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Exodus 3:5 plusieurs versions / traductions

English Bible Translations

Exodus 3:5 / KJV
5. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Exodus 3:5 / ASV
5. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Exodus 3:5 / BasicEnglish
5. And he said, Do not come near: take off your shoes from your feet, for the place where you are is holy.
Exodus 3:5 / Darby
5. And he said, Draw not nigh hither: loose thy sandals from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
Exodus 3:5 / Webster
5. And he said, Approach not hither: put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place on which thou standest is holy ground.
Exodus 3:5 / Young
5. And He saith, `Come not near hither: cast thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place on which thou art standing is holy ground.'

German Bible Translations

Exodus 3:5 / Luther
5. Er sprach: Tritt nicht herzu, zieh deine Schuhe aus von deinen Füßen; denn der Ort, darauf du stehst, ist ein heilig Land!
Exodus 3:5 / Schlachter
5. Da sprach er: Komm nicht näher herzu! Ziehe deine Schuhe aus von deinen Füßen; denn der Ort, darauf du stehest, ist heiliges Land!

French Bible Translations

Exode 3:5 / Segond21
5. Dieu dit: «Ne t'approche pas d'ici, *retire tes sandales, car l'endroit où tu te tiens est une terre sainte.»
Exode 3:5 / NEG1979
5. Dieu dit: N’approche pas d’ici, ôte tes souliers de tes pieds, car le lieu sur lequel tu te tiens est une terre sainte.
Exode 3:5 / Segond
5. Dieu dit: N'approche pas d'ici, ôte tes souliers de tes pieds, car le lieu sur lequel tu te tiens est une terre sainte.
Exode 3:5 / Darby_Fr
5. Et il dit: N'approche pas d'ici; ôte tes sandales de tes pieds, car le lieu sur lequel tu te tiens est une terre sainte.
Exode 3:5 / Martin
5. Et [Dieu] dit: n'approche point d'ici; déchausse tes souliers de tes pieds, car le lieu où tu es arrêté, est une terre sainte.
Exode 3:5 / Ostervald
5. Et il répondit: Me voici! Et Dieu dit: N'approche point d'ici. Ote tes souliers de tes pieds; car le lieu où tu te tiens, est une terre sainte.

Versions with Strong Codes

Exodus 3 / KJV_Strong
5. And he said,[H559] Draw not nigh[H7126] [H408] hither:[H1988] put off[H5394] thy shoes[H5275] from off[H4480] [H5921] thy feet,[H7272] for[H3588] the place[H4725] whereon[H834] [H5921] thou[H859] standest[H5975] is holy[H6944] ground.[H127]

Strong Code definitions

H559 'amar aw-mar' a primitive root; to say (used with greatlatitude):--answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire, determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly, promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X think, use (speech), utter, X verily, X yet.

H7126 qarab kaw-rab' a primitive root; to approach (causatively, bring near) for whatever purpose:--(cause to) approach, (cause to) bring (forth, near), (cause to) come (near, nigh), (cause to) draw near (nigh), go (near), be at hand, join, be near, offer, present, produce, make ready, stand, take.

H408 'al al a negative particle (akin to H3808); not (the qualified negation, used as a deprecative); once (Job 24:25) as a noun, nothing:--nay, neither, + never, no ,nor, not, nothing (worth), rather than.see H3808

H1988 halom hal-ome' from the article (see 1973); hither:--here, hither(-(to)), thither.see H1973

H5394 nashal naw-shal' a primitive root; to pluck off, i.e. divest, eject or drop:--cast (out), drive, loose, put off (out), slip.

H5275 na`al nah'-al or (feminine) na;alah {nah-al-aw'}; from H5274; properly, a sandal tongue; by extens. a sandal or slipper (sometimes as a symbol of occupancy, a refusal to marry, or of something valueless):--dryshod, (pair of) shoe((-latchet), -s). see H5274

H4480 min min or minniy {min-nee'}; or minney (constructive plural){min-nay'}; (Isaiah 30:11); for H4482; properly, a part of; hence (prepositionally), from or out of in many senses (as follows):--above, after, among, at, because of, by (reason of), from (among), in, X neither, X nor, (out) of, over, since, X then, through, X whether, with.see H4482

H5921 `al al properly, the same as H5920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow):--above, accordingto(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, X with.see H5920

H7272 regel reh'-gel from H7270; a foot (as used in walking); by implication, a step; by euphem. the pudenda:--X be able to endure, X according as, X after, X coming, X follow,((broken-))foot((-ed, -stool)), X great toe, X haunt, X journey, leg, + piss, + possession, time.see H7270

H3588 kiy kee a primitive particle (the full form of the prepositional prefix) indicating causal relations of all kinds, antecedentor consequent; (by implication) very widely used as a relative conjunction or adverb (as below); often largely modified by other particles annexed:--and, + (forasmuch, inasmuch, where-)as, assured(-ly), + but, certainly, doubtless, + else, even, + except, for, how, (because, in, so, than) that, + nevertheless, now, rightly, seeing, since, surely, then, therefore, + (al- )though, + till, truly, + until, when,whether, while, whom, yea, yet.

H4725 maqowm maw-kome' or maqom {maw-kome'}; also (feminine) mqowmah {mek-o-mah'}; or mqomah {mek-o-mah'}; from H6965; properly, a standing, i.e.a spot; but used widely of a locality (general or specific); also (figuratively) of a condition (of body ormind):--country, X home, X open, place, room, space, X whither(-soever). see H6965

H834 'aher ash-er' a primitive relative pronoun (of every gender and number); who, which, what, that; also (as an adverb and a conjunction) when, where, how, because, in order that, etc.:--X after, X alike, as (soon as), because, X every, for, + forasmuch, + from whence, + how(-soever), X if, (so) that ((thing) which, wherein), X though, + until, + whatsoever, when, where(+ -as, -in, -of, -on, -soever, -with), which, whilst, + whither(- soever), who(-m, -soever, -se). As it isindeclinable, it is often accompanied by the personal pronoun expletively, used to show the connection.

H5921 `al al properly, the same as H5920 used as a preposition (in the singular or plural often with prefix, or as conjunction with a particle following); above, over, upon, or against (yet always in this last relation with a downward aspect) in a great variety of applications (as follow):--above, accordingto(-ly), after, (as) against, among, and, X as, at, because of, beside (the rest of), between, beyond the time, X both and, by (reason of), X had the charge of, concerning for, in (that), (forth, out) of, (from) (off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to, touching, X with.see H5920

H859 'attah at-taw' or (shortened); aatta {at-taw'}; or wath {ath}; feminine (irregular) sometimes nattiy {at-tee'}; plural masculine attem{at- tem'}; feminine atten {at-ten'}; or oattenah{at-tay'naw}; or fattennah {at-tane'-naw}; a primitive pronoun of the second person; thou and thee, or (plural) ye andyou:--thee, thou, ye, you.

H5975 `amad aw-mad' a primitive root; to stand, in various relations (literal and figurative, intransitive and transitive):--abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm, continue, dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make, ordain, be (over), place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain, repair, + serve, set (forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to be at a, with-)stand (by, fast, firm, still, up), (be at a) stay (up), tarry.

H6944 qodesh ko'-desh from H6942; a sacred place or thing; rarely abstract, sanctity:--consecrated (thing), dedicated (thing), hallowed (thing), holiness, (X most) holy (X day, portion, thing), saint, sanctuary.see H6942

H127 'adamah ad-aw-maw' from H119; soil (from its general redness):--country, earth, ground, husband(-man) (-ry), land.see H119

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