Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H7474 : ra`yah rah-yaw'


H7474 ra`yah rah-yaw' feminine of 7453; a female associate:--fellow, love. see H7453

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H7474

M / Song of Solomon 1.9 : I have compared thee[H7474], O my love, To a steed in Pharaoh's chariots.
M / Song of Solomon 1.15 : Behold, thou art fair, my love[H7474]; Behold thou art fair; Thine eyes are as doves.
M / Song of Solomon 2.2 : As a lily among thorns, So is my love[H7474] among the daughters.
M / Song of Solomon 2.10 : My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love[H7474], my fair one, and come away.
M / Song of Solomon 2.13 : The fig-tree ripeneth her green figs, And the vines are in blossom; They give forth their fragrance. Arise, my love[H7474], my fair one, and come away.
M / Song of Solomon 4.1 : Behold, thou art fair, my love[H7474]; behold, thou art fair; Thine eyes are as doves behind thy veil. Thy hair is as a flock of goats, That lie along the side of mount Gilead.
M / Song of Solomon 4.7 : Thou art all fair, my love[H7474]; And there is no spot in thee.
M / Song of Solomon 5.2 : I was asleep, but my heart waked: It is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love[H7474], my dove, my undefiled; For my head is filled with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.
M / Song of Solomon 6.4 : Thou art fair, O my love[H7474], as Tirzah, Comely as Jerusalem, Terrible as an army with banners.

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