Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G5053 : teleutao/tel-yoo-tah'-o


G5053 teleutao/tel-yoo-tah'-o from a presumed derivative of 5055; to finish life (by implication, of 979), i.e. expire (demise):--be dead, decease, die. see G5055 see G979

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G5053

M / Matthew 2.19 : But when Herod was dead[G5053], behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, saying,
M / Matthew 9.18 : While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is[G5053] even now dead[G5053]: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.
M / Matthew 15.4 : For God said, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, He that speaketh evil of father or mother, let him die[G5053] the death.
M / Matthew 22.25 : Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first married and deceased[G5053], and having no seed left his wife unto his brother;
M / Mark 7.10 : For Moses said, Honor thy father and thy mother; and, He that speaketh evil of father or mother, let him die[G5053] the death:
M / Mark 9.48 : where their worm dieth[G5053] not, and the fire is not quenched.
M / Luke 7.2 : And a certain centurion's servant, who was dear unto him, was sick and at the point of death[G5053].
M / Acts 2.29 : Brethren, I may say unto[G4314, 3326] you freely of the patriarch David, that he[G5053] both died[G5053] and was buried, and his tomb is[G5053] with us unto this day.
M / Acts 7.15 : And Jacob went down into Egypt; and he died[G5053], himself and our fathers;
M / Hebrews 11.22 : By faith Joseph, when his end[G5053] was nigh, made mention of the departure of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones.

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