King James Version (KJV) With Strong Codes

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KJV_Strong : Mark 13


1. And[G2532] as he[G846] went[G1607] out of[G1537] the[G3588] temple,[G2411] one[G1520] of his[G846] disciples[G3101] saith[G3004] unto him,[G846] Master,[G1320] see[G2396] what manner[G4217] of stones[G3037] and[G2532] what[G4217] buildings[G3619] are here!

2. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] answering[G611] said[G2036] unto him,[G846] Seest[G991] thou these[G5025] great[G3173] buildings?[G3619] there shall not[G3364] be left[G863] one stone upon another,[G3037] [G1909] [G3037] that[G3739] shall not[G3364] be thrown down.[G2647]

3. And[G2532] as he[G846] sat[G2521] upon[G1519] the[G3588] mount[G3735] of Olives[G1636] over against[G2713] the[G3588] temple,[G2411] Peter[G4074] and[G2532] James[G2385] and[G2532] John[G2491] and[G2532] Andrew[G406] asked[G1905] him[G846] privately,[G2596] [G2398]

4. Tell[G2036] us,[G2254] when[G4219] shall these things[G5023] be?[G2071] and[G2532] what[G5101] shall be the[G3588] sign[G4592] when[G3752] all[G3956] these things[G5023] shall[G3195] be fulfilled?[G4931]

5. And[G1161] Jesus[G2424] answering[G611] them[G846] began[G756] to say,[G3004] Take heed[G991] lest[G3361] any[G5100] man deceive[G4105] you: [G5209]

6. For[G1063] many[G4183] shall come[G2064] in[G1909] my[G3450] name,[G3686] saying,[G3004] I[G1473] am[G1510] Christ; and[G2532] shall deceive[G4105] many.[G4183]

7. And[G1161] when[G3752] ye shall hear[G191] of wars[G4171] and[G2532] rumors[G189] of wars,[G4171] be ye not[G3361] troubled: [G2360] for[G1063] such things must needs[G1163] be;[G1096] but[G235] the[G3588] end[G5056] shall not be yet.[G3768]

8. For[G1063] nation[G1484] shall rise[G1453] against[G1909] nation,[G1484] and[G2532] kingdom[G932] against[G1909] kingdom: [G932] and[G2532] there shall be[G2071] earthquakes[G4578] in divers places,[G2596] [G5117] and[G2532] there shall be[G2071] famines[G3042] and[G2532] troubles: [G5016] these[G5023] are the beginnings[G746] of sorrows.[G5604]

9. But[G1161] take heed[G991] to yourselves: [G1438] for[G1063] they shall deliver you up[G3860] [G5209] to[G1519] councils;[G4892] and[G2532] in[G1519] the synagogues[G4864] ye shall be beaten: [G1194] and[G2532] ye shall be brought[G2476] before[G1909] rulers[G2232] and[G2532] kings[G935] for my sake,[G1752] [G1700] for[G1519] a testimony[G3142] against them.[G846]

10. And[G2532] the[G3588] gospel[G2098] must[G1163] first[G4412] be published[G2784] among[G1519] all[G3956] nations.[G1484]

11. But[G1161] when[G3752] they shall lead[G71] you,[G5209] and deliver you up,[G3860] take no thought beforehand[G4305] [G3361] what[G5101] ye shall speak,[G2980] neither[G3366] do ye premeditate: [G3191] but whatsoever[G3739] [G1437] shall be given[G1325] you[G5213] in[G1722] that[G1565] hour,[G5610] that[G5124] speak[G2980] ye: for[G1063] it is[G2075] not[G3756] ye[G5210] that speak,[G2980] but[G235] the[G3588] Holy[G40] Ghost.[G4151]

12. Now[G1161] the brother[G80] shall betray[G3860] the brother[G80] to[G1519] death,[G2288] and[G2532] the father[G3962] the son;[G5043] and[G2532] children[G5043] shall rise up[G1881] against[G1909] their parents,[G1118] and[G2532] shall cause them to be put to death.[G2289] [G846]

13. And[G2532] ye shall be[G2071] hated[G3404] of[G5259] all[G3956] men for my name's sake: [G1223] [G3450] [G3686] but[G1161] he that shall endure[G5278] unto[G1519] the end,[G5056] the same[G3778] shall be saved.[G4982]

14. But[G1161] when[G3752] ye shall see[G1492] the[G3588] abomination[G946] of desolation,[G2050] spoken of[G4483] by[G5259] Daniel[G1158] the[G3588] prophet,[G4396] standing[G2476] where[G3699] it ought[G1163] not,[G3756] (let him that readeth[G314] understand,)[G3539] then[G5119] let them[G3588] that be in[G1722] Judea[G2449] flee[G5343] to[G1519] the[G3588] mountains: [G3735]

15. And[G1161] let him[G3588] that is on[G1909] the[G3588] housetop[G1430] not[G3361] go down[G2597] into[G1519] the[G3588] house,[G3614] neither[G3366] enter[G1525] therein, to take[G142] any thing[G5100] out of[G1537] his[G848] house: [G3614]

16. And[G2532] let him that is[G5607] in[G1519] the[G3588] field[G68] not[G3361] turn back[G1994] again[G1519] [G3694] for to take up[G142] his[G848] garment.[G2440]

