Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Gospel of Matthew 18:18 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Matthew 18:18 / KJV
18. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 / ASV
18. Verily I say unto you, what things soever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and what things soever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 / BasicEnglish
18. Truly I say to you, Whatever things are fixed by you on earth will be fixed in heaven: and whatever you make free on earth will be made free in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 / Darby
18. Verily I say to you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on the earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever ye shall loose on the earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 / Webster
18. Verily I say to you, Whatever ye shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven: and whatever ye shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.
Matthew 18:18 / Young
18. `Verily I say to you, Whatever things ye may bind upon the earth shall be having been bound in the heavens, and whatever things ye may loose on the earth shall be having been loosed in the heavens.

German Bible Translations

Matthäus 18:18 / Luther
18. Wahrlich ich sage euch: Was ihr auf Erden binden werdet, soll auch im Himmel gebunden sein, und was ihr auf Erden lösen werdet, soll auch im Himmel los sein.
Matthäus 18:18 / Schlachter
18. Wahrlich, ich sage euch, was ihr auf Erden binden werdet, das wird im Himmel gebunden sein, und was ihr auf Erden lösen werdet, das wird im Himmel gelöst sein.

French Bible Translations

Évangile de Matthieu 18:18 / Segond21
18. Je vous le dis en vérité, tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre aura été lié au ciel et tout ce que vous délierez sur la terre aura été délié au ciel.
Évangile de Matthieu 18:18 / NEG1979
18. Je vous le dis en vérité, tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre sera lié dans le ciel, et tout ce que vous délierez sur la terre sera délié dans le ciel.
Matthieu 18:18 / Segond
18. Je vous le dis en vérité, tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre sera lié dans le ciel, et tout ce que vous délierez sur la terre sera délié dans le ciel.
Matthieu 18:18 / Darby_Fr
18. En vérité, je vous dis: Tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre sera lié dans le ciel, et tout ce que vous délierez sur la terre sera délié dans le ciel.
Matthieu 18:18 / Martin
18. En vérité je vous dis, que tout ce que vous aurez lié sur la terre, sera lié dans le ciel; et tout ce que vous aurez délié sur la terre, sera délié dans le ciel.
Matthieu 18:18 / Ostervald
18. Je vous dis en vérité que tout ce que vous aurez lié sur la terre, sera lié dans le ciel; et tout ce que vous aurez délié sur la terre, sera délié dans le ciel.

Versions with Strong Codes

Matthew 18 / KJV_Strong
18. Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you,[G5213] Whatsoever[G3745] [G1437] ye shall bind[G1210] on[G1909] earth[G1093] shall be[G2071] bound[G1210] in[G1722] heaven: [G3772] and[G2532] whatsoever[G3745] [G1437] ye shall loose[G3089] on[G1909] earth[G1093] shall be[G2071] loosed[G3089] in[G1722] heaven.[G3772]

Strong Code definitions

G281 amen/am-ane' of Hebrew origin (543); properly, firm, i.e. (figuratively) trustworthy; adverbially, surely (often as interjection, so be it):-amen, verily. see H543

G3004 lego/leg'-o a primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean:--ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. see G2036 see G5346 see G4483 see G2980

G5213 humin/hoo-min' irregular dative case of G5210; to (with or by) you:--ye, you, your(selves). see G5210

G3745 hosos/hos'-os by reduplication from G3739; as (much, great, long, etc.) as:--all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), (in-)asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever). see G3739

G1437 ean/eh-an' from G1487 and 302; a conditional particle; in case that, provided, etc.; often used in connection with other particles to denote indefiniteness or uncertainty:--before, but, except, (and) if, (if) so, (what-, whither-)soever, though, when (-soever), whether (or), to whom, (who-)so(-ever). See 3361. see G1487 see G302 see G3361

G1210 deo/deh'-o a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively):--bind, be in bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189. see G1163 see G1189

G1909 epi/ep-ee' a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.:--about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively).

G1093 ge/ghay contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application):--country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.

G2071 esomai/es'-om-ahee future of G1510; will be:--shall (should) be (have), (shall) come (to pass), X may have, X fall, what would follow, X live long, X sojourn. see G1510

G1210 deo/deh'-o a primary verb; to bind (in various applications, literally or figuratively):--bind, be in bonds, knit, tie, wind. See also 1163, 1189. see G1163 see G1189

G1722 en/en a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:-about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. see G1519 see G1537

G3772 ouranos/oo-ran-os' perhaps from the same as G3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specially, the Gospel (Christianity):--air, heaven(-ly), sky. see G3735

G2532 kai/kahee apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:--and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.

G3745 hosos/hos'-os by reduplication from G3739; as (much, great, long, etc.) as:--all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), (in-)asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever). see G3739

G1437 ean/eh-an' from G1487 and 302; a conditional particle; in case that, provided, etc.; often used in connection with other particles to denote indefiniteness or uncertainty:--before, but, except, (and) if, (if) so, (what-, whither-)soever, though, when (-soever), whether (or), to whom, (who-)so(-ever). See 3361. see G1487 see G302 see G3361

G3089 luo/loo'-o a primary verb; to "loosen" (literally or figuratively):--break (up), destroy, dissolve, (un-)loose, melt, put off. Compare 4486. see G4486

G1909 epi/ep-ee' a primary preposition; properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.:--about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively).

G1093 ge/ghay contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application):--country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.

G2071 esomai/es'-om-ahee future of G1510; will be:--shall (should) be (have), (shall) come (to pass), X may have, X fall, what would follow, X live long, X sojourn. see G1510

G3089 luo/loo'-o a primary verb; to "loosen" (literally or figuratively):--break (up), destroy, dissolve, (un-)loose, melt, put off. Compare 4486. see G4486

G1722 en/en a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:-about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. see G1519 see G1537

G3772 ouranos/oo-ran-os' perhaps from the same as G3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specially, the Gospel (Christianity):--air, heaven(-ly), sky. see G3735

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