1 Chronicles 3:8 plusieurs versions / traductions
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Versions with Strong Codes
1 Chronicles 3 / KJV_Strong8. And Elishama,[H476] and Eliada,[H450] and Eliphelet,[H467] nine.[H8672]
Strong Code definitions
H476 'Eliyshama` el-ee-shaw-maw' from H410 and 8085; God of hearing; Elishama, the name of seven Israelites:--Elishama.see H410 see H8085
H450 'Elyada` el-yaw-daw' from H410 and 3045; God (is) knowing; Eljada, the name of two Israelites and of an Aramaean leader:--Eliada.see H410 see H3045
H467 'Eliyphelet el-ee-feh'-let or (shortened) Elpelet {el-peh'-let}; from H410 and 6405; God of deliverance; Eliphelet or Elpelet, the name of six Israelites:--Eliphalet, Eliphelet, Elpalet.
H8672 tesha` tay'-shah or (masculine) tishtah {tish-aw'}; perhaps from H8159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten; nine or (ord.) ninth:--nine (+ -teen, + -teenth, -th).see H8159
Prédications qui analysent les thèmes 1 Chroniques 3
Thèmes : Généalogie de David; Les fils de DavidRelated Sermons discussing 1 Chronicles 3
Themes : Généalogie de David; Les fils de Davidsee also: Bible Key Verses ; KJV Bible Images, BBE Bible images