1 Chronicles 1:21 plusieurs versions / traductions
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Versions with Strong Codes
1 Chronicles 1 / KJV_Strong21. Hadoram[H1913] also, and Uzal,[H187] and Diklah,[H1853]
Strong Code definitions
H1913 Hadowram had-o-rawm' or Hadoram {had-o-rawm'}; probably of foreign derivation; Hadoram, a son of Joktan, and the tribe descended from him:-- Hadoram.
H187 'Uwzal oo-zawl' of uncertain derivation; Uzal, a son of Joktan:--Uzal.
H1853 Diqlah dik-law' of foreign origin; Diklah, a region of Arabia:--Diklah.
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