Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H2114 : zuwr zoor


H2114 zuwr zoor a primitive root; to turn aside (especially for lodging); hence to be a foreigner, strange, profane; specifically (active participle) to commit adultery:--(come from) another(man, place), fanner, go away, (e-)strange(-r, thing, woman).

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H2114

M / Exodus 29.33 : And they shall eat those things wherewith atonement was made, to consecrate and to sanctify them[H2114]: but a stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are holy.
M / Exodus 30.9 : Ye shall offer no strange[H2114] incense thereon, nor burnt-offering, nor meal-offering; and ye shall pour no drink-offering thereon.
M / Exodus 30.33 : Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger[H2114], he shall be cut off from his people.
M / Leviticus 10.1 : And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took each of them his censer, and put fire therein, and laid incense thereon, and offered strange[H2114] fire before Jehovah, which he had not commanded them.
M / Leviticus 22.10 : There shall no stranger[H2114] eat of the holy thing: a sojourner of the priest's, or a hired servant, shall not eat of the holy thing.
M / Leviticus 22.13 : But if a priest's daughter be a widow, or divorced, and have no child, and be returned unto her father's house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's bread[H2114]: but there shall no stranger eat thereof.
M / Numbers 1.51 : And when the tabernacle setteth forward, the Levites shall take it down; and when the tabernacle is to be pitched, the Levites shall set it up: and the stranger[H2114] that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
M / Numbers 3.4 : And Nadab and Abihu died before Jehovah, when they offered strange[H2114] fire before Jehovah, in the wilderness of Sinai, and they had no children; and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office in the presence of Aaron their father.
M / Numbers 3.10 : And thou shalt appoint Aaron and his sons, and they shall keep their priesthood: and the stranger[H2114] that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
M / Numbers 3.38 : And those that encamp before the tabernacle eastward, before the tent of meeting toward the sunrising, shall be Moses, and Aaron and his sons, keeping the charge of the sanctuary for the charge of the children of Israel; and the stranger[H2114] that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
M / Numbers 18.4 : And they shall be joined unto thee, and keep the charge of the tent of meeting, for all the service of the Tent: and a stranger[H2114] shall not come nigh unto you.
M / Numbers 18.7 : And thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priesthood for everything of the altar, and for that within the veil; and ye shall serve: I give you the priesthood as a service of gift: and the stranger[H2114] that cometh nigh shall be put to death.
M / Numbers 26.61 : And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange[H2114] fire before Jehovah.
M / Deuteronomy 32.16 : They moved him to jealousy with strange[H2114] gods; With abominations provoked they him to anger.
M / 1 Kings 3.18 : And it came to pass the third day after I was delivered, that this woman was delivered also; and we were together; there was no stranger[H2114] with us in the house, save we two in the house.
M / 2 Kings 19.24 : I have digged and drunk strange[H2114] waters, and with the sole of my feet will I dry up all the rivers of Egypt.
M / Job 15.19 : Unto whom alone the land was given, And no stranger[H2114] passed among them):
M / Job 19.13 : He hath put my brethren far from me, And mine acquaintance are wholly estranged from me[H2114].
M / Job 19.15 : They that dwell in my house, and my maids, count me for a stranger[H2114]; I am an alien in their sight.
M / Job 19.17 : My breath is strange[H2114] to my wife, And my supplication to the children of mine own mother.
M / Job 19.27 : Whom I, even I, shall see, on my side, And mine eyes shall behold, and not as a stranger[H2114]. My heart is consumed within me.
M / Psalms 44.20 : If we have forgotten the name of our God, Or spread forth our hands to a strange[H2114] god;
M / Psalms 54.3 : For strangers[H2114] are risen up against me, And violent men have sought after my soul: They have not set God before them. [[Selah
M / Psalms 58.3 : The wicked are estranged[H2114] from the womb: They go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies.
M / Psalms 69.8 : I am become a stranger[H2114] unto my brethren, And an alien unto my mother's children.
M / Psalms 78.30 : They were not estranged[H2114] from that which they desired, Their food was yet in their mouths,
M / Psalms 81.9 : There shall no strange[H2114] god be in thee; Neither shalt thou worship any foreign god.
M / Psalms 109.11 : Let the extortioner catch all that he hath[H2114]; And let strangers make spoil of his labor.
M / Proverbs 2.16 : To deliver thee from the strange[H2114] woman, Even from the foreigner that flattereth with her words;
M / Proverbs 5.3 : For the lips of a strange woman[H2114] drop honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil:
M / Proverbs 5.10 : Lest strangers[H2114] be filled with thy strength, And thy labors be in the house of an alien,
M / Proverbs 5.17 : Let them be for thyself alone[H2114], And not for strangers with thee.
M / Proverbs 5.20 : For why shouldest thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman[H2114], And embrace the bosom of a foreigner?
M / Proverbs 6.1 : My son, if thou art become surety for thy neighbor, If thou hast stricken thy hands for a stranger[H2114];
M / Proverbs 7.5 : That they may keep thee from the strange[H2114] woman, From the foreigner that flattereth with her words.
M / Proverbs 11.15 : He that is surety for a stranger[H2114] shall smart for it; But he that hateth suretyship is secure.
M / Proverbs 14.10 : The heart knoweth its own bitterness; And a stranger[H2114] doth not intermeddle with its joy.
