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Exodus 23:2 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Exodus 23:2 / KJV
2. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:
Exodus 23:2 / ASV
2. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to turn aside after a multitude to wrest [justice]:
Exodus 23:2 / BasicEnglish
2. Do not be moved to do wrong by the general opinion, or give the support of your words to a wrong decision:
Exodus 23:2 / Darby
2. Thou shalt not follow the multitude for evil; neither shalt thou answer in a cause, to go after the multitude to pervert [judgment].
Exodus 23:2 / Webster
2. Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:
Exodus 23:2 / Young
2. `Thou art not after many to evil, nor dost thou testify concerning a strife, to turn aside after many to cause [others] to turn aside;

German Bible Translations

Exodus 23:2 / Luther
2. Du sollst nicht folgen der Menge zum Bösen und nicht also verantworten vor Gericht, daß du der Menge nach vom Rechten weichest.
Exodus 23:2 / Schlachter
2. Du sollst nicht der Mehrheit folgen zum Bösen und sollst vor Gericht deine Aussagen nicht nach der Mehrheit richten, um zu verdrehen.

French Bible Translations

Exode 23:2 / Segond21
2. »Tu ne suivras pas la majorité pour faire le mal et tu ne déposeras pas dans un procès en te mettant du côté du grand nombre pour violer la justice.
Exode 23:2 / NEG1979
2. Tu ne suivras point la multitude pour faire le mal; et tu ne déposeras point dans un procès en te mettant du côté du grand nombre, pour violer la justice.
Exode 23:2 / Segond
2. Tu ne suivras point la multitude pour faire le mal; et tu ne déposeras point dans un procès en te mettant du côté du grand nombre, pour violer la justice.
Exode 23:2 / Darby_Fr
2. Tu n'iras pas après la foule, pour mal faire; et tu ne répondras pas dans un procès en penchant du côté de la foule, pour faire fléchir le jugement.
Exode 23:2 / Martin
2. Tu ne suivras point la multitude pour mal faire; et tu ne répondras point dans un procès en sorte que tu te détournes après plusieurs pour pervertir [le droit].
Exode 23:2 / Ostervald
2. Tu ne suivras point la multitude pour faire le mal; et lorsque tu témoigneras dans un procès, tu ne te détourneras point pour suivre le plus grand nombre et pervertir le droit.

Versions with Strong Codes

Exodus 23 / KJV_Strong
2. Thou shalt not[H3808] follow[H1961] [H310] a multitude[H7227] to do evil;[H7451] neither[H3808] shalt thou speak[H6030] in[H5921] a cause[H7379] to decline[H5186] after[H310] many[H7227] to wrest[H5186] judgment:

Strong Code definitions

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H1961 hayah haw-yaw a primitive root (compare 1933); to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):--beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit(one-)self, require, X use. see H1933

H310 'achar akh-ar' from H309; properly, the hind part; generally used as an adverb or conjunction, after (in various senses):--after (that, -ward), again, at, away from, back (from, -side), behind, beside, by, follow (after, -ing), forasmuch, from, hereafter, hinder end, + out (over) live, + persecute, posterity, pursuing, remnant, seeing, since, thence(-forth), when, with.see H309

H7227 rab rab by contracted from H7231; abundant (in quantity, size, age, number, rank, quality):--(in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly), captain, elder, enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one), increase, long (enough, (time)), (do, have) many(-ifold, things, a time), ((ship-))master, mighty, more, (too, very) much, multiply(-tude), officer, often(-times), plenteous, populous, prince, process (of time), suffice(-lent).

H7451 ra` rah from H7489; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral):-- adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, + displease(-ure), distress, evil((- favouredness), man, thing), + exceedingly, X great, grief(-vous), harm, heavy, hurt(-ful), ill (favoured),+ mark, mischief(-vous), misery, naught(-ty), noisome, + not please, sad(-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex,wicked(-ly, -ness, one), worse(-st), wretchedness, wrong. (Incl. feminine raaah; as adjective or noun.).see H7489

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H6030 `anah aw-naw' a primitive root; properly, to eye or (generally) to heed,i.e. pay attention; by implication, to respond; by extens. to begin to speak; specifically to sing, shout, testify, announce:--give account, afflict (by mistake for H6031),(cause to, give) answer, bring low (by mistake for H6031), cry, hear, Leannoth, lift up, say, X scholar, (give a) shout, sing (together by course), speak, testify, utter, (bear) witness.See also 1042, 1043. see H6031&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H6031see H6031&volume=KJV_strong' target='_self' >H6031 see H1042 see H1043

H5921 `al al properly, the same as H5920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow):--above, accordingto(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, X with.see H5920

H7379 riyb reeb or rib {reeb}; from H7378; a contest (personal or legal):--+ adversary, cause, chiding, contend(-tion), controversy, multitude (from the margin), pleading, strife, strive(-ing), suit.see H7378

H5186 natah naw-taw' a primitive root; to stretch or spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a greatvariety of application (as follows):--+ afternoon, apply, bow (down, - ing), carry aside, decline, deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong, put away, shew, spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.

H310 'achar akh-ar' from H309; properly, the hind part; generally used as an adverb or conjunction, after (in various senses):--after (that, -ward), again, at, away from, back (from, -side), behind, beside, by, follow (after, -ing), forasmuch, from, hereafter, hinder end, + out (over) live, + persecute, posterity, pursuing, remnant, seeing, since, thence(-forth), when, with.see H309

H7227 rab rab by contracted from H7231; abundant (in quantity, size, age, number, rank, quality):--(in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly), captain, elder, enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one), increase, long (enough, (time)), (do, have) many(-ifold, things, a time), ((ship-))master, mighty, more, (too, very) much, multiply(-tude), officer, often(-times), plenteous, populous, prince, process (of time), suffice(-lent).

H5186 natah naw-taw' a primitive root; to stretch or spread out; by implication, to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a greatvariety of application (as follows):--+ afternoon, apply, bow (down, - ing), carry aside, decline, deliver, extend, go down, be gone, incline, intend, lay, let down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong, put away, shew, spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.

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