Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G518 : apaggello/ap-ang-el'-lo


G518 apaggello/ap-ang-el'-lo from 575 and the base of 32; to announce:--bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell. see G575 see G32

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G518

M / Matthew 2.8 : And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search out exactly concerning the young child; and when ye have found him[G518], bring me word[G518], that I also may come and worship him.
M / Matthew 8.33 : And they that fed them fled, and went away into the city, and told[G518] everything, and what was befallen to them that were possessed with demons.
M / Matthew 11.4 : And Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and tell[G518] John the[G518] things which you hear and see:
M / Matthew 12.18 : Behold, my servant whom I have chosen; My beloved in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my Spirit upon him, And he shall declare[G518] judgment to the Gentiles.
M / Matthew 14.12 : And his disciples came, and took up the corpse, and buried him; and they went and told[G518] Jesus.
M / Matthew 28.8 : And they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to bring[G518] his disciples word[G518].
M / Matthew 28.10 : Then saith Jesus unto them, Fear not: go tell[G518] my brethren that they depart into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
M / Matthew 28.11 : Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city, and told[G518] unto the chief priests all the things that were come to pass.
M / Mark 6.30 : And the apostles gather themselves together unto Jesus; and they told[G518] him all things, whatsoever they had done, and whatsoever they had taught.
M / Mark 16.10 : She went and told[G518] them that had been with him, as they mourned and wept.
M / Mark 16.13 : And they went away and told[G518] it unto the rest: neither believed they them.
M / Luke 7.18 : And the disciples of John told[G518] him of all these things.
M / Luke 7.22 : And he answered and said unto them, Go and tell[G518] John the things which ye have seen and heard; the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good tidings preached to them.
M / Luke 8.20 : And it was told[G518] him, Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to see thee.
M / Luke 8.34 : And when they that fed them saw what had come to pass, they fled, and[G2532, 565] told[G518] it in the city and in the country.
M / Luke 8.36 : And they that saw it told[G518] them how he that was possessed with demons was made whole.
M / Luke 9.36 : And when the voice came, Jesus was found alone. And they held their peace, and told[G518] no man in those days any of the things which they had seen.
M / Luke 13.1 : Now there were some present at that very season who told[G518] him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
M / Luke 14.21 : And the servant came, and told[G518] his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor and maimed and blind and lame.
M / Luke 18.37 : And they told[G518] him, that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by.
M / Luke 24.9 : and returned from the tomb, and told[G518] all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest.
M / John 4.51 : And as he was now going down, his servants met him, saying[G518], that his son lived.
M / John 20.18 : Mary Magdalene cometh and telleth[G518] the disciples, I have seen the Lord; and that he had said these things unto her.
M / Acts 4.23 : And being let go, they came to their own company, and reported[G518] all that the chief priests and the elders had said unto them.
M / Acts 5.22 : But the officers that came[G3854, 1161] found them not in the prison; and they returned, and told[G518],
M / Acts 5.25 : And there came one and told[G518] them, Behold, the men whom ye put in the prison are in the temple standing and teaching the people.
M / Acts 11.13 : and he told[G518] us how he had seen the angel standing in his house, and saying, Send[G649, 435] to Joppa, and fetch Simon, whose surname is Peter;
M / Acts 12.14 : And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for joy, but ran in, and told[G518] that Peter stood before the gate.
M / Acts 12.17 : But he, beckoning unto them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him forth out of the prison. And he said, Tell[G518] these things unto James, and to the brethren. And he departed, and went to another place.
M / Acts 15.27 : We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who themselves also shall[G518] tell[G518] you the same things by word of mouth.
M / Acts 16.36 : And the jailor reported[G518] the words to Paul, saying, The magistrates have sent to let you go: now therefore come forth, and go in peace.
M / Acts 22.26 : And when the centurion heard it, he went to the chief captain and told[G518] him, saying, What art thou about to do? for this man is a Roman.
M / Acts 23.16 : But Paul's sister's son heard of their lying in wait, and he came and entered into the castle and told[G518] Paul.
M / Acts 23.17 : And Paul called unto him one of the centurions, and said, Bring this young man unto the chief captain; for he hath something to tell[G518] him.
M / Acts 23.19 : And the chief captain took him by the hand, and going aside asked him privately, What is it that thou hast to tell[G518] me?
M / Acts 26.20 : but declared[G518] both to them of Damascus first and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judaea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance.
M / Acts 28.21 : And they said unto him, We neither received letters from Judaea concerning thee, nor did any of the brethren come hither and report[G518] or speak any harm of thee.
M / 1 Corinthians 14.25 : the secrets of his heart are made manifest; and so he will fall down on his face and worship God, declaring[G518] that God is among you indeed.
M / 1 Thessalonians 1.9 : For they[G518] themselves report[G518] concerning us what manner of entering in we had unto you; and how ye turned unto God from idols, to serve a living and true God,
M / Hebrews 2.12 : saying, I will declare[G518] thy name unto my brethren, In the midst of the congregation will I sing thy praise.
M / 1 John 1.2 : (and the life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare[G518] unto you the life, the eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us);
M / 1 John 1.3 : that which we have seen and heard declare we[G518] unto you also, that ye also may have fellowship with us: yea, and our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ:

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