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Isaiah 33:20 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Isaiah 33:20 / KJV
20. Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken.
Isaiah 33:20 / ASV
20. Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tent that shall not be removed, the stakes whereof shall never be plucked up, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken.
Isaiah 33:20 / BasicEnglish
20. Let your eyes be resting on Zion, the town of our holy feasts: you will see Jerusalem, a quiet resting-place, a tent which will not be moved, whose tent-pins will never be pulled up, and whose cords will never be broken.
Isaiah 33:20 / Darby
20. Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tent that shall not be removed, the stakes whereof shall never be pulled up, neither shall any of its cords be broken;
Isaiah 33:20 / Webster
20. Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thy eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down; not one of its stakes shall ever be removed, neither shall any of its cords be broken.
Isaiah 33:20 / Young
20. See Zion, the city of our meetings, Thine eyes see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, A tent not taken down, Not removed are its pins for ever, And none of its cords are broken.

German Bible Translations

Jesaja 33:20 / Luther
20. Schaue Zion, die Stadt unsrer Feste! Deine Augen werden Jerusalem sehen, eine sichere Wohnung, eine Hütte, die nicht weggeführt wird; ihre Nägel sollen nimmermehr ausgezogen und ihrer Seile sollen nimmermehr zerrissen werden.
Jesaja 33:20 / Schlachter
20. Schaue Zion an, die Stadt unsrer Zusammenkunft! Deine Augen werden Jerusalem sehen als eine sichere Wohnung, als ein Zelt, das nicht mehr wandert, dessen Pfähle nimmermehr ausgezogen werden und von dessen Seilen keines je losgerissen wird.

French Bible Translations

Ésaïe 33:20 / Segond21
20. Regarde Sion, la ville de nos fêtes! Tes yeux verront Jérusalem comme un domaine sûr, une tente qui ne sera plus transportée, dont les piquets ne seront plus jamais enlevés et dont les cordages ne seront pas détachés.
Ésaïe 33:20 / NEG1979
20. Regarde Sion, la cité de nos fêtes! Tes yeux verront Jérusalem, séjour tranquille, Tente qui ne sera plus transportée, Dont les pieux ne seront jamais enlevés, Et dont les cordages ne seront point détachés.
Ésaïe 33:20 / Segond
20. Regarde Sion, la cité de nos fêtes! Tes yeux verront Jérusalem, séjour tranquille, Tente qui ne sera plus transportée, Dont les pieux ne seront jamais enlevés, Et dont les cordages ne seront point détachés.
Ésaïe 33:20 / Darby_Fr
20. Regarde Sion, la cité de nos assemblées solennelles! Tes yeux verront Jérusalem une demeure tranquille, une tente qui ne sera pas transportée: ses pieux ne seront jamais arrachés, et aucune de ses cordes ne sera rompue;
Ésaïe 33:20 / Martin
20. Regarde Sion, la ville de nos fêtes solennelles, que tes yeux voient Jérusalem, séjour tranquille, tabernacle qui ne sera point transporté, et dont les pieux ne seront jamais ôtés, ni aucun de ses cordeaux ne sera rompu.
Ésaïe 33:20 / Ostervald
20. Regarde Sion, la ville de nos fêtes solennelles! Que tes yeux contemplent Jérusalem, habitation tranquille, tente qui ne sera point transportée, dont les pieux ne seront jamais arrachés, et dont aucun cordage ne sera rompu.

Versions with Strong Codes

Isaiah 33 / KJV_Strong
20. Look[H2372] upon Zion,[H6726] the city[H7151] of our solemnities:[H4150] thine eyes[H5869] shall see[H7200] Jerusalem[H3389] a quiet[H7600] habitation,[H5116] a tabernacle[H168] that shall not[H1077] be taken down;[H6813] not[H1077] one of the stakes[H3489] thereof shall ever[H5331] be removed,[H5265] neither[H1077] shall any[H3605] of the cords[H2256] thereof be broken.[H5423]

Strong Code definitions

H2372 chazah khaw-zaw' a primitive root; to gaze at; mentally, to perceive, contemplate (with pleasure); specifically, to have a vision of:--behold, look, prophesy, provide, see.

