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Joshua 8:25 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Joshua 8:25 / KJV
25. And so it was, that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.
Joshua 8:25 / ASV
25. And all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.
Joshua 8:25 / BasicEnglish
25. On that day twelve thousand were put to death, men and women, all the people of Ai.
Joshua 8:25 / Darby
25. And so it was, that all who fell that day, men as well as women, were twelve thousand, all the people of Ai.
Joshua 8:25 / Webster
25. And so it was, that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.
Joshua 8:25 / Young
25. and all who fall during the day, of men and of women, are twelve thousand -- all men of Ai.

German Bible Translations

Josua 8:25 / Luther
25. Und alle, die des Tages fielen, beide Männer und Weiber, der waren zwölftausend, alles Leute von Ai.
Josua 8:25 / Schlachter
25. Und die Zahl all derer, die an jenem Tage fielen, Männer und Weiber, betrug zwölftausend, alle Einwohner von Ai.

French Bible Translations

Josué 8:25 / Segond21
25. Il y eut au total 12'000 personnes tuées ce jour-là, hommes et femmes confondus, tous habitants d'Aï.
Josué 8:25 / NEG1979
25. Il y eut au total douze mille personnes tuées ce jour-là, hommes et femmes, tous gens d’Aï.
Josué 8:25 / Segond
25. Il y eut au total douze mille personnes tuées ce jour-là, hommes et femmes, tous gens d'Aï.
Josué 8:25 / Darby_Fr
25. Et tous ceux qui tombèrent ce jour-là, hommes ou femmes, furent douze mille, tous les gens d'Aï.
Josué 8:25 / Martin
25. Et tous ceux qui tombèrent ce jour-là, tant des hommes que des femmes, furent [au nombre de] douze mille, tous gens de Haï.
Josué 8:25 / Ostervald
25. Et tous ceux qui tombèrent, en ce jour-là, hommes et femmes, furent au nombre de douze mille, tous gens d'Aï.

Versions with Strong Codes

Joshua 8 / KJV_Strong
25. And so it was,[H1961] that all[H3605] that fell[H5307] that[H1931] day,[H3117] both of men[H4480] [H376] and women,[H802] were twelve[H8147] [H6240] thousand,[H505] even all[H3605] the men[H376] of Ai.[H5857]

Strong Code definitions

H1961 hayah haw-yaw a primitive root (compare 1933); to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):--beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit(one-)self, require, X use. see H1933

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H5307 naphal naw-fal' a primitive root; to fall, in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative, literal or figurative):--be accepted, cast (down, self, (lots), out), cease, die, divide (by lot), (let) fail, (cause to, let, make, ready to) fall (away, down, -en, -ing), fell(-ing), fugitive, have(inheritance), inferior, be judged (by mistake for H6419), lay (along), (cause to) lie down, light (down), be (X hast) lost, lying, overthrow, overwhelm, perish, present(-ed, -ing), (make to) rot, slay, smite out, X surely, throw down.see H6419

H1931 huw' hoo of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiyw {he}; a primitive word, the third person pronoun singular, he (she or it); only expressed when emphatic or without a verb; also (intensively) self, or (especially with the article) the same; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are:--he, as for her, him(-self),it, the same, she (herself), such, that (, these, they, this, those, which (is), who.

H3117 yowm yome from an unused root meaning to be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether literal (from sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next), or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term), (often used adverb):--age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-ance), daily, ((birth-), each, to)day, (now a, two) days (agone), + elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -more), X full, life, as (so) long as(... live), (even) now, + old, + outlived, + perpetually, presently, + remaineth, X required, season, X since, space, then, (process of) time, + as at other times, + in trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a) while (that), X whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H376 'iysh eesh contracted for H582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant); a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed intranslation):--also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-,husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.see H582 see H802

H802 'ishshah ish-shaw' feminine of H376 or 582; irregular plural, nashiym{naw-sheem'}; a woman (used in the same wide sense as H582):--(adulter)ess, each, every, female, X many, + none, one, + together, wife, woman. Often unexpressed in English. see H376see H582&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H582 see H582&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H582

H8147 shnayim shen-ah'-yim dual of H8145; feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two. see H8145

H6240 `asar aw-sawr' for H6235; ten (only in combination), i.e. -teen; also (ordinal) -teenth:--(eigh-, fif-, four-, nine-, seven-,six-, thir-)teen(-th), + eleven(-th), + sixscore thousand, + twelve(-th).see H6235

H505 'eleph eh'-lef prop, the same as H504; hence (the ox's head being the first letter of the alphabet, and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand:--thousand.see H504

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H376 'iysh eesh contracted for H582 (or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant); a man as an individual or a male person; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed intranslation):--also, another, any (man), a certain, + champion, consent, each, every (one), fellow, (foot-,husband-)man, (good-, great, mighty) man, he, high (degree), him (that is), husband, man(-kind), + none, one, people, person, + steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy. Compare 802.see H582 see H802

H5857 `Ay ah'ee or (feminine) uAya( (Neh. 11:31) {ah-yaw'}; or eAyath (Isaiah 10:28) {ah-yawth'}; for H5856; Ai, Aja or Ajath, a place in Palestine:--Ai, Aija, Aijath, Hai.see H5856

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