Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

2 Kings 2:18 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

2 Kings (4 Kings) 2:18 / KJV
18. And when they came again to him, (for he tarried at Jericho,) he said unto them, Did I not say unto you, Go not?
2 Kings (4 Kings) 2:18 / ASV
18. And they came back to him, while he tarried at Jericho; and he said unto them, Did I not say unto you, Go not?
2 Kings (4 Kings) 2:18 / BasicEnglish
18. And they came back to him, while he was still at Jericho; and he said to them, Did I not say to you, Go not?
2 Kings (4 Kings) 2:18 / Darby
18. And they came again to him (now he was staying at Jericho); and he said to them, Did I not say to you, Go not?
2 Kings (4 Kings) 2:18 / Webster
18. And when they came again to him, (for he tarried at Jericho,) he said to them, Did I not say to you, Go not?
2 Kings (4 Kings) 2:18 / Young
18. and they turn back unto him -- and he is abiding in Jericho -- and he saith unto them, `Did I not say unto you, Do not go?'

German Bible Translations

2. Könige 2:18 / Luther
18. Und kamen wieder zu ihm, da er noch zu Jericho war; und er sprach zu ihnen: Sagte ich euch nicht, ihr solltet nicht hingehen?
2. Könige 2:18 / Schlachter
18. Und als sie wieder zu ihm zurückkehrten, da er noch zu Jericho war, sprach er zu ihnen: Habe ich euch nicht gesagt, ihr solltet nicht hingehen?

French Bible Translations

2 Rois 2:18 / Segond21
18. Lorsqu'ils furent de retour vers Elisée, qui était à Jéricho, il leur dit: «Ne vous avais-je pas dit de ne pas y aller?»
2 Rois 2:18 / NEG1979
18. Lorsqu’ils furent de retour auprès d’Elisée, qui était à Jéricho, il leur dit: Ne vous avais-je pas dit: N’allez pas?
2 Rois 2:18 / Segond
18. Lorsqu'ils furent de retour auprès d'Elisée, qui était à Jéricho, il leur dit: Ne vous avais-je pas dit: N'allez pas?
2 Rois 2:18 / Darby_Fr
18. Et ils retournèrent vers Élisée (il habitait à Jéricho); et il leur dit: Ne vous avais-je pas dit: N'y allez pas?
2 Rois 2:18 / Martin
18. Puis ils retournèrent vers lui à Jérico, où il s'était arrêté, et il leur dit : Ne vous avais-je pas dit de n'y aller point?
2 Rois 2:18 / Ostervald
18. Et ils revinrent vers Élisée, qui était demeuré à Jérico; et il leur dit: Ne vous avais-je pas dit: N'y allez pas?

Versions with Strong Codes

2 Kings 2 / KJV_Strong
18. And when they came again[H7725] to[H413] him, (for he[H1931] tarried[H3427] at Jericho,)[H3405] he said[H559] unto[H413] them, Did I not[H3808] say[H559] unto[H413] you, Go[H1980] not?[H408]

Strong Code definitions

H7725 shuwb shoob a primitive root; to turn back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbial, again:--((break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed, lay down, lie down, lodge,make, rejoice, send, take, weep)) X again, (cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring (again, back, home again), call (to mind), carry again (back), cease, X certainly, come again (back), X consider, + continually, convert, deliver (again), + deny, draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get (oneself) (back) again, X give (again), go again (back, home), (go) out, hinder, let, (see) more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put (again, up again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve, render (again), requite, rescue, restore, retrieve, (cause to, make to) return, reverse, reward, + say nay, send back, set again, slide back, still, X surely, t

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H1931 huw' hoo of which the feminine (beyond the Pentateuch) is hiyw {he}; a primitive word, the third person pronoun singular, he (she or it); only expressed when emphatic or without a verb; also (intensively) self, or (especially with the article) the same; sometimes (as demonstrative) this or that; occasionally (instead of copula) as or are:--he, as for her, him(-self),it, the same, she (herself), such, that (, these, they, this, those, which (is), who.

H3427 yashab yaw-shab' a primitive root; properly, to sit down (specifically as judge. in ambush, in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain; causatively, to settle, to marry:--(make to)abide(-ing), continue, (cause to, make to) dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X fail, habitation, haunt, (make to) inhabit(-ant), make to keep (house), lurking, X marry(-ing), (bring again to) place, remain, return, seat, set(- tle),(down-)sit(-down, still, -ting down, -ting (place) -uate), take, tarry.

H3405 Yriychow yer-ee-kho' or Yrechow {yer-ay-kho'}; or variation (1 Kings 16:34) Yriychoh {yer-ee-kho'}; perhaps from H3394; its month; or else from H7306; fragrant; Jericho or Jerecho, a place inPalestine:--Jericho. see H3394see H7306

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H3808 lo' lo or lowi {lo}; or loh (Deut. 3:11) {lo}; a primitive particle; not (the simple or abs. negation); by implication, no; often used with other particles (as follows):--X before, + or else, ere, + except, ig(-norant), much, less, nay, neither, never, no((-ne), -r, (-thing)), (X as though...,(can-), for) not (out of), of nought, otherwise, out of, + surely, + as truly as, + of a truth, + verily, for want, + whether, without.

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H413 'el ale (but only used in the shortened constructive form sel {el}); a primitive particle; properly, denoting motion towards, but occasionally used of a quiescent position, i.e. near, with or among; often in general, to:--about, according to ,after, against, among, as for, at, because(-fore, -side), both...and, by, concerning, for, from, X hath, in(- to), near, (out) of, over, through, to(-ward), under, unto, upon, whether,with(-in).

H1980 halak haw-lak' akin to H3212; a primitive root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):--(all) along,apace, behave (self), come, (on) continually, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter, exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about, abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater, grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move (self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run (along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer, + travel(-ler), walk (abroad,on, to and fro, up and down, to places), wander, wax, (way-)faring man, X be weak, whirl.see H3212

H408 'al al a negative particle (akin to H3808); not (the qualified negation, used as a deprecative); once (Job 24:25) as a noun, nothing:--nay, neither, + never, no ,nor, not, nothing (worth), rather than.see H3808

Prédications où le verset / chapitre de la Bible sont analysés

Elie #5 1 Rois 19 : 19-21 ; 2 Rois 2 : 1-15

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