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ASV_Strong : Mark 9


1. And[G2532] he said[G3004] unto them[G846], Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], There are[G1526] some[G5100] here[G5602] of them that[G3754] stand[G2476] by[G3748], who shall[G1089] in no[G3361] wise taste[G1089] of death[G2288], till[G302] they see[G1492] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316] come[G2064] with[G1722] power[G1411].

2. And[G2532] after[G3326] six[G1803] days[G2250] Jesus[G2424] taketh[G3880] with him Peter[G4074], and[G2532] James[G2385], and[G2532] John[G2491], and[G2532] bringeth[G399] them[G846] up[G399] into[G1519] a[G3735] high[G5308] mountain[G3735] apart[G3441] by[G2596] themselves[G2398]: and[G2532] he was transfigured[G3339] before[G1715] them[G846];

3. and[G2532] his[G846] garments[G2440] became[G1096] glistering[G4744], exceeding[G3029] white[G3022], [G5613, 5510] so as[G5613] no[G3756] fuller[G1102] on[G1909] earth[G1093] can[G1410] whiten them[G3021].

4. And[G2532] there appeared[G3700] unto them[G846] Elijah[G2243] with[G4862] Moses[G3475]: and[G2532] they were[G2258] talking[G4814] with Jesus[G2424].

5. And[G2532] Peter[G4074] answereth[G611] and saith[G3004] to Jesus[G2424], Rabbi[G4461], it is[G2076] good[G2570] for us[G2248] to be[G1511] here[G5602]: and[G2532] let us make[G4160] three[G5140] tabernacles[G4633]; one[G1520] for thee[G4671], and[G2532] one[G1520] for Moses[G3475], and[G2532] one[G1520] for Elijah[G2243].

6. For[G1063] he knew[G1492] not[G3756] what[G5101] to answer[G2980]; for[G1063] they became[G2258] sore afraid[G1630].

7. And[G2532] there came[G1096] a cloud[G3507] overshadowing[G1982] them[G846]: and[G2532] there came[G2064] a voice[G5456] out of[G1537] the cloud[G3507], This[G3778] is[G2076] my[G3450] beloved[G27] Son[G5207]: hear[G191] ye him[G846].

8. And[G2532] suddenly[G1819] looking round about[G4017], they saw[G1492] no one[G3762] any more[G3765], save[G235] Jesus[G2424] only[G3441] with[G3326] themselves[G1438].

9. And[G1161] as[G2597] they were coming down[G846] from[G575] the mountain[G3735], he charged[G1291] them[G846] that[G2443] they should tell[G1334] no man[G3367] what things[G3739] they had seen[G1492], save[G3361] when the Son[G5207] of man[G444] should have risen[G450] again from[G1537] the dead[G3498].

10. And[G2532] they kept[G2902] the saying[G3056], [G4314] questioning[G4802] among themselves[G1438] what[G5101] the rising[G450] again from[G1537] the dead[G3498] should mean[G2076].

11. And[G2532] they asked[G1905] him[G846], saying[G3004], How is it that[G3754] the scribes[G1122] say[G3004] that[G3754] Elijah[G2243] must[G1163] first[G4412] come[G2064]?

12. And[G1161] he said[G611] unto them[G846], Elijah[G2243] indeed cometh[G2064] first[G4412], and[G2532] restoreth[G600] all things[G3956]: and[G2532] how[G4459] is it written[G1125] of[G1909] the Son[G5207] of man[G444], that[G2443] he should suffer[G3958] many things[G4183] and[G2532] be set at nought[G1847]?

13. But[G235] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], that[G3754] Elijah[G2243] is[G2064, 2532] come[G2064], and[G2532] they have also done[G4160] unto him[G846] whatsoever[G3745] they would[G2309], even as[G2531] it is written[G1125] of[G1909] him[G846].

14. And[G2532] when they came[G2064] to[G4314] the disciples[G3101], they saw[G1492] a[G3793] great[G4183] multitude[G3793] about[G4012] them[G846], and[G2532] scribes[G1122] questioning[G4802] with them[G846].

15. And[G2532] straightway[G2112] all[G3956] the multitude[G3793], when they saw[G1492] him[G846], were greatly amazed[G1568], and[G2532] running to[G4370] him saluted[G782] him[G846].

