Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Gospel of John 3:14 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

John 3:14 / KJV
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
John 3:14 / ASV
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up;
John 3:14 / BasicEnglish
14. As the snake was lifted up by Moses in the waste land, even so it is necessary for the Son of man to be lifted up:
John 3:14 / Darby
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, thus must the Son of man be lifted up,
John 3:14 / Webster
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
John 3:14 / Young
14. `And as Moses did lift up the serpent in the wilderness, so it behoveth the Son of Man to be lifted up,

German Bible Translations

Johannes 3:14 / Luther
14. Und wie Mose in der Wüste eine Schlange erhöht hat, also muß des Menschen Sohn erhöht werden,
Johannes 3:14 / Schlachter
14. Und wie Mose in der Wüste die Schlange erhöhte, also muß des Menschen Sohn erhöht werden,

French Bible Translations

Évangile de Jean 3:14 / Segond21
14. »Et tout comme Moïse a élevé le serpent dans le désert, il faut aussi que le Fils de l'homme soit élevé
Évangile de Jean 3:14 / NEG1979
14. Et comme Moïse éleva le serpent dans le désert, il faut de même que le Fils de l’homme soit élevé,
Jean 3:14 / Segond
14. Et comme Moïse éleva le serpent dans le désert, il faut de même que le Fils de l'homme soit élevé,
Jean 3:14 / Darby_Fr
14. Et comme Moïse éleva le serpent dans le désert, ainsi il faut que le fils de l'homme soit élevé,
Jean 3:14 / Martin
14. Or comme Moïse éleva le serpent au désert, ainsi il faut que le Fils de l'homme soit élevé;
Jean 3:14 / Ostervald
14. Et comme Moïse éleva le serpent dans le désert, de même il faut que le Fils de l'homme soit élevé,

Versions with Strong Codes

John 3 / KJV_Strong
14. And[G2532] as[G2531] Moses[G3475] lifted up[G5312] the[G3588] serpent[G3789] in[G1722] the[G3588] wilderness,[G2048] even so[G3779] must[G1163] the[G3588] Son[G5207] of man[G444] be lifted up: [G5312]

Strong Code definitions

G2532 kai/kahee apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:--and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.

G2531 kathos/kath-oce' from G2596 and 5613; just (or inasmuch) as, that:--according to, (according, even) as, how, when. see G2596 see G5613

G3475 Moseus/moce-yoos' or Mouses mo-oosace' of Hebrew origin; (4872); Moseus, Moses, or Mouses (i.e. Mosheh), the Hebrew lawgiver:-Moses. see H4872

G5312 hupsoo/hoop-so'-o from G5311; to elevate (literally or figuratively):--exalt, lift up. see G5311

G3588 ho/ho, including the feminine to to in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):--the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

G3789 ophis/of'-is probably from G3700 (through the idea of sharpness of vision); a snake, figuratively, (as a type of sly cunning) an artful malicious person, especially Satan:--serpent. see G3700

G1722 en/en a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:-about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. see G1519 see G1537

G3588 ho/ho, including the feminine to to in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):--the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

G2048 eremos/er'-ay-mos of uncertain affinity; lonesome, i.e. (by implication) waste (usually as a noun, 5561 being implied):--desert, desolate, solitary, wilderness. see G5561

G3779 houto/hoo'-to, or (before a vowel adverb from G3778; in this way (referring to what precedes or follows):--after that, after (in) this manner, as, even (so), for all that, like(-wise), no more, on this fashion(-wise), so (in like manner), thus, what. see G3778

G1163 dei/die 3d person singular active present of G1210; also deon deh-on'; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding):--behoved, be meet, must (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should. see G1210

G3588 ho/ho, including the feminine to to in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):--the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

G5207 huios/hwee-os' apparently a primary word; a "son" (sometimes of animals), used very widely of immediate, remote or figuratively, kinship:--child, foal, son.

G444 anthropos/anth'-ro-pos from G435 and ops (the countenance; from G3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being:--certain, man. see G435 see G3700

G5312 hupsoo/hoop-so'-o from G5311; to elevate (literally or figuratively):--exalt, lift up. see G5311

Prédications où le verset / chapitre de la Bible sont analysés

Jésus et Nicodème

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