Sermon Series : Acts of the Apostles

Sermon Series : Acts of the Apostles

The book of Acts recounts the inauguration and the first steps of the Church. The risen Christ is with God and, as promised, believers receive the Holy Spirit who supports them in the proclamation of the Gospel, first in Jerusalem, in Judea and then to the ends of the earth. This progression is given by Jesus himself (Acts chapter 1, verse 8) and serves as a reading grid for the book.

The difficulty of the book of Acts lies in understanding what is specific to the inaugural, spectacular side and what is the normality of the current Church. But ultimately it’s quite simple, just look in the words of Jesus and the texts of the epistles what is normative for all times. The following sermon series is translated from the original French series Livres des Actes available on our website.

The sermon series is given by pastor Patrice Berger. sermons are translated from the originl French version. Bible verses link to the American Standard Version (ASV). The Bibe is available online in audio/podcast form in several versions including the Bible in Basic English (1 year reading plan):

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Acts #27: What are the indicators for guaranteed projects? (Acts 27); Patrice Berger

You "drive" your life as you wish. You're big enough and in control of the situation to know what to do. But honestly, you often mess up, or what you had planned does not go as planned… Classic scenario. In fact, we are masters of nothing, that is why it is preferable to build projects with the One who is master of everything. Yes, but how?

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_30

Acts #26: The believer: a litigant like any other? (Acts 26); Patrice Berger

The end of the book of Acts presents us with the charges against the apostle Paul and his defense before the Roman and Jewish leaders. These chapters are of great importance in inspiring us as to the conduct we should have with regard to justice.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_30

Acts #25: What’s the dosage for the unusual and the supernatural in the daily life of the believer? (Acts 23); Patrice Berger

In Christianity, two tendencies are opposed. One tries to explain everything about faith and the Bible, backed up by science and reason. The other expects and “sees” the miraculous, the supernatural with the mind that it should be an almost daily recurrence. The subject is not simple because basically, in talking about God, and trusting in Him, we are confronted with what is beyond us. His actions and promises go beyond what we know. Chapter 23 of Acts confronts us once again on this subject.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_29

Acts #24: Is the Holy Spirit my spiritual wellness coach?

Modern Christianity speaks more of the Holy Spirit, especially in evangelical circles. Could it be that our hedonistic Western environment confines the Holy Spirit in spiritual strength for my inner well-being? The Bible clearly speaks of the Holy Spirit as a divine person who assists the believer as a "witness-advocate" in the face of a godless society. Just as he was for the apostle Paul, is he still for us?

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_29

Acts #23 (Preacher Notes): The Biblical Leader Is a Model Who Makes Us Follow Christ

When the apostle invites his readers to be his imitators, it is for the purpose that they imitate the work of Christ in his life, not that they become followers of his person. It seems logical. However, the apostle warns the churches of seducers who will aim to draw everything to them. This example and this warning still apply. Am I an example, a model to imitate because it shows Christ? Am I overwhelmed by someone who puts Christ in the background?

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_28

Acts #22 (Preacher Notes): True life with Christ is better than counterfeit

Here are four life charts that look like God's expectations but are sure to send you to hell: • trust placed in a biblical prophet, • a religion inspired by the Bible, • a prayer that uses the name of Jesus, • welfare and economic growth before God.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_27

Acts #21: Where are you with God? (Acts 18); Stefan Schmid

Great names are consigned in the books of history or records. However, are these the most important books? Are you sure your name is written in the book of life in heaven?

Stefan Schmid : 2022_11_26

Acts #20: One saviour for all, regardless of culture & tradition (Acts 17); Patrick Berger

Summary: Whatever the place, the culture, the religious context where we were born, the only solution to be reconciled with God is in Jesus Christ, such is the message of the apostles. However, in presenting the gospel in different backgrounds, we have an example of this in chapter 17 of the book of Acts. Here, the missionary team of the apostle Paul exchanges with Jews, proselytes and ancient Greeks.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_26

Acts #19: The disciple is not greater than the master (Acts 15-16)

The missionary teams led by Paul have had the joy of seeing many lives open to the Gospel. At the same time, the testimony confronted them with numerous and virulent oppositions. This is not surprising, for Jesus had warned them that they would experience the same joys and difficulties just as he did. It is interesting to see how they reacted so that we can be inspired by them.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_22

