Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G1514 : eireneuo/i-rane-yoo'-o


G1514 eireneuo/i-rane-yoo'-o from 1515; to be (act) peaceful:--be at (have, live in) peace, live peaceably. see G1515

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G1514

M / Mark 9.50 : Salt is good: but if the salt have lost its saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace[G1514] one with another.
M / Romans 12.18 : If it be possible, as much as in you lieth[G1514], be at peace with all men.
M / 2 Corinthians 13.11 : Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfected; be comforted; be of the same mind; live in peace[G1514]: and the God of love and peace shall be with you.
M / 1 Thessalonians 5.13 : and to esteem them exceeding highly in love for their work's sake. Be at peace[G1514] among yourselves.

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