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Jeremiah 2:6 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Jeremiah 2:6 / KJV
6. Neither said they, Where is the LORD that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought, and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt?
Jeremiah 2:6 / ASV
6. Neither said they, Where is Jehovah that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought and of the shadow of death, through a land that none passed through, and where no man dwelt?
Jeremiah 2:6 / BasicEnglish
6. And they never said, Where is the Lord, who took us up out of the land of Egypt; who was our guide through the waste of sand, through an unplanted land full of deep holes, through a dry land of deep shade, which no one went through and where no man was living?
Jeremiah 2:6 / Darby
6. And they said not, Where is Jehovah, that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us in the wilderness, in a land of deserts and of pits, in a land of drought and of the shadow of death, in a land that no one passeth through, and where no man dwelleth?
Jeremiah 2:6 / Webster
6. Neither said they, Where is the LORD that brought us out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drouth, and of the shades of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt?
Jeremiah 2:6 / Young
6. And have not said, Where [is] Jehovah, Who bringeth us up out of the land of Egypt, Who leadeth us in a wilderness, In a land of deserts and pits, In a dry land, and of death-shade, In a land -- none hath passed through it, Nor dwelt hath man there?'

German Bible Translations

Jeremia 2:6 / Luther
6. und dachten nie einmal: Wo ist der HERR, der uns aus Ägyptenland führte und leitete uns in der Wüste, im wilden, ungebahnten Lande, im dürren und finstern Lande, in dem Lande, da niemand wandelte noch ein Mensch wohnte?
Jeremia 2:6 / Schlachter
6. Und sie haben nicht gefragt: Wo ist der HERR, der uns aus Ägyptenland heraufgeführt und uns durch die Wüste geleitet hat, durch ein wildes und zerklüftetes Land, durch ein dürres und totes Land, durch ein Land, wo niemand wandert und das kein Mensch bewohnt?

French Bible Translations

Jérémie 2:6 / Segond21
6. Ils n'ont pas dit: 'Où est l'Eternel qui nous a fait sortir d'Egypte, qui nous a conduits dans le désert, sur une terre aride et pleine de ravins, sur une terre où règnent la sécheresse et l'ombre de la mort, sur une terre par où personne ne passe et où n'habite aucun homme?'
Jérémie 2:6 / NEG1979
6. Ils n’ont pas dit: Où est l’Eternel, Qui nous a fait monter du pays d’Egypte, Qui nous a conduits dans le désert, Dans une terre aride et pleine de fosses, Dans une terre où règnent la sécheresse et l’ombre de la mort, Dans une terre par où personne ne passe, Et où n’habite aucun homme?
Jérémie 2:6 / Segond
6. Ils n'ont pas dit: Où est l'Eternel, Qui nous a fait monter du pays d'Egypte, Qui nous a conduits dans le désert, Dans une terre aride et pleine de fosses, Dans une terre où règnent la sécheresse et l'ombre de la mort, Dans une terre par où personne ne passe, Et où n'habite aucun homme?
Jérémie 2:6 / Darby_Fr
6. Et ils n'ont pas dit: Où est l'Éternel qui nous a fait monter du pays d'Égypte, qui nous a fait marcher dans le désert, dans un pays stérile et plein de fosses, dans un pays aride et d'ombre de mort, dans un pays où personne ne passe et où aucun homme n'habite?
Jérémie 2:6 / Martin
6. Et ils n'ont point dit : où est l'Eternel qui nous a fait remonter du pays d'Egypte, qui nous a conduits par un désert, par un pays de landes et montagneux, par un pays aride et d'ombre de mort, par un pays où aucun homme n'avait passé, et où personne n'avait habité?
Jérémie 2:6 / Ostervald
6. Ils n'ont pas dit: Où est l'Éternel, qui nous a fait monter du pays d'Égypte, qui nous a conduits dans le désert, dans un pays de landes et de fondrières, dans un pays de sécheresse couvert de l'ombre de la mort, dans un pays où personne ne passait et où n'habitait aucun homme?

