Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code H11 : 'abaddown ab-ad-done'


H11 'abaddown ab-ad-done' intensive from 6; abstract, a perishing; concrete, Hades:--destruction.see H6

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H11

M / Job 26.6 : Sheol is naked before God[H11], And Abaddon hath no covering.
M / Job 28.22 : Destruction[H11] and Death say, We have heard a rumor thereof with our ears.
M / Job 31.12 : For it is a fire that consumeth unto Destruction[H11], And would root out all mine increase.
M / Psalms 88.11 : Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? Or thy faithfulness in Destruction[H11]?
M / Proverbs 15.11 : Sheol and Abaddon[H11] are before Jehovah: How much more then the hearts of the children of men!
M / Proverbs 27.20 : Sheol and Abaddon[H11] are never satisfied; And the eyes of man are never satisfied.

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