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Jeremiah 29:3 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Jeremiah 29:3 / KJV
3. By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) saying,
Jeremiah 29:3 / ASV
3. by the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon,) saying,
Jeremiah 29:3 / BasicEnglish
3. By the hand of Elasah, the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah, the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah, king of Judah, sent to Babylon, to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon,) saying,
Jeremiah 29:3 / Darby
3. by the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkijah (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent to Babylon, unto Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon), saying,
Jeremiah 29:3 / Webster
3. By the hand of Elasah the son of Shaphan, and Gemariah the son of Hilkiah, (whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent to Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon) saying,
Jeremiah 29:3 / Young
3. By the hand of Eleasah son of Shaphan, and Gemariah son of Hilkijah, whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon -- to Babylon, saying,

German Bible Translations

Jeremia 29:3 / Luther
3. durch Eleasa, den Sohn Saphans, und Gemarja, den Sohn Hilkias, welche Zedekia, der König Juda's, sandte gen Babel zu Nebukadnezar, dem König zu Babel:
Jeremia 29:3 / Schlachter
3. Durch die Hand Eleasas, des Sohnes Saphans, und Gemarjas, des Sohnes Hilkias, welche Zedekia, der König von Juda, zu Nebukadnezar, dem König von Babel, gesandt hatte, ließ Jeremia ihnen sagen:

French Bible Translations

Jérémie 29:3 / Segond21
3. Il la remit à Eleasa, fils de Shaphan, et à Guemaria, fils de Hilkija, que Sédécias, roi de Juda, avait envoyés à Babylone auprès de Nebucadnetsar, roi de Babylone. Elle disait:
Jérémie 29:3 / NEG1979
3. Il la remit à Eleasa, fils de Schaphan, et à Guemaria, fils de Hilkija, envoyés à Babylone par Sédécias, roi de Juda, auprès de Nebucadnetsar, roi de Babylone. Elle était ainsi conçue:
Jérémie 29:3 / Segond
3. Il la remit à Eleasa, fils de Schaphan, et à Guemaria, fils de Hilkija, envoyés à Babylone par Sédécias, roi de Juda, auprès de Nebucadnetsar, roi de Babylone. Elle était ainsi conçue:
Jérémie 29:3 / Darby_Fr
3. par la main d'Elhasça, fils de Shaphan, et de Guemaria, fils de Hilkija, que Sédécias, roi de Juda, envoyait à Babylone vers Nebucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, disant:
Jérémie 29:3 / Martin
3. Par Elhasa fils de Saphan, et Guémarja fils de Hilkija, lesquels Sédécias Roi de Juda envoyait à Babylone vers Nébucadnetsar Roi de Babylone; [et ces Lettres] étaient de telle teneur :
Jérémie 29:3 / Ostervald
3. Elle fut portée par Éleasa, fils de Shaphan, et Guémaria, fils de Hilkija, que Sédécias, roi de Juda, envoyait à Babylone, vers Nébucadnetsar, roi de Babylone, et était ainsi conçue:

Versions with Strong Codes

Jeremiah 29 / KJV_Strong
3. By the hand[H3027] of Elasah[H501] the son[H1121] of Shaphan,[H8227] and Gemariah[H1587] the son[H1121] of Hilkiah,[H2518] (whom[H834] Zedekiah[H6667] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] sent[H7971] unto Babylon[H894] to[H413] Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon)[H894] saying,[H559]

Strong Code definitions

H3027 yad yawd a primitive word; a hand (the open one (indicating power, means, direction, etc.), in distinction from H3709, the closed one); used (as noun, adverb, etc.) in a great variety of applications, both literally and figuratively, both proximate and remote (as follows):--(+ be) able, X about, + armholes, at, axletree, because of, beside, border, X bounty, + broad, (broken-)handed, X by, charge, coast, + consecrate, + creditor, custody, debt, dominion, X enough, + fellowship, force, X from, hand(-staves, -y work), X he, himself, X in, labour, + large, ledge, (left-)handed, means, X mine, ministry, near, X of, X order, ordinance, X our, parts, pain, power, X presumptuously, service, side, sore, state, stay, draw with strength, stroke, + swear, terror, X thee, X bythem, X themselves, X thine own, X thou, through, X throwing,+ thumb, times, X to, X under, X us, X wait on, (way-)side, where, + wide, X with (him, me, you), work, + yield, X yourselves.see H3709

