Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H4784 : marah maw-raw'


H4784 marah maw-raw' a primitive root; to be (causatively, make) bitter (or unpleasant); (figuratively) to rebel (or resist; causatively, to provoke):--bitter, change, be disobedient, disobey, grievously, provocation, provoke(-ing), (be) rebel (against, -lious).

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H4784

M / Numbers 20.10 : And Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now[H4784], ye rebels; shall we bring you forth water out of this rock?
M / Numbers 20.24 : Aaron shall be gathered unto his people; for he shall not enter into the land which I have given unto the children of Israel, because ye rebelled against[H4784] my word at the waters of Meribah.
M / Numbers 27.14 : because ye rebelled[H4784] against my word in the wilderness of Zin, in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify me at the waters before their eyes. (These are the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.)
M / Deuteronomy 1.26 : Yet ye would not go up, but rebelled[H4784] against the commandment of Jehovah your God:
M / Deuteronomy 1.43 : So I spake unto you, and ye hearkened not[H4784]; but ye rebelled against the commandment of Jehovah, and were presumptuous, and went up into the hill-country.
M / Deuteronomy 9.7 : Remember, forget thou not, how thou provokedst Jehovah thy God to wrath in the wilderness: from the day that thou wentest forth out of the land of Egypt, until ye came unto this place, ye have been rebellious[H4784] against Jehovah.
M / Deuteronomy 9.23 : And when Jehovah sent you from Kadesh-barnea, saying, Go up and possess the land which I have given you[H4784]; then ye rebelled against the commandment of Jehovah your God, and ye believed him not, nor hearkened to his voice.
M / Deuteronomy 9.24 : Ye have been rebellious[H4784] against Jehovah from the day that I knew you.
M / Deuteronomy 21.18 : If a man have a stubborn and rebellious[H4784] son, that will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and, though they chasten him, will not hearken unto them;
M / Deuteronomy 21.20 : and they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious[H4784], he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
M / Deuteronomy 31.27 : For I know thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious[H4784] against Jehovah; and how much more after my death?
M / Joshua 1.18 : Whosoever he be that shall rebel[H4784] against thy commandment, and shall not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death: only be strong and of good courage.
M / 1 Samuel 12.14 : If ye will fear Jehovah, and serve him, and hearken unto his voice, and not rebel[H4784] against the commandment of Jehovah, and both ye and also the king that reigneth over you be followers of Jehovah your God, well:
M / 1 Samuel 12.15 : but if ye will not hearken unto the voice of Jehovah, but rebel[H4784] against the commandment of Jehovah, then will the hand of Jehovah be against you, as it was against your fathers.
M / 1 Kings 13.21 : and he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah, saying, Thus saith Jehovah, Forasmuch as thou hast been disobedient[H4784] unto the mouth of Jehovah, and hast not kept the commandment which Jehovah thy God commanded thee,
M / 1 Kings 13.26 : And when the prophet that brought him back from the way heard thereof, he said, It is the man of God, who was disobedient[H4784] unto the mouth of Jehovah: therefore Jehovah hath delivered him unto the lion, which hath torn him, and slain him, according to the word of Jehovah, which he spake unto him.
M / 2 Kings 14.26 : For Jehovah saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter[H4784]; for there was none shut up nor left at large, neither was there any helper for Israel.
M / Nehemiah 9.26 : Nevertheless they were disobedient[H4784], and rebelled against thee, and cast thy law behind their back, and slew thy prophets that testified against them to turn them again unto thee, and they wrought great provocations.
M / Job 17.2 : Surely there are mockers with me, And mine eye dwelleth upon their provocation[H4784].
M / Psalms 5.10 : Hold them guilty, O God; Let them fall by their own counsels; Thrust them out in the multitude of their transgressions; For they have rebelled against thee[H4784].
M / Psalms 78.17 : Yet went they on still to sin against him[H4784], To rebel against the Most High in the desert.
M / Psalms 78.40 : How oft did they rebel[H4784] against him in the wilderness, And grieve him in the desert!
M / Psalms 78.56 : Yet they tempted and rebelled[H4784] against the Most High God, And kept not his testimonies;
M / Psalms 78.8 : And might not be as their fathers, A stubborn and rebellious[H4784] generation, A generation that set not their heart aright, And whose spirit was not stedfast with God.
M / Psalms 105.28 : He sent darkness, and made it dark; And they rebelled[H4784] not against his words.
M / Psalms 106.7 : Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; They remembered not the multitude of thy lovingkindnesses, But were rebellious[H4784] at the sea, even at the Red Sea.
M / Psalms 106.33 : Because they were rebellious[H4784] against his spirit, And he spake unadvisedly with his lips.
M / Psalms 106.43 : Many times did he deliver them[H4784]; But they were rebellious in their counsel, And were brought low in their iniquity.
M / Psalms 107.11 : Because they rebelled[H4784] against the words of God, And contemned the counsel of the Most High:
M / Isaiah 1.20 : but if ye refuse and rebel[H4784], ye shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken it.
M / Isaiah 3.8 : For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen; because their tongue and their doings are against Jehovah, to provoke[H4784] the eyes of his glory.
M / Isaiah 50.5 : The Lord Jehovah hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious[H4784], neither turned away backward.
M / Isaiah 63.10 : But they rebelled[H4784], and grieved his holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and himself fought against them.
M / Jeremiah 4.17 : As keepers of a field are they against her round about, because she hath been rebellious[H4784] against me, saith Jehovah.
M / Jeremiah 5.23 : But this people hath a revolting and a rebellious[H4784] heart; they are revolted and gone.
M / Lamentations 1.18 : Jehovah is righteous; for I have rebelled[H4784] against his commandment: Hear, I pray you, all ye peoples, and behold my sorrow: My virgins and my young men are gone into captivity.
M / Lamentations 1.20 : Behold, O Jehovah; for I am in distress; my heart is troubled; My heart is turned within me[H4784]; for I have grievously rebelled[H4784]: Abroad the sword bereaveth, at home there is as death.
M / Lamentations 3.42 : We have transgressed and have rebelled[H4784]; thou hast not pardoned.
M / Ezekiel 5.6 : And she hath rebelled[H4784] against mine ordinances in doing wickedness more than the nations, and against my statutes more than the countries that are round about her; for they have rejected mine ordinances, and as for my statutes, they have not walked in them.
M / Ezekiel 20.8 : But they rebelled[H4784] against me, and would not hearken unto me; they did not every man cast away the abominations of their eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt. Then I said I would pour out my wrath upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.
M / Ezekiel 20.13 : But the house of Israel rebelled[H4784] against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they rejected mine ordinances, which if a man keep, he shall live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly profaned. Then I said I would pour out my wrath upon them in the wilderness, to consume them.
M / Ezekiel 20.21 : But the children rebelled[H4784] against me; they walked not in my statutes, neither kept mine ordinances to do them, which if a man do, he shall live in them; they profaned my sabbaths. Then I said I would pour out my wrath upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness.
M / Hosea 13.16 : Samaria shall bear her guilt; for she hath rebelled[H4784] against her God: they shall fall by the sword; their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

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