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ASV_Strong : Mark 8


1. In[G1722] those[G1565] days[G2250], when there was[G5607] again a great[G3827] multitude[G3793], and[G2532] they had[G2192] nothing[G3361] to eat[G5315], he[G2424] called[G4341] unto him his[G846] disciples[G3101], and saith[G3004] unto them[G846],

2. I have[G4357] compassion[G4697] on[G1909] the multitude[G3793], because[G3754] they continue with[G4357] me[G3427] now[G2235] three[G5140] days[G2250], and[G2532] have[G2192] nothing[G5101] to eat[G5315]:

3. and[G2532] if[G1437] I send[G630] them[G846] away[G630] fasting[G3523] to[G1519] their[G846] home[G3624], they will faint[G1590] on[G1722] the way[G3598]; and[G1063] some[G5100] of them[G846] are come[G2240] from far[G3113].

4. And[G2532] his[G846] disciples[G3101] answered[G611] him[G846], Whence[G4159] shall one[G5100] be able[G1410] to fill[G5526] these[G5128] men with bread[G740] here[G5602] in[G1909] a desert place[G2047]?

5. And[G2532] he asked[G1905] them[G846], How many[G4214] loaves[G740] have ye[G2192]? And[G1161] they said[G2036], Seven[G2033].

6. And[G2532] he commandeth[G3853] the multitude[G3793] to sit down[G377] on[G1909] the ground[G1093]: and[G2532] he took[G2983] the seven[G2033] loaves[G740], and having given thanks[G2168], he brake[G2806], and[G2532] gave[G1325] to[G3101] his[G846] disciples[G3101], to[G2443] set before[G3908] them[G2532]; and they set[G3908] them before[G3908] the multitude[G3793].

7. And[G2532] they had[G2192] a few[G3641] small fishes[G2485]: and[G2532] having blessed[G2127] them[G2036], he commanded to set[G3908] these also[G2532] before[G3908] them[G846].

8. And[G2532] they ate[G5315], and[G2532] were filled[G5526]: and[G2532] they took up[G142], of broken[G2801] pieces that remained[G4051] over[G2033], seven baskets[G4711].

9. And[G1161] they[G5315] were[G2258] about[G5613] four thousand[G5070]: and[G2532] he sent[G630] them[G846] away[G630].

10. And[G2532] straightway[G2112] he entered[G1684] into[G1519] the boat[G4143] with[G3326] his[G846] disciples[G3101], and came[G2064] into[G1519] the parts[G3313] of Dalmanutha[G1148].

11. And[G2532] the Pharisees[G5330] came forth[G1831], and[G2532] began[G756] to question[G4802] with him[G846], seeking[G2212] of[G3844] him[G846] a sign[G4592] from[G575] heaven[G3772], trying[G3985] him[G846].

12. And[G2532] he sighed deeply[G389] in[G4151] his[G846] spirit[G4151], and saith[G3004], Why[G5101] doth[G1934] this[G3778] generation[G1074] seek[G1934] a sign[G4592]? verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], There shall[G1325] no[G1487] sign[G4592] be given[G1325] unto[G1074] this[G3778] generation[G1074].

13. And[G2532] he left[G863] them[G846], and again[G3825] entering[G1684] into[G1519] the boat[G4143] departed[G565] to[G1519] the other side[G4008].

14. And[G2532] they forgot[G1950] to take[G2983] bread[G740]; and they[G2192] had not[G3361] in[G1722] the boat[G4143] with[G3326] them[G1438] more than one[G1520] loaf[G740].

15. And[G2532] he charged[G1291] them[G846], saying[G3004], Take heed[G3708], beware[G991] of[G575] the leaven[G2219] of the Pharisees[G5330] and[G2532] the leaven[G2219] of Herod[G2264].

16. And[G2532] they reasoned[G1260] one[G4314] with another[G240], saying[G3004], We[G3754] have[G2192] no[G3756] bread[G740].

17. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] perceiving[G1097] it saith[G3004] unto them[G846], Why[G5101] reason ye[G1260], because[G3754] ye[G1260] have[G2192] no[G3756] bread[G740]? do ye[G3539] not yet[G3768] perceive[G4920], neither[G3761] understand[G4920]? have ye[G2192] your[G5216] heart[G2588] hardened[G4456]?

18. Having[G2192] eyes[G3788], see ye[G991] not[G3756]? and[G2532] having[G2192] ears[G3775], hear ye[G191] not[G3756]? and[G2532] do ye[G3421] not[G3756] remember[G3421]?

19. When[G3753] I brake[G2806] the five[G4002] loaves[G740] among[G1519] the five[G4002] thousand[G4000], how many[G4214] baskets[G2894] full[G4134] of broken pieces took ye up[G142]? They say[G3004] unto him[G846], Twelve[G1427].

20. And[G1161] when[G3753] the seven[G2033] among[G1519] the four thousand[G5070], how many[G4214] basketfuls[G4711] of[G4138] broken pieces[G2801] took ye up[G142]? And[G1161] they say[G2036] unto him[G2033], Seven.

