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Gospel of Mark 13:7 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Mark 13:7 / KJV
7. And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.
Mark 13:7 / ASV
7. And when ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled: [these things] must needs come to pass; but the end is not yet.
Mark 13:7 / BasicEnglish
7. And when you have news of wars and talk of wars, do not be troubled; these things have to be, but it is still not the end.
Mark 13:7 / Darby
7. But when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be not disturbed, for [this] must happen, but the end is not yet.
Mark 13:7 / Webster
7. And when ye shall hear of wars, and rumors of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end will not be yet.
Mark 13:7 / Young
7. and when ye may hear of wars and reports of wars, be not troubled, for these behove to be, but the end [is] not yet;

German Bible Translations

Markus 13:7 / Luther
7. Wenn ihr aber hören werdet von Kriegen und Kriegsgeschrei, so fürchtet euch nicht. Denn es muß also geschehen; aber das Ende ist noch nicht da.
Markus 13:7 / Schlachter
7. Wenn ihr aber von Kriegen und Kriegsgeschrei hören werdet, so erschrecket nicht; denn es muß geschehen, aber es ist noch nicht das Ende.

French Bible Translations

Évangile de Marc 13:7 / Segond21
7. Quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de menaces de guerres, ne vous laissez pas effrayer, car il faut que ces choses arrivent. Cependant, ce ne sera pas encore la fin.
Évangile de Marc 13:7 / NEG1979
7. Quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de bruits de guerres, ne soyez pas troublés, car il faut que ces choses arrivent. Mais ce ne sera pas encore la fin.
Marc 13:7 / Segond
7. Quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de bruits de guerres, ne soyez pas troublés, car il faut que ces choses arrivent. Mais ce ne sera pas encore la fin.
Marc 13:7 / Darby_Fr
7. Et quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de bruits de guerres, ne soyez pas troublés, car il faut que ces choses arrivent; mais la fin n'est pas encore.
Marc 13:7 / Martin
7. Or quand vous entendrez des guerres, et des bruits de guerres, ne soyez point troublés; parce qu'il faut que ces choses arrivent; mais ce ne sera pas encore la fin.
Marc 13:7 / Ostervald
7. Or, quand vous entendrez parler de guerres et de bruits de guerres, ne vous troublez point; car il faut que ces choses arrivent; mais ce ne sera pas encore la fin.

Versions with Strong Codes

Mark 13 / KJV_Strong
7. And[G1161] when[G3752] ye shall hear[G191] of wars[G4171] and[G2532] rumors[G189] of wars,[G4171] be ye not[G3361] troubled: [G2360] for[G1063] such things must needs[G1163] be;[G1096] but[G235] the[G3588] end[G5056] shall not be yet.[G3768]

Strong Code definitions

G1161 de/deh a primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:--also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).

G3752 hotan/hot'-an from G3753 and 302; whenever (implying hypothesis or more or less uncertainty); also causatively (conjunctionally) inasmuch as:--as long (soon) as, that, + till, when(soever), while. see G3753 see G302

G191 akouo/ak-oo'-o a primary verb; to hear (in various senses):--give (in the) audience (of), come (to the ears), (shall) hear(-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand.

G4171 polemos/pol'-em-os from pelomai (to bustle); warfare (literally or figuratively; a single encounter or a series):--battle, fight, war.

G2532 kai/kahee apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:--and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.

G189 akoe/ak-o-ay' from G191; hearing (the act, the sense or the thing heard):--audience, ear, fame, which ye heard, hearing, preached, report, rumor. see G191

G4171 polemos/pol'-em-os from pelomai (to bustle); warfare (literally or figuratively; a single encounter or a series):--battle, fight, war.

G3361 me/may a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 expresses an absolute denial); (adverb) not, (conjunction) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer (whereas G3756 expects an affirmative one)) whether:--any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, (can-)not, nothing, that not, un(-taken), without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also 3362, 3363, 3364, 3372, 3373, 3375, 3378. see G3756 see G3362 see G3363 see G3364 see G3372 see G3373 see G3375 see G3378

G2360 throeo/thro-eh'-o from threomai to wail; to clamor, i.e. (by implication) to frighten:-trouble.

G1063 gar/gar a primary particle; properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles):--and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet.

G1163 dei/die 3d person singular active present of G1210; also deon deh-on'; neuter active participle of the same; both used impersonally; it is (was, etc.) necessary (as binding):--behoved, be meet, must (needs), (be) need(-ful), ought, should. see G1210

G1096 ginomai/ghin'-om-ahee a prolongation and middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-erate), i.e. (reflexively) to become (come into being), used with great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.):--arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass), (be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought.

G235 alla/al-lah' neuter plural of G243; properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations):--and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet. see G243

G3588 ho/ho, including the feminine to to in all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):--the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.

G5056 telos/tel'-os from a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination (literally, figuratively or indefinitely), result (immediate, ultimate or prophetic), purpose); specially, an impost or levy (as paid):--+ continual, custom, end(ing), finally, uttermost. Compare 5411. see G5411

G3768 oupo/oo'-po from G3756 and 4452; not yet:--hitherto not, (no...) as yet, not yet. see G3756 see G4452

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