Versions with Strong Codes

Jeremiah 2 / KJV_Strong
6. Neither[H3808] said[H559] they, Where[H346] is the LORD[H3068] that brought us up[H5927] [H853] out of the land[H4480] [H776] of Egypt,[H4714] that led[H1980] us through the wilderness,[H4057] through a land[H776] of deserts[H6160] and of pits,[H7745] through a land[H776] of drought,[H6723] and of the shadow of death,[H6757] through a land[H776] that no[H3808] man[H376] passed through,[H5674] and where[H8033] no[H3808] man[H120] dwelt?[H3427]

Strong Code definitions

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H346 'ayeh ah-yay' prolonged from H335; where?:--where. see H335

H3068 Yhovah yeh-ho-vaw' from H1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:--Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069. see H3050 see H3069

H5927 `alah aw-law' a primitive root; to ascend, intransitively (be high) or actively (mount); used in a great variety of senses, primary and secondary, literal and figurative (as follow):--arise (up), (cause to) ascend up, at once, break (the day) (up), bring (up), (cause to) burn, carry up, cast up, + shew, climb (up), (cause to, make to) come (up), cut off, dawn, depart, exalt, excel, fall, fetch up, get up, (make to) go (away, up); grow (over) increase, lay, leap, levy, lift (self) up, light,(make) up, X mention, mount up, offer, make to pay, + perfect, prefer, put (on), raise, recover, restore, (make to) rise(up), scale, set (up), shoot forth (up), (begin to) spring (up), stir up, take away (up), work.

H853 'eth ayth apparent contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly, self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely):--(as such unrepresented in English). see H226

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H776 'erets eh'-rets from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):--X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.

H4714 Mitsrayim mits-rah'-yim dual of H4693; Mitsrajim, i.e. Upper and Lower Egypt:--Egypt, Egyptians, Mizraim.see H4693

H1980 halak haw-lak' akin to H3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):--(all) along,apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad,on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, X be weak, whirl.see H3212

H4057 midbar mid-bawr' from H1696 in the sense of driving; a pasture (i.e. open field, whither cattle are driven); by implication, a desert; also speech (including its organs):--desert, south, speech, wilderness.see H1696

H776 'erets eh'-rets from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):--X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.

H6160 `arabah ar-aw-baw' from H6150 (in the sense of sterility); a desert; especially (with the article prefix) the (generally) sterile valley of the Jordan and its continuation to the Red Sea:--Arabah,champaign, desert, evening, heaven, plain, wilderness. See also 1026.see H6150 see H1026

H7745 shuwchah shoo-khaw' from H7743; a chasm:--ditch, pit. see H7743

H776 'erets eh'-rets from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):--X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.

H6723 tsiyah tsee-yaw' from an unused root meaning to parch; aridity; concretely, a desert:--barren, drought, dry (land, place), solitary place, wilderness.

H6757 tsalmaveth tsal-maw'-veth from H6738 and 4194; shade of death, i.e. the grave (figuratively, calamity):--shadow of death.see H6738 see H4194

H776 'erets eh'-rets from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):--X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H376 'iysh eesh contracted for H582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant); a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed intranslation):--also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-,husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.see H582 see H802

H5674 `abar aw-bar' a primitive root; to cross over; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative; transitive, intransitive, intensive, causative); specifically, to cover (in copulation):--alienate, alter, X at all, beyond, bring (over,through), carry over, (over-)come (on, over), conduct (over), convey over, current, deliver, do away, enter, escape, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by, forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay, meddle, overrun, make partition, (cause to, give, make to, over) pass(-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over, through), (cause to, make) + proclaim(-amation), perish, provoke to anger, put away, rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave, cause to (make) sound, X speedily, X sweet smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress(-or), translate, turn away, (way-)faring man, be wrath.

H8033 sham shawm a primitive particle (rather from the relative pronoun, 834); there (transferring to time) then; often thither, orthence:--in it, + thence, there (-in, + of, + out), + thither, + whither.see H834

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H120 'adam aw-dawm' from H119; ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.):--X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.see H119

H3427 yashab yaw-shab' a primitive root; properly, to sit down (specifically as judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain; causatively, to settle, to marry:--(make to)abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to) inhabit(-ant), make to keep (house), lurking, X marry(-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle),(down-)sit(-down, still, -ting down, -ting (place) -uate), take, tarry.

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