16. And[G2532] he asked[G1905] them[G1122], What[G5101] question ye[G4802] with[G4314] them[G846]?

17. And[G2532] one[G1520] of[G1537] the multitude[G3793] answered[G611, Exodus36] him[G1320], Teacher, I brought[G5342] unto[G4314] thee[G4571] my[G3450] son[G5207], who hath[G2192] a[G4151] dumb[G216] spirit[G4151];

18. and[G2532] wheresoever[G302] it taketh[G2638] him[G846], it dasheth[G4486] him[G846] down[G2532]: and he foameth[G875], and[G2532] grindeth[G5149, 3599] his[G846] teeth[G3599], and[G2532] pineth away[G3583]: and[G2532] I spake[G2036] to[G3101] thy[G4675] disciples[G3101] that[G2443] they should cast[G1544] it[G846] out[G1544]; and[G2532] they were not[G3756] able[G2480].

19. And he answereth[G611] them[G846] and[G1161] saith[G3004], O[G5599] faithless[G571] generation[G1074], how long[G4219] shall I be[G2071] with[G4314] you[G5209]? how long[G4219] shall I bear[G430] with you[G5216]? bring[G5342] him[G846] unto[G4314] me[G3165].

20. And[G2532] they brought[G5342] him[G846] unto[G4314] him[G846]: and[G2532] when he saw[G1492] him[G846], straightway[G2112] the spirit[G4151] tare[G4682] him[G846] grievously[G2532]; and he fell[G4098] on[G1909] the ground[G1093], and wallowed[G2947] foaming[G875].

21. And[G2532] he asked[G1905] his[G846] father[G3962], How long[G4214] time[G5550] is it[G2076] since[G5613] this[G5124] hath come[G1096] unto him[G846]? And[G1161] he said[G2036], From a child[G3812].

22. And[G2532] oft-times[G4178] it hath cast[G906] him[G846] both into[G1519] the fire[G4442] and[G2532] into[G1519] the waters[G5204], to[G2443] destroy[G622] him[G846]: but[G235] if[G1487] thou canst do[G1410] anything[G5100], have compassion[G4697] on[G1909] us[G2248], and help[G997] us[G2254].

23. And Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto him[G846], If[G1487] thou canst[G1410]! [G4100] All things[G3956] are possible[G1415] to him that believeth[G4100].

24. [G2532] Straightway[G2112] the father[G3962] of the child[G3813] cried out[G2896], and said[G3004], [G3326, 1144, 2962] I believe[G4100]; help thou[G997] mine[G3450] unbelief[G570].

25. And when[G1161] Jesus[G2424] saw[G1492] that[G3754] a multitude[G3793] came running together[G1998], he rebuked[G2008] the[G4151] unclean[G169] spirit[G4151], saying[G3004] unto him[G846], Thou dumb[G216] and[G2532] deaf[G2974] spirit[G4151], I[G1473] command[G2004] thee[G4671], come out[G1831] of[G1537] him[G846], and[G2532] enter[G1525] no more[G3371] into[G1519] him[G846].

26. And[G2532] having cried[G2896] out[G2532], and torn[G4682] him[G846] much[G4183], he came out[G1831]: and[G2532] the boy became[G1096] as[G5616] one dead[G3498]; insomuch that[G5620] the more[G4183] part said[G3754], He is dead[G599].

27. But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] took[G2902] him[G846] by the hand[G5495], and raised[G1453] him[G846] up[G1453]; and[G2532] he arose[G450].

28. And[G2532] when[G1525] he was come[G846] into[G1519] the house[G3624], his[G846] disciples[G3101] asked[G1905] him[G846] privately[G2596], How[G3754] is it that we[G2249] could[G1410] not[G3756] cast[G1544] it[G846] out[G1544]?

29. And[G2532] he said[G2036] unto them[G846], This[G5124] kind[G1085] can[G1410] come out[G1831] by[G1722] nothing[G3762], save[G3361] by[G1722] prayer[G4335].

30. And[G2532] they went[G1831] forth from thence[G1564], and passed[G1831] through[G1223] Galilee[G1056]; and[G2532] he would[G2309] not[G3756] that[G2443] any man[G5100] should know it[G1097].

31. For[G1063] he taught[G1321] his[G846] disciples[G3101], and[G2532] said[G3004] unto them[G3754], The Son[G5207] of man[G444] is delivered[G3860] up into[G1519] the hands[G5495] of men[G444], and[G2532] they shall kill[G615] him[G846]; and[G2532] when he is killed[G615], after three days[G2250] he shall rise again[G450].

32. But[G1161] they[G3588] understood not[G50] the saying[G4487], and[G2532] were afraid[G5399] to ask[G1905] him[G846].

33. And[G2532] they came[G2064] to[G1519] Capernaum[G2584]: and[G2532] when he was[G1096] in[G1722] the house[G3614] he asked[G1905] them[G846], What were[G5101] ye[G1438] reasoning[G1260, 4314] on[G1722] the way[G3598]?

