Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G4280 : proereo/pro-er-eh'-o


G4280 proereo/pro-er-eh'-o from 4253 and 2046; used as alternate of 4277; to say already, predict:--foretell, say (speak, tell) before. see G4253 see G2046 see G4277

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G4280

M / Matthew 24.25 : Behold, I have told[G4280] you beforehand[G4280].
M / Mark 13.23 : But take ye heed: behold, I have told you all things beforehand[G4280].
M / Romans 9.29 : And, as Isaiah hath said before[G4280], Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, We had become as Sodom, and had been made like unto Gomorrah.
M / 2 Corinthians 7.3 : I say it not to condemn you: for I have said before[G4280], that ye are in our hearts to die together and live together.
M / 2 Corinthians 13.2 : I have said beforehand[G4280], and I do say beforehand, as when I was present the second time, so now, being absent, to them that have sinned heretofore, and to all the rest, that, if I come[G2064, 1519] again, I will not spare;
M / Galatians 1.9 : As we have said before[G4280], so say I now again, if any man preacheth unto you any gospel other than that which ye received, let him be anathema.
M / Hebrews 10.15 : And the Holy Spirit also beareth witness to us; for after he hath said[G4280],
M / 2 Peter 3.2 : that ye should remember the words which were spoken before[G4280] by the holy prophets, and the commandments of the Lord and Saviour through your apostles:
M / Jude 1.17 : But ye, beloved, remember ye the words which have been spoken before[G4280] by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;

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