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Isaiah 44:16 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Isaiah 44:16 / KJV
16. He burneth part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eateth flesh; he roasteth roast, and is satisfied: yea, he warmeth himself, and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire:
Isaiah 44:16 / ASV
16. He burneth part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eateth flesh; he roasteth roast, and is satisfied; yea, he warmeth himself, and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire.
Isaiah 44:16 / BasicEnglish
16. With part of it he makes a fire, and on the fire he gets meat cooked and takes a full meal: he makes himself warm, and says, Aha! I am warm, I have seen the fire:
Isaiah 44:16 / Darby
16. He burneth part thereof in the fire; with part thereof he eateth flesh, he roasteth roast, and is satisfied; yea, he is warm, and saith, Aha, I am become warm, I have seen the fire.
Isaiah 44:16 / Webster
16. He burneth part of it in the fire; with part of it he eateth flesh; he roasteth meat, and is satisfied: yes, he warmeth himself, and saith, Aha, I am warm, I have seen the fire:
Isaiah 44:16 / Young
16. Half of it he hath burnt in the fire, By [this] half of it he eateth flesh, He roasteth a roasting, and is satisfied, Yea, he is warm, and saith: `Aha, I have become warm, I have enjoyed the light.

German Bible Translations

Jesaja 44:16 / Luther
16. Die Hälfte verbrennt er im Feuer, über der Hälfte ißt er Fleisch; er brät einen Braten und sättigt sich, wärmt sich auch und spricht: Hoja! ich bin warm geworden, ich sehe meine Lust am Feuer.
Jesaja 44:16 / Schlachter
16. Den einen Teil verbrennt er im Feuer, bei dem andern ißt er Fleisch, brät einen Braten und sättigt sich; er wärmt sich und spricht: «Ha, ha, ich habe mich erwärmt, ich spüre das Feuer!»

French Bible Translations

Ésaïe 44:16 / Segond21
16. Il brûle la moitié de son bois afin de pouvoir manger de la viande, préparer un rôti et se rassasier. Il l'utilise aussi pour se chauffer et dit: «Ah! Je me chauffe, je vois la flamme!»
Ésaïe 44:16 / NEG1979
16. Il brûle au feu la moitié de son bois, Avec cette moitié il cuit de la viande, Il apprête un rôti, et se rassasie; Il se chauffe aussi, et dit: Ha! Ha! Je me chauffe, je vois la flamme!
Ésaïe 44:16 / Segond
16. Il brûle au feu la moitié de son bois, Avec cette moitié il cuit de la viande, Il apprête un rôti, et se rassasie; Il se chauffe aussi, et dit: Ha! Ha! Je me chauffe, je vois la flamme!
Ésaïe 44:16 / Darby_Fr
16. Il en brûle la moitié au feu; avec la moitié il mange de la chair, il cuit un rôti, et il est rassasié; il a chaud aussi, et dit: Ha, ha! je me chauffe, je vois le feu!
Ésaïe 44:16 / Martin
16. Il en brûle au feu une partie, et d'une autre partie il mange sa chair, laquelle il rôtit, et s'en rassasie; il s'en chauffe aussi, et il dit; ha! ha! je me suis réchauffé, j'ai vu la lueur [du feu].
Ésaïe 44:16 / Ostervald
16. Il en brûle au feu la moitié: avec cette moitié il prépare sa viande, il la fait rôtir et se rassasie; il se chauffe aussi, et dit: Ah! Ah! je me réchauffe, je vois la flamme!

Versions with Strong Codes

Isaiah 44 / KJV_Strong
16. He burneth[H8313] part[H2677] thereof in[H1119] the fire;[H784] with[H5921] part[H2677] thereof he eateth[H398] flesh;[H1320] he roasteth[H6740] roast,[H6748] and is satisfied:[H7646] yea,[H637] he warmeth[H2552] himself, and saith,[H559] Aha,[H1889] I am warm,[H2552] I have seen[H7200] the fire: [H217]

Strong Code definitions

H8313 saraph saw-raf' a primitive root; to be (causatively, set) on fire:--(cause to, make a) burn((-ing), up) kindle, X utterly.

H2677 chetsiy khay-tsee' from H2673; the half or middle:--half, middle, mid(-night), midst, part, two parts.see H2673

H1119 bmow bem-o' prolongation for prepositional prefix; in, with, by, etc.:--for, in into, through.

H784 'esh aysh a primitive word; fire (literally or figuratively):-- burning, fiery, fire, flaming, hot.

H5921 `al al properly, the same as H5920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow):--above, accordingto(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, X with.see H5920

H2677 chetsiy khay-tsee' from H2673; the half or middle:--half, middle, mid(-night), midst, part, two parts.see H2673

H398 'akal aw-kal' a primitive root; to eat (literally or figuratively):--X at all, burn up, consume, devour(-er, up), dine, eat(-er, up),feed (with), food, X freely, X in...wise(-deed, plenty), (lay) meat, X quite.

H1320 basar baw-sawr' from H1319; flesh (from its freshness); by extension, body, person; also (by euphem.) the pudenda of a man:--body, (fat, lean) flesh(-ed), kin, (man-)kind, + nakedness, self, skin.see H1319

H6740 tsalah tsaw-law' a primitive root; to roast:--roast.

H6748 tsaliy tsaw-lee' passive participle of H6740; roasted:--roast. see H6740

H7646 saba` saw-bah' or sabeay {saw-bay'-ah}; a primitive root; to sate, i.e. fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively):--have enough, fill (full, self, with), be (to the) full (of), have plentyof, be satiate, satisfy (with), suffice, be weary of.

H637 'aph af a primitive particle; meaning accession (used as an adverb or conjunction); also or yea; adversatively though:--also, + although, and (furthermore, yet), but, even, + how much less (more, rather than), moreover, with, yea.

H2552 chamam khaw-mam' a primitive root; to be hot (literally orfiguratively):--enflame self, get (have) heat, be (wax) hot, (be, wax) warm (self, at).

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H1889 heach heh-awkh' from H1887 and 253; aha!:--ah, aha, ha. see H1887see H253

H2552 chamam khaw-mam' a primitive root; to be hot (literally orfiguratively):--enflame self, get (have) heat, be (wax) hot, (be, wax) warm (self, at).

H7200 ra'ah raw-aw' a primitive root; to see, literally or figuratively (in numerous applications, direct and implied, transitive, intransitive and causative):--advise self, appear, approve, behold, X certainly, consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, X indeed, X joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one upon another, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive, present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another), shew (self), X sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X think, view, visions.

H217 'uwr ore from H215; flame; hence (in the plural) the East (as being the region of light):--fire, light. See also 224.see H215 see H224

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