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Darby Bible : Exodus 36


1. Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every man that was wise-hearted, in whom Jehovah had put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work of the service of the sanctuary -- according to all that Jehovah had commanded.

2. And Moses called Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every man that was wise-hearted, in whose heart God had put wisdom, every one whose heart moved him to come to the work to do it.

3. And they took from Moses every heave-offering that the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it. And they still brought him voluntary offerings morning by morning.

4. And all the wise men that wrought all the work of the sanctuary came, every man from his work which they wrought,

5. and spoke to Moses, saying, The people bring much more than enough for the service of the work that Jehovah commanded to be done.

6. Then Moses gave commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed through the camp, saying, Let neither man nor woman make any more work for the heave-offering of the sanctuary! So the people were restrained from bringing;

7. for the work they had was sufficient for all the work to do it, and it was too much.

8. And every wise-hearted man among those that wrought the work of the tabernacle made ten curtains of twined byssus, and blue, and purple, and scarlet: [with] cherubim of artistic work did he make them.

9. The length of one curtain was twenty-eight cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits -- one measure for all the curtains.

10. And he coupled five of the curtains one to another, and [the other] five curtains coupled he one to another.

11. And he made loops of blue on the edge of one curtain at the edge of the coupling; he did likewise in the edge of the outermost curtain in the other coupling.

12. He made fifty loops in one curtain, and he made fifty loops at the end of the curtain that was in the other coupling: the loops were opposite to one another.

13. And he made fifty clasps of gold, and coupled the curtains together with the clasps, so that the tabernacle became one.

14. And he made curtains of goats' [hair] for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven curtains did he make them.

15. The length of one curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits the breadth of one curtain -- one measure for the eleven curtains.

16. And he coupled five of the curtains by themselves, and six of the curtains by themselves.

17. And he made fifty loops on the edge of the outermost curtain in the coupling, and fifty loops made he on the edge of the curtain in the other coupling.

18. And he made fifty clasps of copper to couple the tent, that it might be one.

19. And he made a covering for the tent [of] rams' skins dyed red, and a covering of badgers' skins above [that].

20. And he made the boards for the tabernacle of acacia-wood, standing up;

21. ten cubits the length of the boards, and one cubit and a half the breadth of one board;

22. two tenons in one board, connected one with the other: thus did he make for all the boards of the tabernacle.

23. And he made the boards for the tabernacle: twenty boards for the south side southward;

24. and he made forty bases of silver under the twenty boards, two bases under one board, for its two tenons, and two bases under another board for its two tenons.

25. And for the other side of the tabernacle, on the side toward the north, he made twenty boards,

26. and their forty bases of silver, two bases under one board, and two bases under another board.

27. And at the rear of the tabernacle, westward, he made six boards;

28. and he made two boards for the corners of the tabernacle at the rear;

29. and they were joined beneath, and were coupled together at the top thereof into one ring: thus he did to both of them in both the corners;

30. and there were eight boards, and their silver bases: sixteen bases, under every board two bases.

31. -- And he made bars of acacia-wood: five for the boards of the one side of the tabernacle,

32. and five bars for the boards of the other side of the tabernacle, and five bars for the boards of the tabernacle at the rear, westward.

33. And he made the middle bar in the midst of the boards reach from one end to the other.

34. And he overlaid the boards with gold; and made their rings of gold [as] receptacles for the bars; and overlaid the bars with gold.

35. And he made the veil of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined byssus: of artistic work he made it [with] cherubim.

36. And he made four pillars of acacia[-wood] for it, and overlaid them with gold; their hooks were of gold; and he cast for them four bases of silver.

37. And he made a curtain for the entrance of the tent of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and twined byssus, of embroidery;

38. and its five pillars with their hooks; and he overlaid their capitals and their connecting-rods with gold; and their five bases were of copper.

Chapitres: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

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