Bible Study Tools: Multilingual verse in various versions

Esther 7:1 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Esther 7:1 / KJV
1. So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
Esther 7:1 / ASV
1. So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
Esther 7:1 / BasicEnglish
1. So the king and Haman came to take wine with Esther the queen.
Esther 7:1 / Darby
1. And the king and Haman came to drink with Esther the queen.
Esther 7:1 / Webster
1. So the king and Haman came to banquet with Esther the queen.
Esther 7:1 / Young
1. And the king cometh in, and Haman, to drink with Esther the queen,

German Bible Translations

Esther 7:1 / Luther
1. Und da der König mit Haman kam zum Mahl, das die Königin Esther zugerichtet hatte,
Esther 7:1 / Schlachter
1. So kam nun der König mit Haman zum Trinkgelage bei der Königin Esther.

French Bible Translations

Esther 7:1 / Segond21
1. Le roi et Haman se rendirent au banquet donné chez la reine Esther.
Esther 7:1 / NEG1979
1. Le roi et Haman allèrent au festin chez la reine Esther.
Esther 7:1 / Segond
1. Le roi et Haman allèrent au festin chez la reine Esther.
Esther 7:1 / Darby_Fr
1. Et le roi et Haman vinrent pour boire avec la reine Esther.
Esther 7:1 / Martin
1. Le Roi donc et Haman vinrent au festin avec la Reine Esther.
Esther 7:1 / Ostervald
1. Le roi et Haman vinrent donc au festin chez la reine Esther.

Versions with Strong Codes

Esther 7 / KJV_Strong
1. So the king[H4428] and Haman[H2001] came[H935] to banquet[H8354] with[H5973] Esther[H635] the queen.[H4436]

Strong Code definitions

H4428 melek meh'-lek from H4427; a king:--king, royal. see H4427

H2001 Haman haw-mawn' of foreign derivation; Haman, a Persian vizier:--Haman.

H935 bow' bo a primitive root; to go or come (in a wide variety of applications):--abide, apply, attain, X be, befall, + besiege, bring (forth, in, into, to pass), call, carry, X certainly, (cause, let, thing for) to come (against, in, out, upon, to pass), depart, X doubtless again, + eat, + employ, (cause to) enter (in, into, -tering, -trance, -try), befallen, fetch, + follow, get, give, go (down, in, to war), grant, + have, X indeed, (in-)vade, lead, lift (up), mention, pull in, put, resort, run (down), send, set, X (well) stricken (in age), X surely, take (in), way.

H8354 shathah shaw-thaw' a primitive root; to imbibe (literally or figuratively):--X assuredly, banquet, X certainly, drink(-er, -ing), drunk (X -ard), surely. (Prop. intensive of H8248.)see H8248

H5973 `im eem from H6004; adverb or preposition, with (i.e. in conjunction with), in varied applications; specifically, equally with; often with prepositional prefix (and then usuallyunrepresented in English):--accompanying, against, and, as (X long as), before, beside, by (reason of), for all, from(among, between), in, like, more than, of, (un-)to, with(-al).see H6004

H635 'Ecter es-tare' of Persian derivation; Ester, the Jewish heroine:--Esther.

H4436 malkah mal-kaw' feminine of H4428; a queen:--queen. see H4428

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