Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

ASV Strong Code G58 : agora/ag-or-ah'


G58 agora/ag-or-ah' from ageiro (to gather; probably akin to 1453); properly, the town-square (as a place of public resort); by implication, a market or thoroughfare:--market(-place), street. see G1453

ASV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code G58

M / Matthew 11.16 : But whereunto shall I compare this generation? It is like unto sons sitting in the marketplaces[G58], who call unto their fellows
M / Matthew 20.3 : And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing in the marketplace[G58] idle;
M / Matthew 23.7 : and the salutations in the marketplaces[G58], and to be called of men, Rabbi.
M / Mark 6.56 : And wheresoever[G3699, Leviticus2] he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces[G58], and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as[G3745, Leviticus2] touched him were made whole.
M / Mark 7.4 : and when they come from the marketplace[G58], except[G3362, 3361] they bathe themselves, they eat not; and many other things there are, which they have received to hold, washings of cups, and pots, and brasen vessels.)
M / Mark 12.38 : And in his teaching he said, Beware of the scribes, who desire to walk in long robes, and to have salutations in the marketplaces[G58],
M / Luke 7.32 : They are like unto children that sit in the marketplace[G58], and call one to another; who say, We piped unto you, and ye did not dance; we wailed, and ye did not weep.
M / Luke 11.43 : Woe unto you Pharisees! for ye love the chief seats in the synagogues, and the salutations in the marketplaces[G58].
M / Luke 20.46 : Beware of the scribes, who desire to walk in long robes, and love salutations in the marketplaces[G58], and chief seats in the synagogues, and chief places at feasts;
M / Acts 16.19 : But when her masters saw that the hope of their gain was gone, they laid hold on Paul and Silas, and dragged them into the marketplace[G58] before the rulers,
M / Acts 17.17 : So[G3303, 3767] he reasoned in the synagogue with Jews and the devout persons, and in the marketplace[G58] every day with them that met him.

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