21. And[G2532] he said[G3004] unto them[G846], Do[G4920] ye not[G3756] yet[G4459] understand[G4920]?

22. And[G2532] they come[G2064] unto Bethsaida[G966]. And[G2532] they bring[G5342] to[G1519] him[G846] a blind man[G5185], and[G2532] beseech[G3870] him[G846] to[G2443] touch[G680] him[G846].

23. And[G2532] he took[G1949] hold of the blind man[G5185] by the hand[G5495], and brought[G1806] him[G846] out of[G1854] the village[G2968]; and[G2532] when he had spit[G4429] on[G1519] his[G846] eyes[G3659], and laid[G2007] his hands[G5495] upon him[G846], he asked[G1905] him[G846], [G1487] Seest[G991] thou aught[G5100]?

24. And[G2532] he looked up[G308], and said[G3004], I see[G991] men[G444]; for I behold them as[G5613] trees[G1186], walking[G4043].

25. Then[G1534] again[G3825] he laid[G2007] his hands[G5495] upon[G1909] his[G846] eyes[G3788]; and[G2532] he[G846] looked[G308] stedfastly[G4160], and[G2532] was restored[G600], and[G2532] saw[G1689] all things[G537] clearly[G5081].

26. And[G2532] he sent[G649] him[G846] away[G649] to[G1519] his[G846] home[G3624], saying[G3004], Do not[G3366] even enter[G1525] into[G1519] the village[G2968].

27. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] went forth[G1831], and[G2532] his[G846] disciples[G3101], into[G1519] the villages[G2968] of Caesarea[G2542] Philippi[G5376]: and[G2532] on[G1722] the way[G3598] he asked[G1905] his[G846] disciples[G3101], saying[G3004] unto them[G846], Who[G5101] do[G3004] men[G444] say[G3004] that I[G3165] am[G1511]?

28. And[G1161] they told[G611] him[G2491], saying, John the Baptist[G910]; and[G2532] others[G243], Elijah[G2243]; but[G1161] others[G243], One[G1520] of the prophets[G4396].

29. And[G2532] he[G846] asked[G3004] them[G846], But[G1161] who[G5101] say[G3004] ye[G5210] that I[G3165] am[G1511]? [G1161] Peter[G4074] answereth[G611] and[G1161] saith[G3004] unto him[G846], Thou[G4771] art[G1488] the Christ[G5547].

30. And[G2532] he charged[G2008] them[G846] that[G2443] they should tell[G3004] no man[G3367] of[G4012] him[G846].

31. And[G2532] he began[G756] to teach[G1321] them[G846], that[G3754] the Son[G5207] of man[G444] must[G1163] suffer[G3958] many things[G4183], and[G2532] be rejected[G593] by[G575] the elders[G4245], and[G2532] the chief priests[G749], and[G2532] the scribes[G1122], and[G2532] be killed[G615], and[G2532] after[G3326] three[G5140] days[G2250] rise again[G450].

32. And[G2532] he spake[G2980] the saying[G3056] openly[G3954]. And[G2532] Peter[G4074] took[G4355] him[G846], and began[G756] to rebuke[G2008] him[G846].

33. But[G1161] he turning about[G1994], and[G2532] seeing[G1492] his[G846] disciples[G3101], rebuked[G2008] Peter[G4074], and saith[G3004], Get thee[G5217] behind[G3694] me[G3450], Satan[G4567]; for[G3754] thou mindest[G5426] not[G3756] the things[G3588] of God[G2316], but[G235] the things[G3588] of men[G444].

34. And[G2532] he called[G4341] unto him the multitude[G3793] with[G4862] his[G846] disciples[G3101], and said[G2036] unto them[G846], If any man would[G2309] come[G2064] after[G3694] me[G3450], let him deny[G533] himself[G1438], and[G2532] take up[G142] his[G846] cross[G4716], and[G2532] follow[G190] me[G3427].

35. For[G1063] whosoever[G302] would[G2309] save[G4982] his[G846] life[G5590] shall lose[G622] it[G846]; and[G1161] whosoever[G3739] shall lose[G622] his[G846] life[G5590] for[G1752] my sake[G1700] and[G2532] the gospel[G2098]'s shall[G3778] save[G4982] it[G846].

36. For[G1063] what[G5101] doth it profit[G5623] a man[G444], to[G1437] gain[G2770] the[G2889] whole[G3650] world[G2889], and[G2532] forfeit[G2210] his[G846] life[G5590]?

37. For[G2228] what[G5101] should[G1325] a man[G444] give[G1325] in exchange for[G465] his[G846] life[G5590]?

38. For[G1063] whosoever[G302] shall be ashamed[G1870] of me[G3165] and of[G2532] my[G1699] words[G3056] in[G1722] this[G3778] adulterous[G3428] and[G2532] sinful[G268] generation[G1074], the Son[G5207] of man[G444] also[G2532] shall[G1870] be ashamed[G1870] of him[G846], when[G3752] he cometh[G2064] in[G1722] the glory[G1391] of[G3962] his[G846] Father[G3962] with[G3326] the[G32] holy[G40] angels[G32].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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