M / Proverbs 20.16 : Take his garment that is surety for a stranger[H2114]; And hold him in pledge that is surety for foreigners.
M / Proverbs 22.14 : The mouth of strange women[H2114] is a deep pit: He that is abhorred of Jehovah shall fall therein.
M / Proverbs 23.33 : Thine eyes shall behold strange things[H2114], And thy heart shall utter perverse things.
M / Proverbs 27.13 : Take his garment that is surety for a stranger[H2114]; And hold him in pledge that is surety for a foreign woman.
M / Proverbs 27.2 : Let another man[H2114] praise thee, and not thine own mouth; A stranger, and not thine own lips.
M / Isaiah 1.4 : Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evil-doers, children that deal corruptly! they have forsaken Jehovah, they have despised the Holy One of Israel, they are estranged[H2114] and gone backward.
M / Isaiah 1.7 : Your country is desolate; your cities are burned with fire; your land, strangers[H2114] devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers[H2114].
M / Isaiah 17.10 : For thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength; therefore thou plantest pleasant plants, and settest it with strange[H2114] slips.
M / Isaiah 25.2 : For thou hast made of a city a heap, of a fortified city a ruin, a palace of strangers[H2114] to be no city; it shall never be built.
M / Isaiah 25.5 : As the heat in a dry place wilt thou bring down the noise of strangers[H2114]; as the heat by the shade of a cloud, the song of the terrible ones shall be brought low.
M / Isaiah 28.21 : For Jehovah will rise up as in mount Perazim, he will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon; that he may do his work, his strange[H2114] work, and bring to pass his act, his strange act.
M / Isaiah 29.5 : But the multitude of thy foes[H2114] shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be in an instant suddenly.
M / Isaiah 43.12 : I have declared, and I have saved, and I have showed; and there was no strange[H2114] god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, and I am God.
M / Isaiah 61.5 : And strangers[H2114] shall stand and feed your flocks, and foreigners[H5236, 1121] shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
M / Jeremiah 2.25 : Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst: but thou saidst, It is in vain; no, for I have loved strangers[H2114], and after them will I go.
M / Jeremiah 3.13 : Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against Jehovah thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers[H2114] under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith Jehovah.
M / Jeremiah 5.19 : And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Wherefore hath Jehovah our God done all these things unto us? then shalt thou say unto them, Like as ye have forsaken me, and served foreign gods in your land, so shall ye serve strangers[H2114] in a land that is not yours.
M / Jeremiah 18.14 : Shall the snow of Lebanon fail from the rock of the field? or shall the cold waters that flow down from afar[H2114] be dried up?
M / Jeremiah 30.8 : And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Jehovah of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds; and strangers[H2114] shall no more make him their bondman;
M / Jeremiah 51.51 : We are confounded, because we have heard reproach; confusion hath covered our faces: for strangers[H2114] are come into the sanctuaries of Jehovah's house.
M / Jeremiah 51.2 : And I will send unto Babylon strangers[H2114], that shall winnow her; and they shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her round about.
M / Lamentations 5.2 : Our inheritance is turned unto strangers[H2114], Our houses unto aliens.
M / Ezekiel 7.21 : And I will give it into the hands of the strangers[H2114] for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; and they shall profane it.
M / Ezekiel 11.9 : And I will bring you forth out of the midst thereof, and deliver you into the hands of strangers[H2114], and will execute judgments among you.
M / Ezekiel 14.5 : that I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged[H2114] from me through their idols.
M / Ezekiel 16.32 : A wife that committeth adultery! that taketh strangers[H2114] instead of her husband!
M / Ezekiel 28.7 : therefore, behold, I will bring strangers[H2114] upon you, the terrible of the nations; and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, and they shall defile your brightness.
M / Ezekiel 28.10 : You shall die the death of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers[H2114]: for I have spoken it, says the Lord Jehovah.
M / Ezekiel 30.12 : And I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of evil men; and I will make the land desolate, and all that is therein, by the hand of strangers[H2114]: I, Jehovah, have spoken it.
M / Ezekiel 31.12 : And strangers[H2114], the terrible of the nations, have cut him off, and have left him: upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen, and his boughs are broken by all the watercourses of the land; and all the peoples of the earth are gone down from his shadow, and have left him.
M / Hosea 5.7 : They have dealt treacherously against Jehovah; for they have borne strange[H2114] children: now shall the new moon devour them with their fields.
M / Hosea 7.9 : Strangers[H2114] have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, and he knoweth it not.
M / Hosea 8.7 : For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: he hath no standing grain; the blade shall yield no meal; if so be it yield, strangers[H2114] shall swallow it up.
M / Hosea 8.12 : I wrote for him the ten thousand things of my law; but they are counted as a strange thing[H2114].
M / Joel 3.17 : So shall ye know that I am Jehovah your God, dwelling in Zion my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers[H2114] pass through her any more.
M / Obadiah 1.11 : In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that strangers[H2114] carried away his substance, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them.

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