34. But[G1161] they[G3588] held their peace[G4623]: for[G1063] they had disputed[G1256] one[G4314] with another[G240] on[G1722] the way[G3598], who[G5101] was the greatest[G3187].

35. And[G2532] he sat down[G2523], and called[G5455] the twelve[G1427]; and[G2532] he saith[G3004] unto them[G846], If[G1487] any man[G5100] would[G2309] be[G1511] first[G4413], he shall be[G2071] last[G2078] of all[G3956], and[G2532] servant[G1249] of all[G3956].

36. And[G2532] he took[G2983] a little child[G3813], and[G2532] set[G2476] him[G846] in[G1722] the midst[G3319] of them[G846]: and[G2532] taking him[G846] in his arms[G1723], he said[G2036] unto them[G846],

37. Whosoever[G1437] shall receive[G1209] one[G1520] of such[G5108] little children[G3813] in[G1909] my[G3450] name[G3686], receiveth[G1209] me[G1691]: and[G2532] whosoever[G1437] receiveth[G1209] me[G1691], receiveth[G1209] not[G3756] me[G1691], but[G235] him that sent[G649] me[G3165].

38. John[G2491] said[G611] unto him[G846], Teacher[G1320], we saw[G1492] one[G5100] casting out[G1544] demons[G1140] in[G3686] thy[G4675] name[G3686]; and[G2532] we forbade[G2967] him[G846], because[G3754] he[G3739] followed[G190] not[G3756] us[G2254].

39. But[G1161] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036], Forbid[G2967] him[G846] not[G3361]: for[G1063] there is[G2076] no man[G3762] who[G3739] shall do[G4160] a mighty work[G1411] in[G1909] my[G3450] name[G3686], and be[G2532] able[G1410] quickly[G5035] to speak evil[G2551] of me[G3165].

40. For[G1063] he that[G3739] is[G2076] not[G3756] against[G2596] us[G5216] is[G2076] for[G5228] us[G5216].

41. For[G1063] whosoever[G302] shall give[G4222] you[G5209] a cup[G4221] of water[G5204] to drink[G4222], because[G3754] ye are[G2075] Christ[G5547]'s, verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], he shall[G622] in no[G3361] wise lose[G622] his[G846] reward[G3408].

42. And[G2532] whosoever[G3739] shall cause one[G1520] of[G4100] these little[G3398] ones[G1520] that believe[G4100] on me[G1691] to stumble[G3123], it were better for him[G846] if a great millstone[G3457] were hanged[G4029] about[G4012] his[G846] neck[G5137], and[G2532] he were cast[G906] into[G1519] the sea[G2281].

43. And if[G1437] thy[G4675] hand[G5495] cause thee[G4571] to stumble[G4624], cut[G609] it[G846] off[G609]: it is[G2076] good[G2570] for thee[G4671] to enter[G1525] into[G1519] life[G2222] maimed[G2948], rather than[G2228] having[G2192] thy two[G1417] hands[G5495] to go[G565] into[G1519] hell[G1067], into[G1519] the unquenchable[G762] fire[G4442].

45. And[G2532] if[G1437] thy[G4675] foot[G4228] cause thee[G4571] to stumble[G4624], cut[G609] it[G846] off[G609]: it is[G2076] good[G2570] for thee[G4671] to enter[G1525] into[G1519] life[G2222] halt[G5560], rather than[G2228] having[G2192] thy two[G1417] feet[G4228] to be cast[G906] into[G1519] hell[G1067].

47. And[G2532] if[G1437] thine[G4675] eye[G3788] cause thee[G4571] to stumble[G4624], cast[G1544] it[G846] out[G1544]: it is[G2076] good[G2570] for thee[G4671] to enter[G1525] into[G1519] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316] with one eye[G3442], rather than[G2228] having[G2192] two[G1417] eyes[G3788] to be cast[G906] into[G1519] hell[G1067];

48. where[G3699] their[G846] worm[G4663] dieth[G5053] not[G3756], and[G2532] the fire[G4442] is[G4570] not[G3756] quenched[G4570].

49. For[G1063] every one[G3956] shall be salted[G233] with fire[G4442].

50. Salt[G217] is good[G2570]: but[G1161] if[G1437] the salt[G217] have lost its saltness[G358], wherewith[G5101] will ye season[G741] it[G846]? Have[G2192] salt[G217] in[G1722] yourselves[G1438], and[G2532] be at peace[G1514] one[G240] with[G1722] another[G240].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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