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Gospel of Matthew 18:31 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Matthew 18:31 / KJV
31. So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.
Matthew 18:31 / ASV
31. So when his fellow-servants saw what was done, they were exceeding sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.
Matthew 18:31 / BasicEnglish
31. So when the other servants saw what was done they were very sad, and came and gave word to their lord of what had been done.
Matthew 18:31 / Darby
31. But his fellow-bondmen, having seen what had taken place, were greatly grieved, and went and recounted to their lord all that had taken place.
Matthew 18:31 / Webster
31. So when his fellow-servants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told to their lord all that was done.
Matthew 18:31 / Young
31. `And his fellow-servants having seen the things that were done, were grieved exceedingly, and having come, shewed fully to their lord all the things that were done;

German Bible Translations

Matthäus 18:31 / Luther
31. Da aber seine Mitknechte solches sahen, wurden sie sehr betrübt und kamen und brachten vor ihren Herrn alles, was sich begeben hatte.
Matthäus 18:31 / Schlachter
31. Als aber seine Mitknechte sahen, was geschehen war, wurden sie sehr betrübt, kamen und berichteten ihrem Herrn die ganze Geschichte.

French Bible Translations

Évangile de Matthieu 18:31 / Segond21
31. A la vue de ce qui était arrivé, ses compagnons furent profondément attristés, et ils allèrent raconter à leur maître tout ce qui s'était passé.
Évangile de Matthieu 18:31 / NEG1979
31. Ses compagnons, ayant vu ce qui était arrivé, furent profondément attristés, et ils allèrent raconter à leur maître tout ce qui s’était passé.
Matthieu 18:31 / Segond
31. Ses compagnons, ayant vu ce qui était arrivé, furent profondément attristés, et ils allèrent raconter à leur maître tout ce qui s'était passé.
Matthieu 18:31 / Darby_Fr
31. Or ceux qui étaient esclaves avec lui, voyant ce qui était arrivé, furent extrêmement affligés, et s'en vinrent et déclarèrent à leur seigneur tout ce qui s'était passé.
Matthieu 18:31 / Martin
31. Or ses autres compagnons de service voyant ce qui était arrivé, en furent extrêmement touchés, et ils s'en vinrent, et déclarèrent à leur Seigneur tout ce qui s'était passé.
Matthieu 18:31 / Ostervald
31. Ses compagnons de service, voyant ce qui s'était passé, en furent fort attristés; et ils vinrent rapporter à leur maître tout ce qui était arrivé.

Versions with Strong Codes

Matthew 18 / KJV_Strong
31. So[G1161] when his[G846] fellowservants[G4889] saw[G1492] what was done,[G1096] they were very sorry,[G3076] [G4970] and[G2532] came[G2064] and told[G1285] unto their[G848] lord[G2962] all[G3956] that was done.[G1096]

Strong Code definitions

G1161 de/deh a primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:--also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).

G846 autos/ow-tos' from the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:--her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848. see G109 see G1438 see G848

G4889 sundoulos/soon'-doo-los from G4862 and 1401; a co-slave, i.e. servitor or ministrant of the same master (human or divine):--fellowservant. see G4862 see G1401

G1492 eido/i'-do a primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly, to see (literally or figuratively); by implication, (in the perfect tense only) to know:--be aware, behold, X can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish, wot. Compare 3700. see G3700&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >G3700 see G3708 see G3700&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >G3700

G1096 ginomai/ghin'-om-ahee a prolongation and middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-erate), i.e. (reflexively) to become (come into being), used with great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.):--arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought.

G3076 lupeo/loo-peh'-o from G3077; to distress; reflexively or passively, to be sad:--cause grief, grieve, be in heaviness, (be) sorrow(-ful), be (make) sorry. see G3077

G4970 sphodra/sfod'-rah neuter plural of sphodros (violent; of uncertain derivation) as adverb; vehemently, i.e. in a high degree, much:-exceeding(-ly), greatly, sore, very.

G2532 kai/kahee apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:--and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.

G2064 erchomai/er'-khom-ahee middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred (middle voice) eleuthomai el-yoo'-thomahee, or (active) eltho el'-tho, which do not otherwise occur) to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):-- accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be set.

G1285 diasapheo/dee-as-af-eh'-o from G1223 and saphes (clear); to clear thoroughly, i.e. (figuratively) declare:--tell unto. see G1223

G848 hautou/how-too' contracted for G1438; self (in some oblique case or reflexively, relation):-her (own), (of) him(-self), his (own), of it, thee, their (own), them(-selves), they. see G1438

G2962 kurios/koo'-ree-os from kuros (supremacy); supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title):-- God, Lord, master, Sir.

G3956 pas/pas including all the forms of declension; apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole:--all (manner of, means), alway(s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.

G1096 ginomai/ghin'-om-ahee a prolongation and middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-erate), i.e. (reflexively) to become (come into being), used with great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.):--arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought.

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