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ASV_Strong : Matthew 11


1. And[G2532] it came to pass[G1096] when[G3753] Jesus[G2424] had finished[G5055] commanding[G1299] his[G846] twelve[G1427] disciples[G3101], he departed[G3327] thence[G1564] to teach[G1321] and[G2532] preach[G2784] in[G1722] their[G846] cities[G4172].

2. Now when[G1161] John[G2491] heard[G191] in[G1722] the prison[G1201] the works[G2041] of the Christ[G5547], he sent[G3992] by[G1417] his[G846] disciples[G3101]

3. and said[G2036] unto him[G846], art[G1488] thou[G4771] he that comes[G2064], or[G2228] look we for[G4328] another[G2087]?

4. And Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G2036] unto them[G846], Go[G4198] and tell[G518] John[G2491] the[G518] things which[G3739] you hear[G191] and[G2532] see[G991]:

5. the blind[G5185] receive their sight[G308], and[G2532] the lame[G5560] walk[G4043], the lepers[G3015] are cleansed[G2511], and[G2532] the deaf[G2974] hear[G191], and the dead[G3498] are raised up[G1453], and[G2532] the poor[G4434] have good tidings preached to them[G2097].

6. And[G2532] blessed[G3107] is[G2076] he[G3739], whosoever[G1437] shall[G4624] find no[G3361] occasion of stumbling[G4624] in[G1722] me[G1698].

7. And as[G1161] these[G5130] went their way[G4198], Jesus[G2424] began[G756] to say[G3004] unto the multitudes[G3793] concerning[G4012] John[G2491], What[G5101] went ye out[G1831] into[G1519] the wilderness[G2048] to behold[G2300]? a reed[G2563] shaken[G4531] with[G5259] the wind[G417]?

8. But[G235] what[G5101] went ye out[G1831] to see[G1492]? a man[G444] clothed[G294] in[G1722] soft[G3120] clothes[G2440]? Behold[G2400], they that[G3588] wear[G5409] soft[G3120] clothes are[G1526] in[G1722] kings[G935]' houses[G3624].

9. But[G235] why[G5101] went ye out[G1831]? to see[G1492] a prophet[G4396]? Yea[G3483], I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], and[G2532] much more than[G4053] a prophet[G4396].

10. This[G3778] is[G2076] he[G4012], of whom[G3739] it is written[G1125], Behold[G2400], I[G1473] send[G649] my[G3450] messenger[G32] before[G4253] thy[G4675] face[G4383], Who[G3739] shall prepare[G2680] thy[G4675] way[G3598] before[G1715] thee[G4675].

11. Verily[G281] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], Among[G1722] them that are born[G1084] of women[G1135] there has[G1453] not[G3756] arisen[G1453] a greater than[G3187] John[G2491] the Baptist[G910]: yet[G1161] he that is but little[G3398] in[G1722] the kingdom[G932] of heaven[G3772] is[G2076] greater than[G3187] he[G846].

12. And[G1161] from[G575] the days[G2250] of John[G2491] the Baptist[G910] until[G2193] now[G737] the kingdom[G932] of heaven[G3772] suffereth violence[G971], and[G2532] men of violence[G973] take[G726] it[G846] by force[G726].

13. For[G1063] all[G3956] the prophets[G4396] and[G2532] the law[G3551] prophesied[G4395] until[G2193] John[G2491].

14. And[G2532] if[G1487] you are willing[G2309] to receive[G1209] it[G846], this is[G2076] Elijah[G2243], that[G3588] is[G3195] to come[G2064].

15. He that has[G2192] ears[G3775] to hear[G191], let him hear[G191].

16. But[G1161] whereunto[G5101] shall I compare[G3666] this[G3778] generation[G1074]? It is[G2076] like unto[G3664] sons[G3808] sitting[G2521] in[G1722] the marketplaces[G58], who[G2532] call unto[G4377] their[G846] fellows[G3664]

17. and[G2532] say[G3004], We piped[G832] unto you[G5213], and[G2532] ye did not[G3756] dance[G3738]; we wailed[G2354], and[G2532] ye did[G2875] not[G3756] mourn[G2875].

