2 Chronicles 11:7 plusieurs versions / traductions
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Versions with Strong Codes
2 Chronicles 11 / KJV_Strong7. And Beth-zur,[H1049] and Shoco,[H7755] and Adullam,[H5725]
Strong Code definitions
H1049 Beyth Tsuwr bayth tsoor' from H1004 and 6697; house of (the) rock; Beth-Tsur, a place in Palestine:--Beth-zur.see H1004 see H6697
H7755 Sowkoh so-ko' or Sokoh {so-ko'}; or Sowkow {so-ko'}; from H7753; Sokoh or Soko, the name of two places in Palestine:--Shocho, Shochoh, Sochoh, Soco, Socoh.see H7753
H5725 `Adullam ad-ool-lawm' probably from the passive participle of the same as H5724; Adullam, a place in Palestine:--Adullam.see H5724
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