Bible Red Thread 1: Introduction
sermon Genesis 1 : Patrice Berger, 2022_11_29, AB Lausanne church
Bible Red Thread 1: Introduction
The Red Thread of the Bible:
In our Bible studies (2021-2022), we discovered God and Jesus Christ through the bible by studying the Red Thread of the Bible in our home groups . The study is inspired by the magazine Ta Jeunesse , which is available free of charge. We seek to discover how God and Jesus Christ are found in the Bible according to a “red thread” through the Bible.
the Bible can be divided into four main parts: The first part tells us about God’s creational project. It is on the first page of the Bible (Genesis 1 ) . A perfect world is born under the impulse of a perfect Creator, with a perfect functioning, where the human being has a place of choice: co-responsible for the universe!
The second part tells us about the most dramatic event in the history of humanity: the breach of trust between the creature and its Creator, with its dramatic consequences on the human being, on the couple, on the family, on society and on creation itself. This drama is found on the second page of the Bible.
The fourth and last part gives us a glimpse of an eternal civilization, made of joy and happiness between the Creator and all the creatures who have chosen to place their trust in this loving Creator. We find this account on the last page of the Bible (Revelation 22 ) !
The third part. No, you are not dreaming! Parts 1, 2 and 4 are summarized in 3 sheets. An insignificant portion, if I tell you that the Bible is a book made up of several hundred pages! This means that the third part of the Bible is almost 99% of the whole book. This main part of the Bible tells how the Creator restores all things, thus making it possible to pass from the first page to the last page, despite the second page! This plot and its development, I will show you step by step in the next few pages: it is the common thread of the Bible. Good discovery !
Related Links / Notes
Bible Study: Red Thread through the Bible
Study Notes are translated from the original French and available in the online magazine TaJeunesse (literlly “Your Youth”). The orginal texts are magazine articles. The texts provided here follow that form and include some of the images from the magazine, and help provide a deep understanding of the main themes of the Bible.
Services at the church AB Renens-Lausanne as well as some of the bible studies are streamed on the channel YouTube église AB Renens-Lausanne. Also visit the You Tube channel of the Swiss Action Biblique Youth Groups (JAB Suisse Romande.
Bible verses in the study link to the ASV bible. In addition to the Darby Bible , other versions of the Bible are also available on our website (KJV, Basic English )
The King James Version is available as an audio bible Podcast which can be accessed below.