Acts #18: Religious gestures do not define my salvation

Summary: – To eat or not to eat this or that food, – submit to the observances of a religious law (the type of the Old Testament), - finally, all religious gestures have no impact on Salvation. Salvation is completely acquired by Christ; thus, we have no part. We are therefore totally free with regard to dietary or religious observances. On the other hand, out of love for the one who is at my side, I will not necessarily impose this freedom if that were to disturb him, to destabilize him regards his salvation, his edification, and his normal affection.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_19

Acts #17: Is the Apostle Paul a true apostle? (Patrice Berger)

The apostle Paul is not one of the twelve disciples who followed the ministry of Jesus from the beginning until His ascension. Can we really consider him an apostle? A matter of importance is his epistles. Also, this text also addresses the subject of meritorious suffering for eternity.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_19

Acts #16: Natural Evangelism (Acts 13); Patrice Berger

Summary: The gospel is Christ's accomplished liberation to free from our righteous spiritual detention due to sin. Saul and Barnabas are going to propagate this good news in an obvious way in the Mediterranean basin following the apostle Peter and other believers. They do it most naturally, in the habits of their fellows. Shouldn't we do the same?

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_17

Acts #15: God is sovereign over all life (Acts 12); Patrice Berger

Summary: We do not attack believers and therefore Christ with impunity. We do not take ourselves for God without realizing it; Herod Agrippa experiences this. At the same time, we point to the total sovereignty of God over all life, allowing the murder of one apostle and doing everything possible to save the other. It is the same today and it is good to wonder about the meaning, the purpose of life and as well as our rights.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_16

Acts #14: The Gospel for the Gentiles is more than a right, a purpose; it is expansion (Acts 11); Patrice Berger

Summary: Obviously, the event experienced between Peter and Cornelius requires explanations from the first believers who quickly understand the fulfillment of God's promises. This stage with the pagans is not an end in itself, but marks the inauguration of the expansion of the Gospel, particularly in Antioch. This text is precious to know if there are still in store other events of importance in the history of revelation.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_13

Acts #13: The same gospel for all, through Christ the one Savior (Acts 9); Patrice Berger

Summary: The Gospel is no longer just a Jewish story; Acts 10 marks the formalization of its reality among the pagans. God shows His providence (combining events to bring to light His will) and He also shows how He prepares hearts for salvation and for His work. This text sheds light on the understanding of receiving the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues in the book of Acts and also on God's attention to monetary gifts (are they meritorious for salvation?).

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_12

Acts #12: Immensity of God’s Grace: It is up to us to carry it (Acts 9); Patrice Berger

Summary: Never put a limit on the grace of God. Saul was as fanatical and fundamentalist as someone from the Gestapo or the Islamic State and yet Jesus stops him, offers him His grace so that he himself may bear this grace in Christ. But ultimately what is divine grace? Certainly not a second chance to continue one's life, but for an orientation of life turned towards the author of all grace: Christ. In this, like Saul, Ananias and Barnabas, let us be believers in Christ who seize the ball on the rebound when God sends it to us to be reflections of His grace.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_11

Acts #11: Be guided by God (Acts 8); Stefan Schmid

Summary: The second passage that speaks to us about Philip in the book of Acts is precious for knowing how to let God guide you by: – obeying what He tells us (even if humanly we don't understand everything); – being attentive to the situation that God has so well prepared to go straight to the point (here presenting the gospel). – Attention, time is limited! For Philip, the window was less than a day. So, let's not waste God's opportunities!

Stefan Schmid : 2022_11_10

Acts #10: Believing in Christ: The effects of the Gospel (Acts 8 ); Patrice Berger

Summary: The gospel arrives and it is accepted among the Samaritans (who were hated at that time by the Jews). The gospel is for everyone. A man is like these new believers but his heart is not Christ's. He believes in the effects of the gospel, miracles, Holy Spirit which he wants to acquire with money. The gospel is not something more, but a metamorphosis of our lives given to Christ. Acts 8 is an interesting text talking about evoking the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_10

Acts #9: Through Jesus, the uselessness of all religious systems (Acts 6); Patrice Berger

