Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Genesis 42:18 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Genesis 42:18 / KJV
18. And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God:
Genesis 42:18 / ASV
18. And Joseph said unto them the third day, This do, and live: for I fear God:
Genesis 42:18 / BasicEnglish
18. And on the third day Joseph said to them, Do this, if you would keep your lives: for I am a god-fearing man:
Genesis 42:18 / Darby
18. And Joseph said to them the third day, This do, that ye may live: I fear God.
Genesis 42:18 / Webster
18. And Joseph said to them the third day, This do, and live; for I fear God:
Genesis 42:18 / Young
18. And Joseph saith unto them on the third day, `This do and live; God I fear!

German Bible Translations

Genesis 42:18 / Luther
18. Am dritten Tage aber sprach er zu ihnen: Wollt ihr leben, so tut also; denn ich fürchte Gott.
Genesis 42:18 / Schlachter
18. Am dritten Tag aber sprach Joseph zu ihnen: Um euer Leben zu fristen, macht es so; denn ich fürchte Gott:

French Bible Translations

Genèse 42:18 / Segond21
18. Le troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: «Faites ce que je vous dis et vous vivrez. Je crains Dieu!
Genèse 42:18 / NEG1979
18. Le troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: Faites ceci, et vous vivrez. Je crains Dieu!
Genèse 42:18 / Segond
18. Le troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: Faites ceci, et vous vivrez. Je crains Dieu!
Genèse 42:18 / Darby_Fr
18. Et, le troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: Faites ceci, et vous vivrez; moi je crains Dieu.
Genèse 42:18 / Martin
18. Et au troisième jour Joseph leur dit : Faites ceci, et vous vivrez; je crains Dieu.
Genèse 42:18 / Ostervald
18. Et, au troisième jour, Joseph leur dit: Faites ceci, et vous vivrez; je crains Dieu.

Versions with Strong Codes

Genesis 42 / KJV_Strong
18. And Joseph[H3130] said[H559] unto[H413] them the third[H7992] day,[H3117] This[H2063] do,[H6213] and live;[H2421] for I[H589] fear[H3373] [H853] God: [H430]

Strong Code definitions

H3130 Yowceph yo-safe' future of H3254; let him add (or perhaps simply active participle adding); Joseph, the name of seven Israelites:--Joseph. Compare 3084.see H3254 see H3084

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H7992 shliyshiy shel-ee-shee' ordinal from H7969; third; feminine a third (part); by extension, a third (day, year or time); specifically, a third-story cell):--third (part, rank, time), three (years old).see H7969

H3117 yowm yome from an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), (often used adverb):--age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ((birth-), each, to)day, (now a, two) days (agone), + elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -more), X full, life, as (so) long as(... live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually, presently, + remaineth, X required, season, X since, space, then, (process of) time, + as at other times, + in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), X whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.

H2063 zo'th zothe' irregular feminine of H2089; this (often used adverb):-- hereby (-in, -with), it, likewise, the one (other, same), she, so (much), such (deed), that, therefore, these, this (thing), thus.

H6213 `asah aw-saw' a primitive root; to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows):--accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth,bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, (fight-)ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, goabout, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ((a feast)), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be (warr-)ior, work(-man), yield, use.

H2421 chayah khaw-yaw' a primitive root (compare 2331, 2421); to live, whether literally or figuratively; causatively, to revive:--keep (leave, make) alive, X certainly, give (promise) life, (let, suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore (to life), revive, (X God) save (alive, life, lives), X surely, be whole.see H2331 see H2421

H589 'aniy an-ee' contracted from H595; I:--I, (as for) me, mine, myself, we, X which, X who.see H595

H3373 yare' yaw-ray' from H3372; fearing; morally, reverent:--afraid, fear (-ful). see H3372

H853 'eth ayth apparent contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly, self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely):--(as such unrepresented in English). see H226

H430 'elohiym el-o-heem' plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:--angels, X exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.see H433

Prédications où le verset / chapitre de la Bible sont analysés

Substitution; le clean prend la place du coupable – Genèse 44-45
Des initiatives qui révèlent le coeur : Genèse 42, 43

Related Sermons discussing this verse or the Bible chapter Genesis 42

Initiatives that reveal the heart: Genesis 42, 43

see also: Bible Key Verses