim(-ation), publish, regard, report, shew (forth), (make a) sound, X surely, tell, understand, whosoever (heareth), witness.

H7227 rab rab by contracted from H7231; abundant (in quantity, size, age, number, rank, quality):--(in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly), captain, elder, enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one), increase, long (enough, (time)), (do, have) many(-ifold, things, a time), ((ship-))master, mighty, more, (too, very) much, multiply(-tude), officer, often(-times), plenteous, populous, prince, process (of time), suffice(-lent).

H428 'el-leh ale'-leh prolonged from H411; these or those:--an- (the) other; one sort, so, some, such, them, these (same), they, this, those, thus, which, who(-m).see H411

H5999 `amal aw-mawl' from H5998; toil, i.e. wearing effort; hence, worry, wheth. of body or mind:--grievance(-vousness), iniquity, labour, mischief, miserable(-sery), pain(-ful), perverseness, sorrow, toil, travail, trouble, wearisome, wickedness.see H5998

H5162 nacham naw-kham' a primitive root; properly, to sigh, i.e. breathe strongly; by implication, to be sorry, i.e. (in a favorable sense) topity, console or (reflexively) rue; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself):--comfort (self), ease (one's self),repent(-er,-ing, self).

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

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