Summary: Through Jesus, uselessness of religious laws, holy places and "holy persons" to be made favorable to God. Constraints, virtuous efforts, pilgrimages, objects of devotion, appeals or prayers to emblematic religious figures are therefore useless. For is God contained in a place, object or matter. Amulet, lucky charm, idol or domestic temple are useless (it's even the opposite, these practices belong to the underworld). Reflections on animism and pantheism and the idolatry of the majority of religions.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_05

Acts #8: Service and responsibilities in the Church (Acts 6); Patrice Berger

Summary : After the difficulties coming from the outside, it is from the inside that come the tensions which could stop the diffusion of the gospel to make social or divide the church by ethnic groups. The new community delegates reliable gospel-level assistants to supervise social work. These people are often recognized as the “prototypes” of what deacons will be like.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_04

Acts #7: Can we really stop spreading the Gospel? (Acts 5); Patrice Berger

Summary: From the beginning of the Gospel, its opponents have attacked Jesus, the apostles and believers and now the message has come to us. God therefore watches over the propagation of the Gospel even if believers sometimes pay a heavy price. This text gives clues on the normality of miracles. Should this be a habit for believers in Christ? It also questions the believer's obedience to the authorities, how far?

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_03

Acts #6: No duplicity in the Church. Acts 4:32-5:11 (Acts 4); Patrice Berger

Summary: The Church of Christ is not a religion that suits me where I look good in front of believers while being completely different, far from their gaze. The life of the disciple of Christ is identical in private and in public. God points this out in an obvious and tragic way so that no one adopts hypocrisy. Jesus was transparent, true throughout his life, so the Church of his disciples must do the same.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_02

Acts #5: None other than Jesus. Acts chapter 4

If one seeks to be reconciled with God, there is no one other than Jesus to do so. He is the only one who fulfills all the preparatory promises of God made centuries ago.

Patrice Berger : 2022_11_01

Acts #4: Continuation in the Same Spirit as Jesus (Acts 3); Patrice Berger

What is happening here is a reminder of the healing done by Jesus in the Gospels. Impossible This healing aspect is impossible on the plane of human reasoning. The healing of someone born lame from birth. Who through Jesus Christ immediately walks again. It is humanly impossible, especially, when we see the rehabilitation time needed when one has  partial or complete paralysis.

Patrice Berger : 2022_10_29

Acts #3: God keeps his promise: He gives the Holy Spirit to the followers of Christ. Acts chapter 2

John 16 / 7 However, I tell you the truth: it is better for you that I leave. Indeed, if I do not leave, the defender will not come to you; but, if I go away, I will send it to you What we will see in this chapter 2 is that God keeps a promise.

Patrice Berger : 2022_10_28

Acts #2: The Secret of the Embryonic Church: Unity and Prayer (Acts 1v12-26) (Acts 1); Patrice Berger

The Acts of the Holy Spirit His common presence to the disciples of Christ is a novelty in history. I have a question. Methodology 1. Lying Are you struck dead when you lie to a church leader? 2. flame of fire At the time of your conversion to Christ, did a flame of fire position itself above your head? 3. speaking in tongues At that time, did you begin to speak particularly difficult languages ​​perfectly (Swiss German or Romanesh)?

Patrice Berger : 2022_10_28

Acts #1: Even without Jesus on earth, his work extends throughout the world Acts 1 v1-11

The Acts of the Holy Spirit His common presence to the disciples of Christ is a novelty in history. I have a question. Methodology 1. Lying Are you struck dead when you lie to a church leader? 2. flame of fire At the time of your conversion to Christ, did a flame of fire position itself above your head? 3. speaking in tongues At that time, did you begin to speak particularly difficult languages ​​perfectly (Swiss German or Romanesh)?

Patrice Berger : 2022_10_27

Key verses from the book of Acts

Acts 1:8 / KJV
8. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Acts 2:38-39/ KJV

38. Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
39. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.
Acts 4:12 / KJV
12. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Acts 4:19-20/ KJV

19. But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.
20. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.
Acts 5:29 / KJV
29. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

Acts 7:55-56/ KJV

55. But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
56. And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.
Acts 9:6 / KJV
6. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.

Acts 10:34-35/ KJV

34. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35. But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Acts 13:47 / KJV
47. For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.
Acts 16:31 / KJV
31. And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Acts 17:26-27/ KJV

26. And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
27. That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
Acts 20:24 / KJV
24. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.
Acts 26:18 / KJV
18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

See Also:

Sermons: key points from the series Acts of the Apostles