18. For[G1063] John[G2491] came[G2064] neither[G3383] eating[G2068] nor[G3383] drinking[G4095], and[G2532] they say[G3004], He hath[G2192] a demon[G1140].

19. The Son[G5207] of man[G444] came[G2064] eating[G2068] and[G2532] drinking[G4095], and[G2532] they say[G3004], Behold[G2400], a gluttonous[G5314] man[G444] and[G2532] a winebibber[G3630], a friend[G5384] of tax collectors[G5057] and[G2532] sinners[G268]! And[G2532] wisdom[G4678] is justified[G1344] by[G575] her[G846] works[G5043].

20. Then[G5119] began he[G756] to upbraid[G3679] the cities[G4172] where[G3739] most[G4118] of[G1411] his[G846] mighty works[G1411] were done[G1096], because[G3754] they repented[G3340] not[G3756].

21. Woe[G3759] unto thee[G4671], Chorazin[G5523]! woe[G3759] unto thee[G4671], Bethsaida[G966]! for[G3754] if[G1487] the mighty works[G1411] had been done[G1096] in[G1722] Tyre[G5184] and[G2532] Sidon[G4605] which were done[G1096] in[G1722] you[G5213], they[G3340] would have[G302] repented[G3340] long ago[G3819] in[G1722] sackcloth[G4526] and[G2532] ashes[G4700].

22. But[G4133] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213], it shall be[G2071] more tolerable[G414] for Tyre[G5184] and[G2532] Sidon[G4605] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of judgment[G2920] than[G2228] for you[G5213].

23. And[G2532] you[G4771], Capernaum[G2584], shall you be exalted[G5312] unto[G2193] heaven[G3772]? you shall go down[G2601] unto[G2193] Hades[G86]: for[G3754] if[G1487] the mighty works[G1411] had been done[G1096] in[G1722] Sodom[G4670] which were done[G1096] in[G1722] thee[G4671], it[G3306] would have[G302] remained[G3306] until[G3360] this day[G4594].

24. But[G4133] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213] that[G3754] it shall be[G2071] more tolerable[G414] for the land[G1093] of Sodom[G4670] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of judgment[G2920], than[G2228] for thee[G4671].

25. At[G1722] that[G1565] season[G2540] Jesus[G2424] answered[G611] and said[G2036], I thank[G1843] thee[G4671], O Father[G3962], Lord[G2962] of heaven[G3772] and[G2532] earth[G1093], that[G3754] you did hide[G613] these things[G5023] from[G575] the wise[G4680] and[G2532] understanding[G4908], and[G2532] did reveal[G601] them[G846] unto babes[G3516]:

26. Yes[G3483], Father[G3962], for[G3754] so[G3779] it was[G1096] well-pleasing[G2107] in[G1715] thy sight[G4675].

27. All things[G3956] have been delivered[G3860] unto me[G3427] of[G5259] my[G3450] Father[G3962]: and[G2532] no one[G3762] knows[G1921] the Son[G5207], save[G1487] the[G3361] Father[G3962]; neither[G3761] does any[G5100] know[G1921] the Father[G3962], save[G1487] the[G3361] Son[G5207], and[G2532] he to whomever[G3739] the[G1437] Son[G5207] willeth[G1014] to reveal him[G601].

28. Come[G1205] unto[G4314] me[G3165], all[G3956] ye that labor[G2872] and[G2532] are heavy laden[G5412], and I[G2504] will give[G373] you[G5209] rest[G373].

29. Take[G142] my[G3450] yoke[G2218] upon[G1909] you[G5209], and[G2532] learn[G3129] of[G575] me[G1700]; for[G3754] I am[G1510] meek[G4235] and[G2532] lowly[G5011] in heart[G2588]: and[G2532] ye shall find[G2147] rest[G372] unto[G5590] your[G5216] souls[G5590].

30. For[G1063] my[G3450] yoke[G2218] is easy[G5543], and[G2532] my[G3450] burden[G5413] is[G2076] light[G1645].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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