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Gospel of Matthew 28:9 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Matthew 28:9 / KJV
9. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
Matthew 28:9 / ASV
9. And behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and took hold of his feet, and worshipped him.
Matthew 28:9 / BasicEnglish
9. And on the way, Jesus came to them, saying, Be glad. And they came and put their hands on his feet, and gave him worship.
Matthew 28:9 / Darby
9. And as they went to bring his disciples word, behold also, Jesus met them, saying, Hail! And they coming up took him by the feet, and did him homage.
Matthew 28:9 / Webster
9. And as they were going to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came, and held him by the feet, and worshiped him.
Matthew 28:9 / Young
9. and as they were going to tell to his disciples, then lo, Jesus met them, saying, `Hail!' and they having come near, laid hold of his feet, and did bow to him.

German Bible Translations

Matthäus 28:9 / Luther
9. siehe, da begegnete ihnen Jesus und sprach: Seid gegrüßet! Und sie traten zu ihm und griffen an seine Füße und fielen vor ihm nieder.
Matthäus 28:9 / Schlachter
9. Und siehe, da begegnete ihnen Jesus und sprach: Seid gegrüßt! Sie aber traten herzu und umfaßten seine Füße und huldigten ihm.

French Bible Translations

Évangile de Matthieu 28:9 / Segond21
9. Et voici que Jésus vint à leur rencontre et dit: «Je vous salue.»Elles s'approchèrent, s'agrippèrent à ses pieds et se prosternèrent devant lui.
Évangile de Matthieu 28:9 / NEG1979
9. Et voici, Jésus vint à leur rencontre, et dit: Je vous salue. Elles s’approchèrent pour saisir ses pieds, et elles l’adorèrent.
Matthieu 28:9 / Segond
9. Et voici, Jésus vint à leur rencontre, et dit: Je vous salue. Elles s'approchèrent pour saisir ses pieds, et elles se prosternèrent devant lui.
Matthieu 28:9 / Darby_Fr
9. Et comme elles allaient pour l'annoncer à ses disciples, voici aussi Jésus vint au-devant d'elles, disant: Je vous salue. Et elles, s'approchant de lui, saisirent ses pieds et lui rendirent hommage.
Matthieu 28:9 / Martin
9. Mais comme elles allaient pour l'annoncer à ses Disciples, voici, Jésus se présenta devant elles, et leur dit : je vous salue. Et elles s'approchèrent, et embrassèrent ses pieds, et l'adorèrent.
Matthieu 28:9 / Ostervald
9. Mais, comme elles allaient pour le leur annoncer, voilà Jésus qui vint au-devant d'elles, en leur disant: Je vous salue. Et elles s'approchèrent, et lui embrassèrent les pieds, et l'adorèrent.

Versions with Strong Codes

Matthew 28 / KJV_Strong
9. And[G1161] as[G5613] they went[G4198] to tell[G518] his[G846] disciples,[G3101] behold,[G2400] [G2532] Jesus[G2424] met[G528] them,[G846] saying,[G3004] All hail.[G5463] And[G1161] they[G3588] came[G4334] and held[G2902] him[G846] by the[G3588] feet,[G4228] and[G2532] worshiped[G4352] him.[G846]

Strong Code definitions

G1161 de/deh a primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:--also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).

G5613 hos/hoce probably adverb of comparative from G3739; which how, i.e. in that manner (very variously used, as follows):--about, after (that), (according) as (it had been, it were), as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as, unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when(soever), while, X with all speed. see G3739

G4198 poreuomai/por-yoo'-om-ahee middle voice from a derivative of the same as G3984; to traverse, i.e. travel (literally or figuratively; especially to remove (figuratively, die), live, etc.); -depart, go (away, forth, one's way, up), (make a, take a) journey, walk. see G3984

G518 apaggello/ap-ang-el'-lo from G575 and the base of G32; to announce:--bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell. see G575 see G32

G846 autos/ow-tos' from the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:--her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848. see G109 see G1438 see G848

G3101 mathetes/math-ay-tes' from G3129; a learner, i.e. pupil:--disciple. see G3129

G2400 idou/id-oo' second person singular imperative middle voice of G1492; used as imperative lo!; --behold, lo, see. see G1492

G2532 kai/kahee apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:--and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.

G2424 Iesous/ee-ay-sooce' of Hebrew origin (3091); Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:--Jesus. see H3091

G528 apantao/ap-an-tah'-o from G575 and a derivative of G473; to meet away, i.e. encounter:-meet. see G575 see G473

G846 autos/ow-tos' from the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:--her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848. see G109 see G1438 see G848

G3004 lego/leg'-o a primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean:--ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. see G2036 see G5346 see G4483 see G2980

G5463 chairo/khah'-ee-ro a primary verb; to be "cheer"ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off; impersonally, especially as salutation (on meeting or parting), be well:--farewell, be glad, God speed, greeting, hall, joy(- fully), rejoice.

G1161 de/deh a primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:--also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).

G3588 ho/ho, including the feminine to to in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):--the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

G4334 proserchomai/pros-er'-khom-ahee from G4314 and 2064 (including its alternate); to approach, i.e. (literally) come near, visit, or (figuratively) worship, assent to:--(as soon as he) come (unto), come thereunto, consent, draw near, go (near, to, unto). see G4314 see G2064

G2902 krateo/krat-eh'-o from G2904; to use strength, i.e. seize or retain (literally or figuratively):--hold (by, fast), keep, lay hand (hold) on, obtain, retain, take (by). see G2904

G846 autos/ow-tos' from the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:--her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848. see G109 see G1438 see G848

G3588 ho/ho, including the feminine to to in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):--the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

G4228 pous/pooce a primary word; a "foot" (figuratively or literally):--foot(-stool).

G2532 kai/kahee apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:--and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.

G4352 proskuneo/pros-koo-neh'-o from G4314 and a probable derivative of G2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore):-worship. see G4314 see G2965

G846 autos/ow-tos' from the particle au (perhaps akin to the base of G109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward); the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons:--her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848. see G109 see G1438 see G848

Prédications où le verset / chapitre de la Bible sont analysés

Luc 8 :22-26 ; Matthieu 14 : 22-33 
Annoncer l’incroyable (Matthieu 15)
Fil Rouge de la Bible 14: Une mission à accomplir
Fil Rouge de la Bible 11d: Jésus de Nazareth sa résurrection

Related Sermons discussing this verse or the Bible chapter Gospel of Matthew 28

Bible Red Thread 14: A Mission to Fulfill (Matthew 28)
Bible Red Thread 11d: The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 28)

see also: Bible Key Verses