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Jeremiah 2:21 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Jeremiah 2:21 / KJV
21. Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine unto me?
Jeremiah 2:21 / ASV
21. Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate branches of a foreign vine unto me?
Jeremiah 2:21 / BasicEnglish
21. But when you were planted by me, you were a noble vine, in every way a true seed: how then have you been changed into the branching plant of a strange vine?
Jeremiah 2:21 / Darby
21. And I, -- I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed; how then art thou turned into the degenerate shoots of a strange vine unto me?
Jeremiah 2:21 / Webster
21. Yet I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed: how then art thou turned into the degenerate plant of a strange vine to me?
Jeremiah 2:21 / Young
21. And I planted thee a choice vine, wholly a true seed, And how hast thou been turned to Me, To the degenerate shoots of a strange vine?

German Bible Translations

Jeremia 2:21 / Luther
21. Ich aber hatte dich gepflanzt zu einem süßen Weinstock, einen ganz rechtschaffenen Samen. Wie bist du mir denn geraten zu einem bitteren, wilden Weinstock?
Jeremia 2:21 / Schlachter
21. Und doch hatte ich dich gepflanzt als eine Edelrebe von ganz echtem Samen; wie hast du dich mir denn verwandeln können in wilde Ranken eines fremden Weinstocks?

French Bible Translations

Jérémie 2:21 / Segond21
21. »Moi, je t'avais plantée pour produire des raisins excellents, d'une variété sûre. Comment t'es-tu transformée à mes yeux en fruits dégénérés d'une vigne étrangère?
Jérémie 2:21 / NEG1979
21. Je t’avais plantée comme une vigne excellente Et du meilleur plant; Comment as-tu changé, Dégénéré en une vigne étrangère?
Jérémie 2:21 / Segond
21. Je t'avais plantée comme une vigne excellente Et du meilleur plant; Comment as-tu changé, Dégénéré en une vigne étrangère?
Jérémie 2:21 / Darby_Fr
21. Et moi je t'avais plantée, un cep exquis, une toute vraie semence; comment t'es-tu changée pour moi en sarments dégénérés d'une vigne étrangère?
Jérémie 2:21 / Martin
21. Or je t'avais moi-même plantée [comme] une vigne exquise, de laquelle tout le plant était franc; comment donc t'es-tu changée en sarments d'une vigne abâtardie?
Jérémie 2:21 / Ostervald
21. Et moi, je t'avais plantée comme une vigne excellente, dont tout le plant était franc; comment t'es-tu changée pour moi en sarments de vigne étrangère?

Versions with Strong Codes

Jeremiah 2 / KJV_Strong
21. Yet I[H595] had planted[H5193] thee a noble vine,[H8321] wholly[H3605] a right[H571] seed:[H2233] how[H349] then art thou turned[H2015] into the degenerate[H5494] plant of a strange[H5237] vine[H1612] unto me?

Strong Code definitions

H595 'anokiy aw-no-kee' sometimes {aw-no'-kee}; a primitive pro.; I:--I, me, X which.

H5193 nata` naw-tah' a primitive root; properly, to strike in, i.e. fix; specifically, to plant (literally or figuratively):--fastened, plant(- er).

H8321 soreq so-rake' or sowreq {so-rake'}; and (feminine) soreqah {so- ray-kaw'}; from H8319 in the sense of redness (compare 8320); a vine stock (properly, one yielding purple grapes, the richestvariety):--choice(-st, noble) wine. Compare 8291. see H8319see H8320 see H8291

H3605 kol kole or (Jer. 33:8) kowl {kole}; from H3634; properly, the whole; hence, all, any or every (in the singular only, but often in a plural sense):--(in) all (manner, (ye)), altogether, any (manner), enough, every (one, place, thing), howsoever, as many as, (no-)thing, ought, whatsoever, (the) whole, whoso(-ever).

H571 'emeth eh'-meth contracted from H539; stability; (figuratively) certainty, truth, trustworthiness:--assured(-ly), establishment, faithful, right, sure, true (-ly, -th), verity.see H539

H2233 zera` zeh'-rah from H2232; seed; figuratively, fruit, plant, sowing-time, posterity:--X carnally, child, fruitful, seed(-time), sowing- time.see H2232

H349 'eyk ake also eykah {ay-kaw'}; and teykakah {ay-kaw'-kah}; prolonged from H335; how? or how!; also where:--how, what.see H335

H2015 haphak haw-fak' a primitive root; to turn about or over; by implication, to change, overturn, return, pervert:--X become, change, come, be converted, give, make (a bed), overthrow (-turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn (again, aside, back, to the contrary,every way).

H5494 cuwr soor probably passive participle of H5493; turned off, i.e. deteriorated:--degenerate.see H5493

H5237 nokriy nok-ree' from H5235 (second form); strange, in a variety of degrees and applications (foreign, non-relative, adulterous, different, wonderful):--alien, foreigner, outlandish, strange(-r,woman). see H5235

H1612 gephen gheh'-fen from an unused root meaning to bend; a vine (as twining), especially the grape:--vine, tree.

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