H6726 Tsiyown tsee-yone' the same (regularly) as H6725; Tsijon (as a permanent capital), a mountain of Jerusalem:--Zion.see H6725

H7151 qiryah kir-yaw' from H7136 in the sense of flooring, i.e. building; a city:--city.see H7136

H4150 mow`ed mo-ade' or moled {mo-ade'}; or (feminine) moweadah (2 Chronicles 8:13) {mo-aw-daw'}; from H3259; properly, an appointment, i.e. a fixed time or season; specifically, a festival;conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal (as appointed beforehand):--appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemn(-ity), synogogue, (set) time (appointed).see H3259

H5869 `ayin ah'-yin probably a primitive word; an eye (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye of the landscape):--affliction, outward appearance, + before, + think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, + displease, eye((-brow), (-d), -sight), face, + favour, fountain, furrow (from the margin), X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+ well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard, resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).

H7200 ra'ah raw-aw' a primitive root; to see, literally or figuratively (in numerous applications, direct and implied, transitive, intransitive and causative):--advise self, appear, approve, behold, X certainly, consider, discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, X indeed, X joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one upon another, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive, present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another), shew (self), X sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X think, view, visions.

H3389 Yruwshalaim yer-oo-shaw-lah'-im rarely Yruwshalayim {yer-oo- shaw-lah'-yim}; a dual (in allusion to its two main hills (the true pointing, at least ofthe former reading, seems to be that of H3390)); probably from (the passive participle of) 3384 and 7999; founded peaceful; Jerushalaim or Jerushalem, the capital city ofPalestine:--Jerusalem. see H3390see H3384 see H7999

H7600 sha'anan shah-an-awn' from H7599; secure; in a bad sense, haughty:--that is at ease, quiet, tumult. Compare 7946.see H7599 see H7946

H5116 naveh naw-veh' or (feminine) navah {naw-vaw'}; from H5115; (adjectively) at home; hence (by implication of satisfaction) lovely; also (noun) a home, of God (temple), men (residence), flocks (pasture), or wild animals (den):--comely, dwelling (place), fold, habitation, pleasant place, sheepcote, stable, tarried. see H5115

H168 'ohel o'-hel from H166; a tent (as clearly conspicuous from adistance):--covering, (dwelling)(place), home, tabernacle, tent.see H166

H1077 bal bal from H1086; properly, a failure; by implication nothing; usually (adverb) not at all; also lest:--lest, neither, no, none (that...), not (any), nothing.see H1086

H6813 tsa`an tsaw-an' a primitive root; to load up (beasts), i.e. to migrate:--be taken down.

H1077 bal bal from H1086; properly, a failure; by implication nothing; usually (adverb) not at all; also lest:--lest, neither, no, none (that...), not (any), nothing.see H1086

H3489 yathed yaw-thade' from an unused root meaning to pin through or fast; a peg:--nail, paddle, pin, stake.

H5331 netsach neh'-tsakh or netsach {nay'-tsakh}; from H5329; properly, a goal, i.e. the bright object at a distance travelled towards; hence (figuratively), splendor, or (subjectively) truthfulness, or (objectively) confidence; but usually (adverbially), continually (i.e. to the most distant point ofview); --alway(-s), constantly, end, (+ n-)ever(more), perpetual, strength, victory.see H5329

H5265 naca` naw-sah' a primitive root; properly, to pull up, especially the tent-pins, i.e. start on a journey:--cause to blow, bring,get, (make to) go (away, forth, forward, onward, out), (take) journey, march, remove, set aside (forward), X still, be on his (go their) way.

H1077 bal bal from H1086; properly, a failure; by implication nothing; usually (adverb) not at all; also lest:--lest, neither, no, none (that...), not (any), nothing.see H1086

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H2256 chebel kheh'-bel or chebel {khay'-bel}; from H2254; a rope (as twisted), especially a measuring line; by implication, a district or inheritance (as measured); or a noose (as of cords); figuratively, a company (as if tied together); also a throe (especially of parturition); also ruin:--band, coast, company, cord, country, destruction, line, lot, pain, pang, portion, region, rope, snare, sorrow, tackling.see H2254

H5423 nathaq naw-thak' a primitive root; to tear off:--break (off), burst, draw (away), lift up, pluck (away, off), pull (out), root out.

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