Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

KJV Strong Code H1823 : dmuwth dem-ooth'


H1823 dmuwth dem-ooth' from 1819; resemblance; concretely, model, shape; adverbially, like:--fashion, like (-ness, as), manner, similitude.

KJV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H1823

M / Genesis 1.26 : And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:[H1823] and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
M / Genesis 5.1 : This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness[H1823] of God made he him;
M / Genesis 5.3 : And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness,[H1823] after his image; and called his name Seth:
M / 2 Kings 16.10 : And king Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglathpileser king of Assyria, and saw an altar that was at Damascus: and king Ahaz sent to Urijah the priest the fashion[H1823] of the altar, and the pattern of it, according to all the workmanship thereof.
M / 2 Chronicles 4.3 : And under it was the similitude[H1823] of oxen, which did compass it round about: ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about. Two rows of oxen were cast, when it was cast.
M / Psalms 58.4 : Their poison is like[H1823] the poison of a serpent: they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth her ear;
M / Isaiah 13.4 : The noise of a multitude in the mountains, like[H1823] as of a great people; a tumultuous noise of the kingdoms of nations gathered together: the LORD of hosts mustereth the host of the battle.
M / Isaiah 40.18 : To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness[H1823] will ye compare unto him?
M / Ezekiel 1.5 : Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness[H1823] of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness[H1823] of a man.
M / Ezekiel 1.10 : As for the likeness[H1823] of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle.
M / Ezekiel 1.13 : As for the likeness[H1823] of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.
M / Ezekiel 1.16 : The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of a beryl: and they four had one likeness:[H1823] and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.
M / Ezekiel 1.22 : And the likeness[H1823] of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the color of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.
M / Ezekiel 1.26 : And above the firmament that was over their heads was the likeness[H1823] of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness[H1823] of the throne was the likeness[H1823] as the appearance of a man above upon it.
M / Ezekiel 1.28 : As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness[H1823] of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spoke.
M / Ezekiel 8.2 : Then I beheld, and lo a likeness[H1823] as the appearance of fire: from the appearance of his loins even downward, fire; and from his loins even upward, as the appearance of brightness, as the color of amber.
M / Ezekiel 10.1 : Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness[H1823] of a throne.
M / Ezekiel 10.10 : And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness,[H1823] as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel.
M / Ezekiel 10.21 : Every one had four faces apiece, and every one four wings; and the likeness[H1823] of the hands of a man was under their wings.
M / Ezekiel 10.22 : And the likeness[H1823] of their faces was the same faces which I saw by the river of Chebar, their appearances and themselves: they went every one straight forward.
M / Ezekiel 23.15 : Girded with girdles upon their loins, exceeding in dyed attire upon their heads, all of them princes to look to, after the manner[H1823] of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity:
M / Daniel 10.16 : And, behold, one like the similitude[H1823] of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spoke, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.

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