17. But[G1161] woe[G3759] to them that are with child,[G2192] [G1722] [G1064] and[G2532] to them that give suck[G2337] in[G1722] those[G1565] days![G2250]

18. And[G1161] pray[G4336] ye that[G2443] your[G5216] flight[G5437] be[G1096] not[G3361] in the winter.[G5494]

19. For[G1063] in those[G1565] days[G2250] shall be[G2071] affliction,[G2347] such as[G3634] was[G1096] not[G3756] [G5108] from[G575] the beginning[G746] of the creation[G2937] which[G3739] God[G2316] created[G2936] unto[G2193] this time,[G3568] [G2532] neither[G3364] shall be.[G1096]

20. And[G2532] except[G1508] that the Lord[G2962] had shortened[G2856] those days,[G2250] no[G3956] [G3756] flesh[G4561] should be saved: [G4982] [G302] but[G235] for the elect's sake,[G1223] [G3588] [G1588] whom[G3739] he hath chosen,[G1586] he hath shortened[G2856] the[G3588] days.[G2250]

21. And[G2532] then[G5119] if[G1437] any man[G5100] shall say[G2036] to you,[G5213] Lo,[G2400] here[G5602] is Christ;[G5547] or,[G2228] lo,[G2400] he is there;[G1563] believe[G4100] him not: [G3361]

22. For[G1063] false Christs[G5580] and[G2532] false prophets[G5578] shall rise,[G1453] and[G2532] shall show[G1325] signs[G4592] and[G2532] wonders,[G5059] to seduce,[G635] if[G1487] it were possible,[G1415] even[G2532] the[G3588] elect.[G1588]

23. But[G1161] take ye heed: [G991] [G5210] behold,[G2400] I have foretold[G4280] you[G5213] all things.[G3956]

24. But[G235] in[G1722] those[G1565] days,[G2250] after[G3326] that[G1565] tribulation,[G2347] the[G3588] sun[G2246] shall be darkened,[G4654] and[G2532] the[G3588] moon[G4582] shall not[G3756] give[G1325] her[G848] light,[G5338]

25. And[G2532] the[G3588] stars[G792] of heaven[G3772] shall[G2071] fall,[G1601] and[G2532] the[G3588] powers[G1411] that[G3588] are in[G1722] heaven[G3772] shall be shaken.[G4531]

26. And[G2532] then[G5119] shall they see[G3700] the[G3588] Son[G5207] of man[G444] coming[G2064] in[G1722] the clouds[G3507] with[G3326] great[G4183] power[G1411] and[G2532] glory.[G1391]

27. And[G2532] then[G5119] shall he send[G649] his[G848] angels,[G32] and[G2532] shall gather together[G1996] his[G848] elect[G1588] from[G1537] the[G3588] four[G5064] winds,[G417] from[G575] the uttermost part[G206] of the earth[G1093] to[G2193] the uttermost part[G206] of heaven.[G3772]

28. Now[G1161] learn[G3129] a parable[G3850] of[G575] the[G3588] fig tree;[G4808] When[G3752] her[G846] branch[G2798] is[G1096] yet[G2235] tender,[G527] and[G2532] putteth forth[G1631] leaves,[G5444] ye know[G1097] that[G3754] summer[G2330] is[G2076] near: [G1451]

29. So[G3779] ye[G5210] in like manner,[G2532] when[G3752] ye shall see[G1492] these things[G5023] come to pass,[G1096] know[G1097] that[G3754] it is[G2076] nigh,[G1451] even at[G1909] the doors.[G2374]

30. Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you,[G5213] that[G3754] this[G3778] generation[G1074] shall not[G3364] pass,[G3928] till[G3360] all[G3956] these things[G5023] be done.[G1096]

31. Heaven[G3772] and[G2532] earth[G1093] shall pass away: [G3928] but[G1161] my[G3450] words[G3056] shall not[G3364] pass away.[G3928]

32. But[G1161] of[G4012] that[G1565] day[G2250] and[G2532] that hour[G5610] knoweth[G1492] no man,[G3762] no, not[G3761] the[G3588] angels[G32] which[G3588] are in[G1722] heaven,[G3772] neither[G3761] the[G3588] Son,[G5207] but[G1508] the[G3588] Father.[G3962]

33. Take ye heed,[G991] watch[G69] and[G2532] pray: [G4336] for[G1063] ye know[G1492] not[G3756] when[G4219] the[G3588] time[G2540] is.[G2076]

34. For the Son of man is as[G5613] a man[G444] taking a far journey,[G590] who left[G863] his[G848] house,[G3614] and[G2532] gave[G1325] authority[G1849] to his[G848] servants,[G1401] and[G2532] to every man[G1538] his[G848] work,[G2041] and[G2532] commanded[G1781] the[G3588] porter[G2377] to[G2443] watch.[G1127]

35. Watch[G1127] ye therefore: [G3767] for[G1063] ye know[G1492] not[G3756] when[G4219] the[G3588] master[G2962] of the[G3588] house[G3614] cometh,[G2064] at even,[G3796] or[G2228] at midnight,[G3317] or[G2228] at the cockcrowing,[G219] or[G2228] in the morning: [G4404]

36. Lest[G3361] coming[G2064] suddenly[G1810] he find[G2147] you[G5209] sleeping.[G2518]

37. And[G1161] what[G3739] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213] I say[G3004] unto all,[G3956] Watch.[G1127]

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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