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Ezekiel 23:29 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Ezekiel 23:29 / KJV
29. And they shall deal with thee hatefully, and shall take away all thy labour, and shall leave thee naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.
Ezekiel 23:29 / ASV
29. and they shall deal with thee in hatred, and shall take away all thy labor, and shall leave thee naked and bare; and the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be uncovered, both thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.
Ezekiel 23:29 / BasicEnglish
29. And they will take you in hand with hate, and take away all the fruit of your work, and let you be unveiled and without clothing: and the shame of your loose behaviour will be uncovered, your evil designs and your loose ways.
Ezekiel 23:29 / Darby
29. And they shall deal with thee in hatred, and shall take away all thy labour, and shall leave thee naked and bare; so that the nakedness of thy whoredoms shall be discovered, both thy lewdness and thy fornications.
Ezekiel 23:29 / Webster
29. And they shall treat thee with hatred, and shall take away all thy labor, and shall leave thee naked and bare: and the nakedness of thy prostitutions shall be disclosed, both thy lewdness and thy prostitutions.
Ezekiel 23:29 / Young
29. And they have dealt with thee in hatred, And they have taken all thy labour, And they have left thee naked and bare, And revealed hath been the nakedness of thy whoredoms, And the wickedness of thy whoredoms.

German Bible Translations

Hesekiel 23:29 / Luther
29. Die sollen wie Feinde mit dir umgehen und alles nehmen, was du erworben hast, und dich nackt und bloß lassen, daß die Schande deiner Unzucht und Hurerei offenbar werde.
Hesekiel 23:29 / Schlachter
29. Und diese sollen dich ihren Haß fühlen lassen und alles, was du erworben hast, wegnehmen und dich bloß und nackt sitzen lassen; und also wird die Schande deiner Hurerei und deine Unzucht und deine Ehebrecherei an den Tag kommen.

French Bible Translations

Ézéchiel 23:29 / Segond21
29. Ils te traiteront avec haine, ils prendront tout le produit de ton travail et te laisseront nue, entièrement nue. Alors la grossièreté de tes débauches, tes crimes et tes prostitutions seront dévoilés.
Ézéchiel 23:29 / NEG1979
29. Ils te traiteront avec haine; Ils enlèveront toutes tes richesses, Et te laisseront nue, entièrement nue; La honte de tes débauches sera découverte, De tes crimes et de tes prostitutions.
Ézéchiel 23:29 / Segond
29. Ils te traiteront avec haine; Ils enlèveront toutes tes richesses, Et te laisseront nue, entièrement nue; La honte de tes impudicités sera découverte, De tes crimes et de tes prostitutions.
Ézéchiel 23:29 / Darby_Fr
29. et ils agiront envers toi avec haine, et prendront tout ton travail, et te laisseront nue et découverte; et la nudité de tes débauches, et ton infamie, et tes prostitutions, seront découvertes.
Ézéchiel 23:29 / Martin
29. Ils te traiteront avec haine, et enlèveront tout ton travail, et te laisseront sans habits et découverte, et la turpitude de tes adultères, et de ton énormité, et de tes fornications, sera découverte.
Ézéchiel 23:29 / Ostervald
29. Ils te traiteront avec haine, ils t'enlèveront tout le fruit de tes labeurs; ils te laisseront nue, entièrement nue, et aussi sera mise à découvert la honte de tes impudicités, de ton crime et de tes prostitutions.

Versions with Strong Codes

Ezekiel 23 / KJV_Strong
29. And they shall deal[H6213] with[H854] thee hatefully,[H8135] and shall take away[H3947] all[H3605] thy labor,[H3018] and shall leave[H5800] thee naked[H5903] and bare:[H6181] and the nakedness[H6172] of thy whoredoms[H2183] shall be discovered,[H1540] both thy lewdness[H2154] and thy whoredoms.[H8457]

Strong Code definitions

H6213 `asah aw-saw' a primitive root; to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows):--accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth,bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed), (put in) execute(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, (fight-)ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather, get, goabout, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ((a feast)), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be (warr-)ior, work(-man), yield, use.

H854 'eth ayth probably from H579; properly, nearness (used only as a preposition or an adverb), near; hence, generally, with, by, at, among, etc.:--against, among, before, by, for, from,in(-to), (out) of, with. Often with another prepositional prefix.see H579

H8135 sin'ah sin-aw' from H8130; hate:--+ exceedingly, hate(-ful, - red). see H8130

H3947 laqach law-kakh' a primitive root; to take (in the widest variety of applications):--accept, bring, buy, carry away, drawn, fetch, get, infold, X many, mingle, place, receive(-ing), reserve, seize, send for, take (away, -ing, up), use, win.

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H3018 ygiya` yeg-ee'-ah from H3021; toil; hence, a work, produce, property (as the result of labor):--labour, work.see H3021

H5800 `azab aw-zab' a primitive root; to loosen, i.e. relinquish, permit, etc.:--commit self, fail, forsake, fortify, help, leave (destitute, off), refuse, X surely.

H5903 `eyrom ay-rome' or merom {ay-rome'}; from H6191; nudity:--naked(- ness). see H6191

H6181 `eryah er-yaw' for H6172; nudity:--bare, naked, X quite. see H6172

H6172 `ervah er-vaw' from H6168; nudity, literally (especially the pudenda) or figuratively (disgrace, blemish):--nakedness, shame, unclean(-ness).see H6168

H2183 zanuwn zaw-noon' from H2181; adultery; figuratively, idolatry:--whoredom. see H2181

H1540 galah gaw-law' a primitive root; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense); by implication, to exile (captives being usually stripped); figuratively, to reveal:--+ advertise, appear, bewray, bring, (carry, lead, go) captive (into captivity), depart, disclose, discover, exile, be gone, open, X plainly, publish, remove, reveal, X shamelessly, shew, X surely, tell, uncover.

H2154 zimmah zim-maw' or zammah {zam-maw'}; from H2161; a plan, especially a bad one:--heinous crime, lewd(-ly, -ness), mischief, purpose, thought, wicked (device, mind, -ness).see H2161

H8457 taznuwth taz-nooth' or taznuth {taz-nooth'}; from H2181; harlotry, i.e. (figuratively) idolatry:--fornication, whoredom. see H2181

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