H501 'El`asah el-aw-saw' from H410 and 6213; God has made; Elasah, the name of four Israelites:--Elasah, Eleasah.see H410 see H6213

H1121 ben bane from H1129; a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like 1, 251, etc.)):--+ afflicted, age, (Ahoh-)(Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-)ite, (anoint-)ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-)ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young) calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + robber, X servant born, X soldier, son, +spark, + steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, + valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth.see H1129&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H1129 see H1 see H251

H8227 shaphan shaw-fawn' from H8226; a species of rock-rabbit (from its hiding), i.e. probably the hyrax:--coney.see H8226

H1587 Gmaryah ghem-ar-yaw' or Gmaryahuw {ghem-ar-yaw'-hoo}; from H1584 and 3050; Jah has perfected; Gemarjah, the name of two Israelites:--Gemariah.see H1584

H1121 ben bane from H1129; a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., (like 1, 251, etc.)):--+ afflicted, age, (Ahoh-)(Ammon-) (Hachmon-) (Lev-)ite, (anoint-)ed one, appointed to, (+) arrow, (Assyr-) (Babylon-) (Egypt-) (Grec-)ian, one born, bough, branch, breed, + (young) bullock, + (young) calf, X came up in, child, colt, X common, X corn, daughter, X of first, + firstborn, foal, + very fruitful, + postage, X in, + kid, + lamb, (+) man, meet, + mighty, + nephew, old, (+) people, + rebel, + robber, X servant born, X soldier, son, +spark, + steward, + stranger, X surely, them of, + tumultuous one, + valiant(-est), whelp, worthy, young (one), youth.see H1129&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H1129 see H1 see H251

H2518 Chilqiyah khil-kee-yaw' or Chilqiyahuw {khil-kee-yaw'-hoo}'from H2506 and 3050; portion of Jah; {Chilhijah, the name of eight Israelites:-- Hillkiah. see H2506 see H3050

H834 'aher ash-er' a primitive relative pronoun (of every gender and number); who, which, what, that; also (as an adverb and a conjunction) when, where, how, because, in order that, etc.:--X after, X alike, as (soon as), because, X every, for, + forasmuch, + from whence, + how(-soever), X if, (so) that ((thing) which, wherein), X though, + until, + whatsoever, when, where(+ -as, -in, -of, -on, -soever, -with), which, whilst, + whither(- soever), who(-m, -soever, -se). As it isindeclinable, it is often accompanied by the personal pronoun expletively, used to show the connection.

H6667 Tsidqiyah tsid-kee-yaw' or Tsidqiyahuw {tsid-kee-yaw'-hoo}; from H6664 and 3050; right of Jah; Tsidkijah, the name of six Israelites:--Zedekiah, Zidkijah.see H6664

H4428 melek meh'-lek from H4427; a king:--king, royal. see H4427

H3063 Yhuwdah yeh-hoo-daw' from H3034; celebrated; Jehudah (or Judah), the name of five Israelites; also of the tribe descended from the first, and of its territory:--Judah.see H3034

H7971 shalach shaw-lakh' a primitive root; to send away, for, or out (in a greatvariety of applications):--X any wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, X earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart (down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow, spread, stretch forth (out).

H894 Babel baw-bel' from H1101; confusion; Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire:--Babel, Babylon. see H1101

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H5019 Nbuwkadne'tstsar neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar' or Nbukadneotstsar (2 Kings 24:1, 10){neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'}; or Nbuwkadnetstsar (Esther 2:6; Daniel 1:18) {neb-oo-kad-nets-tsar'}; or Nbuwkadreotstsar{neb-oo-kad-rets-tsar'}; or Nbuwkadreltstsowr (Ezra 2:1; Jeremiah 49:28) {neb-oo-kad-rets-tsore'}; or foreign derivation; Nebukadnetstsar (or -retstsar, or -retstsor), king of Babylon:--Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadrezzar.see H10

H4428 melek meh'-lek from H4427; a king:--king, royal. see H4427

H894 Babel baw-bel' from H1101; confusion; Babel (i.e. Babylon), including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire:--Babel, Babylon. see H1101

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

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